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Topics - stitchy1503

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / spells doing more than damage
« on: December 21, 2010, 07:15:02 PM »
Is there rules for spells that inflict damage as well as throw people around? Like when harry hits people with force magic it hits and throws them into walls and such.

DFRPG / Resources and complexity
« on: October 24, 2010, 09:13:45 PM »
Hey guys, i'm still pretty new to the DFRPG but i was wondering if there were rules for, or if it seems fair to add a resource roll as complexity starts getting higher on a thaumaturgy spell. Currently it just seems like if you have a certain amount of time you can do pretty much anything, but i do believe that in the books Bob mentions that some ingredients for spells can get pretty expensive.

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