
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Djoru on January 10, 2007, 06:09:51 AM

Title: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Djoru on January 10, 2007, 06:09:51 AM
I love tabletop gaming, but since the group I gamed with for years all moved in different directions I've gone to the well of not so fresh water that is the MMORPG gaming scene.

I think that the Dresdenverse would make an absolutely awesome backdrop for an online game.

Currently, there's not a single MMO with an urban and modern, vampire, werewolf, and magic theme.

I could be wrong, but it seems to me that most of the crowd who posts on MMORPG boards is looking for something different, and a modern/urban/gothic <--(for lack of a better word) themed MMO would shine like the sun in the sea of medieval time and space sci fi themed games.

Granted, MMOs are expensive to get off the ground and maintain, but they also bring in monthly subscription money, and if the game is done right, with polish, feeling, and pride... people will pay and play, and play, and... yeah, you get it.

So is there any chance that we will see a MMORPG set in the Dresdenverse?
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: bentleyml on January 10, 2007, 06:12:43 AM
I would honestly have to say it's unlikely.  I just don't think the Dresden Files are popular enough for it.  It would be interesting, but I think it would be very difficult for a MMORPG to capture the feel of the books. 
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Djoru on January 10, 2007, 06:19:51 AM
I know an MMORPG couldn't come close to capturing the feel of the books. I'm not sure that a table top game could either, unless it was run by Jim himself. I could be wrong.

On the other hand, the races and the inherent turmoil and politcal unrest between everyone would make for some awesome faction vs. faction wars and RPing. Not to mention the fact that the genra desperately needs something fresh, and as far as I know there's never been an MMORPG based in modern times with vampires, pixies, wizards, werewolves, swordsman, ect.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: jtaylor on January 10, 2007, 04:45:15 PM
If anything in that genra were to be produced, by bet is on a WoD setting mixing Vamps, Wolves, Hunters, Mages, Spirits, and Changelings.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Mickey Finn on January 10, 2007, 08:50:40 PM
Dear god, that'd be horrible if it was like WoW. Need more Roleplay, less Rollplay for WoD.

There is a Dresden MUSH in the works ;) Theoretically.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Djoru on January 11, 2007, 04:37:48 AM
I hate WoW and what it has done to the genra. I played SWG (Star Wars Galaxies for the uninitiated) before it got dumbed down and ruined. I loved the freedom and RPing in that game. Back then the game truely was a sandbox rife with a plethora of RPing experiences to be had. It was fun and engrossing and the players made the the stories happen with what the developers laid out.

What's a MUSH?
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Mickey Finn on January 11, 2007, 08:09:54 PM
Honest to gawd internet roleplaying. Purely text-based. People, objects, and rooms have descriptions.

You walk into a room, and it gives you a description of the room and its contents. You can look at the contents of the room (including players). Then you pose what you say or do, and they pose back.

Jim & Iago both MUSHed on AmberMUSH (based off the popular Roger Zelazny series). So did I, both before and after them, apparently. I have also been quite heavy on several of the older White Wolf-themed games.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: HornedToad on January 12, 2007, 10:07:44 PM
Honestly I think the Dresden files style world would actually work quite well for a MMORPG.  Seems full of complexity, conflict and possible storylines.

Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Kaos Wizard on February 11, 2007, 06:59:17 AM
But how many MMORPG players play for the storylines? I've played Ultima Online, City of Heroes/Villians, and D&D Online, and all three were lite on story. COH and DDO at least made attempts at story, but most people play through barely reading the stuff just to acrew XP. Too many munchkins out there just wanting to crunch out levels and be l33t.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Soulless Mystic5523 on February 11, 2007, 10:59:21 PM
I tried to play some of the old white-wolf MUSH's but never really found time for it. A Dresden Mush would be interesting, thats for sure.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: CBeilby on February 13, 2007, 03:24:15 AM
Actually, since Mick's post on the 10th of January, there are now theoretically two MUSHes in development.  Semiautomagic, which is run by Minion, and set in Baltimore, is currently on hold, as Minion has said in her development blog, that she's going to wait until the DF RPG comes out.

On the other hand, my game, City of the Mists, is in active development, albeit the early stages, with us working from Spirit of the Century for FATE 3.0.  Our magic system won't be the same as in the RPG, as we are in development prior to it's release.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Jaroslav on February 15, 2007, 04:21:33 PM
But how many MMORPG players play for the storylines?

It is true there are not many that play for the story. However WOW has several servers devoted to Role palying and PvP role playing. But they are still in the minority.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: CBeilby on February 17, 2007, 11:49:03 PM
As someone who used to get paid to play WoW (I used to be a Game Master for Blizzard,) I can assure you that the amount of actual RP that takes place on the RP servers is next to nil.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Kaos Wizard on February 18, 2007, 12:01:49 AM
Story is wasted on MMORPGs. In order to appeal to a broad enough audience to be "massive" most of the game play gets dumbed down to the point that you don't have to figure too much out. They just tell you who to go kill or rescue or what to steal from the dungeon or whatever and you go do it. Rarely is there any form of riddle involved. And even if there is, a quick google search or a check on the game's forum will give you all the answers you need. Do we really want a dumbed down version of the Dresden Files?
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: jtaylor on February 19, 2007, 05:13:11 PM
No ,but I would love to see a story-heavy single-player RPG like SW:KoTOR or an adventure game like Still Life based in Harry's Chicagoland.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Janathian on February 22, 2007, 07:20:18 AM
A World Of Darkness MMORPG is either currrently, or soon to be, in development by Crowd Crontol Productions, who acquired White Wolf. CCP has one MMO on the market, EVE Online. By all accounts it is the least MMO-like MMO on the market. It's almost entirely based on skills rather than combat.

It sounds promising. Keep in mind though, it will most likely be based on the new World of Darkness and not the old.

And they never specifically say Vampire or Werewolf MMO - it's always been referred to as a World Of Darkness MMO, which leads me to believe all WOD games will be included in the MMO.

On the other hand, White Wolf will be making a table top version of EVE Online.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Beamer on February 23, 2007, 05:35:27 AM
I’m guessing that within the next 10 years MMO’s will catch up with where MUD’s & MUSH’s were 10 years ago.
Then online gaming will be fun again.

Balance is the ultimate good
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on April 09, 2007, 07:23:41 AM
I'm currently playing the Matrix Online MMORPG, and considering the sheer number of people who've gone crazy playing lesbian vampires -- even though vampires are briefly mentioned in the second Matrix movie and appear in the two console games as hostiles -- on there, I shudder at the thought of a Dresden-verse MMORPG and the nuts who'd try warping the Red Court vampires out of shape. Or the thought of god-moding White Court vampires, since I had this one girl, who pretty much started the lesbian vampire craze, keep trying to turn my character into a vampire.
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: cybrgrl on April 09, 2007, 03:01:43 PM
No ,but I would love to see a story-heavy single-player RPG like SW:KoTOR or an adventure game like Still Life based in Harry's Chicagoland.

I second that.  SW:KoTOR, VtM: Bloodlines, and Bladerunner would all be excellent role models for a Dresdenverse single-player (or small network) game.

As far as MUDs (ah, found memories of IgorMUD!), MUSHes, and MMORPGs, take a look at this little gem:
A web/text-based MMORPG!
Title: Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
Post by: Reaper on April 13, 2007, 12:58:59 PM
I second that.  SW:KoTOR, VtM: Bloodlines, and Bladerunner would all be excellent role models for a Dresdenverse single-player (or small network) game.

As far as MUDs (ah, found memories of IgorMUD!), MUSHes, and MMORPGs, take a look at this little gem:
A web/text-based MMORPG!
