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Messages - Richard_Chilton

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 96
DFRPG / Re: Rote target clarification
« on: January 18, 2013, 02:52:50 AM »
A rote spell is the same spell cast the same way every time.

If it's a spray, it's always a spray (even if it's only spraying one target).  If it's not a spray, then it's never a spray.

That said, there's nothing wrong with you casting something very similar as a normal spell, only as a spray that you need a control roll to cast.


DFRPG / Re: Twilight vamps
« on: January 18, 2013, 02:48:33 AM »

There goes the one piece of "it's not all the author's fault" that I thought existed.


« on: January 17, 2013, 09:16:51 PM »
And if you go down the list of milestone books, about half of them have links that backers can click on to see previews of those books.  Of course only backers can see them and they are password protected, but they make for fun reading.

Especially the magic one where there's a stripped down version of DFRPG magic, one that uses less than half the page count of the DFRPG. 


DFRPG / Re: Twilight vamps
« on: January 17, 2013, 09:13:51 PM »
Just a note:
My understanding is that the sparkles were added for the movie.  The author said they had diamond skin, referring to it being as hard as diamond and the director of the first movie misunderstood.  Since he couldn't show the vampires with diamond skin (at least not without blowing the CGI budget) he showed it sparkling like a diamonds.


« on: January 16, 2013, 08:31:00 PM »
I made my donation a couple of weeks ago but have not seen the preview. I guess because it's so close to goal date, they might be waiting.

When you make the donation you can see the update that gives you the web address (and password) to download the file.

Go back through the old updates and you'll find it there.


DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1938
« on: January 13, 2013, 12:16:10 AM »
Crowley, Dracula, and Rasputin are good, solid, villains. That said, having the other two minions of Crowley?

If Crowley is indeed "The Great Beast" then they could be his minions.  I mean, Crowley used to brag that his own mother once called him the Anti-Christ.

There's some good pulp crossover in Farmer's writings. points you to some of his pulp mash ups - including a Tarzan and Sherlock Holmes team up.  And then there's the Wold Newton family - a series that links Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan, Doc Savage, Lord Peter Wimsey, Solomon Kane; Captain Blood; The Scarlet Pimpernel; Sherlock Holmes's nemesis Professor Moriarty; Phileas Fogg; The Time Traveller (main character of The Time Machine by H. G. Wells); Allan Quatermain; A.J. Raffles; Professor Challenger; Richard Hannay; Bulldog Drummond; the evil Fu Manchu and his adversary, Sir Denis Nayland Smith; G-8; The Shadow; Sam Spade; Doc Savage's cousin Patricia Savage, and one of his five assistants, Monk Mayfair; The Spider; Nero Wolfe; Mr. Moto; The Avenger; Philip Marlowe; James Bond; Lew Archer; Travis McGee; Monsieur Lecoq; and Arsène Lupin.
(Yes, I did paste that in from wiki).

Not all of his works are pulp, but they can easily serve as a starting point.


DFRPG / Re: Two Ideas (Shapeshifting Evocations, Evothaum)
« on: January 06, 2013, 05:59:47 AM »
Fred Hicks - writer of the game - made a different suggestion on how to cover that battle.  Note that it was a suggestion because he never makes rulings.

He suggested giving Listens To Wind the Shapeshifter power, explaining it as a series of spells done in downtime or a special "outside the normal rules for magic" power.  He later suggested giving Gate Keeper the World Walker power for the same reason.

Taking an existing power and giving it a slightly different flavour generally works better than than making a new power.


DFRPG / Re: Interesting Focus Items
« on: December 28, 2012, 12:53:46 AM »
I don't think it's a perversion of the rules. It's basically a ring in a different form, maybe even smaller than a ring, so 1 or 2 focus item slots tops, that's far from game breaking.

The reason I feel it is a perversion of the rules is that it's practically impossible to lose.

Harry can (and often does) drop his blasting rod.  The bellybutton stud is just this side of using a tattoo as a focus item.


DFRPG / Re: Interesting Focus Items
« on: December 27, 2012, 02:42:51 PM »
Here's the worst focus item I've ever heard suggested: a bellybutton stud.

Reasoning for and against: there's virtually no way anyone can take it from you - especially if you keep your clothes on.  Which not only seems to be a legal perversion of the rules but also gives new meaning to the term "navel gazing".


