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Topics - martellian

Pages: [1]
In my on going campaign based in Vancouver, BC,  the trickster spirit Raven features rather prominently (despite being dead/missing) since the start of the game. It's established, like his mundane animal kin he has/had an attraction to interesting objects, and wasn't above stealing them and hiding them in his nest (his personal demense in the Nevernever). Of course as he's a pretty major spirit (especially since he got on the Canadaian $20 dollar bill) so his interesting items can range from people, items of power, and mundane but curious items.

Anyhow I thought I'd ask the community here to help me come up with some possible treasures he has tucked way. So far I've come up with the following: A Mark IV atomic bomb lost off the coast of British Columbia in 1950 (; a book of demon names said to be written by Gilles de Rais in the 1400s (relates to a faction in the city) and a bone from a giant serpent that is said to have the power over life and death (from a local native ledgend).

DFRPG / Has anyone done stats for the 'Ick'
« on: September 15, 2011, 10:51:29 PM »
If this has already been asked, apologies and point me to the thread if you could. But I was wondering if anyone's generated stats for the 'Ick' from Changes.

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