DFRPG / Re: The Nevernever as a break-in tool
« on: December 23, 2012, 01:28:38 AM »
Harry used an OPEN gateway from the Nevernever.  He didn't open one himself, which, I feel, is a very big difference.

Harry used an OPEN gateway in the Nevernever, but in the real world he stood in front of an OPEN door and asked if someone could invite him in.  Murphy walked in, grabbed a survivor, and got him to invite Harry in before Harry could enter.

There are several spots where Harry talks about mirrors.

In AAAA Wizardry, Harry notices a hole in the threshold in the closet where the fetch had entered repeatably.  To quote:
Within the defensive wall of the threshold, other energy pulsed and moved—emotions from the house’s inhabitants, random energies sifting in from outdoors, the usual.

But not in the closet. There wasn’t anything at all in that closet.

and he mentions mirrors a page later:
“The threshold,” Meg said. “It should keep such things out.”
“Sometimes they ride in with someone in the family.  Sometimes if a child has a vivid enough dream, it can open up a window in the Nevernever that the boggart uses to skip in. They can use mirrors, sometimes, too.


DFRPG / Re: Lawbreaking and Sponsored Magic
« on: December 23, 2012, 12:34:20 AM »
I can see Need as an Item of Power.  Say two builds with wizards tapping one build (being gifted weapon skills) and the warriors tapping the other (gaining protection from magic).

But that series has very fantasy style magic - and that wizard (while White) would be breaking several laws of the DV.  Beyond the typical S&S 'killing with magic' there's that time she transformed a serial rapist into an attractive young woman, knowing that sending him/her off alone would probably result a gang rape that ended in murder.

In short, that's a very different style of play from the default DFRPG, but there are threads here about converting the game to other styles, so if that's what you want to do then that's what your group should do.

I'd suggest big time sponsor debt every time that she breaks the laws and using that debt to derail the plot - sending her away from the main plot to protect battered women, helpless children, and laying out Justice on mundanes who abuse the helpless.


DFRPG / Re: The Nevernever as a break-in tool
« on: December 23, 2012, 12:23:18 AM »
Thresholds don't protect dreams.  That's straight out of AAAA Wizardry (and one of the novels, but I thought I'd cite the mention in Our World).

Thresholds don't stop things from using mirrors to enter a place.

In Changes, we learn Lea moved her garden to the Nevernever on the other side of Harry's apartment to protect him from enemies who tried to attack from the Nevernever.  She mentioned that lots of enemies had tried - and I think there was the bones to prove it.

Spoiler for Ghost Story:
(click to show/hide)

Based on that, I'd have to say that Thresholds don't stop something entering your place from the Nevernever - but that wards probably would.  Or at least slow it down (i.e. effect it as normal).


I skimmed over much of this thread - but there's an unquoted source that talks about the Red Court Infected.

The Dresden Files RPG is working on an expansion.  Jim has signed off on all the subjects and major topics.  One of the major topics (an entire chapter) concerns the "Red Lands" - places where the Red Court once ruled.

You can find an introduction to the chapter at the link below.


DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 16, 2012, 03:51:12 AM »
Okay, I found a newer version. The one I had was indeed outdated, the new book says this.

That was one of the major changes between the pre-release and the final draft.  It can be fun going through the two versions and seeing what else changed.

Then guessing at why it changed.


DF Reference Collection / Re: The YLC (Why Little Chicago) thread
« on: December 15, 2012, 04:01:47 AM »
Those are copyrighted. Mouse Traps was short story whose author escapes me. The Maze Rats were a faction in AEG's Doomtown game.

More than one novel can have the same title.  It gets confusing at times, but I have seen different stories (as in different authors, plots, themes, publishers) with the same title.

One that comes to mind is "The Bodyguard"

The Bodyguard is a book by Christy Tillery French, Lawrence Kasdan, Robert Tine, Robin Covington, Suzanne Brockmann, and Cherry Adair - or rather each of the above listed authors wrote a different book that is titled "The Bodyguard".

For that matter, do you know who Harry Potter is? Of course you do - he's a minor character in Spell of Catastrophe by Mayer Alan Brenner, a book published in 1987.

And no, Brenner doesn't get royalties from Rowling because he used the name first.  His Harry Potter is a small time crook (forger if I remember it right) and potter in a high fantasy / sci-fi book, not a boy wizard who goes to wizarding school.


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