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Topics - isoycrazy

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Kringle's Workshop
« on: November 06, 2019, 11:17:59 AM »
Considering how important the gifts he brings are, how one could try and trick or hurt or corrupt the receiver from a tainted gift, I wonder if Harry didn't realize it because there are so many levels, but he past by Kringle's workshop when visiting Odin.

Or would she thop be located at the North Pole under similar protections as the World Tree?

I also wonder how many Christmas-themed spirits bow to Kringle, like the Tomte of Scandinavian culture, think 3ft tall gnomes who deliver presents in that region.

DF Spoilers / Small Favor Reread: Who Has Thorned Namshiel?
« on: July 29, 2019, 09:30:34 PM »
Just finished a reread of Small Favor and I noticed this question of who took the Coin is still not answered.  I have laid out my ideas on six options for the fate of this Fallen One.

For Option 1, I don't see Marcone as stupid enough to risk using the Coin, or giving it to someone to try and control.  He would keep it in his vaults, maybe one of the ones Harry walked by during the break-in.  He knows the Church is corrupt, and so is trusting his own facilities to hold the Coin.

For Option 2, Vadderung doesn't need the Coin, but will secure it like any dangerous weapon.  He could also use his Kringle mask to give the Coin some well deserved "coal" for being a bad boy all these millennia.

For Option 3, while tragic, it would just fit Harry's luck that some poor schmuck finds the coin without knowing the danger it possesses, and Harry has to deal with the victim.  Pray it isn't found on someone's birthday.

For Option 4, I don't think Luccio ever was asked about the matter, but the White Council could have the means to secure the Coin from others.

For Option 5, similar to 4, but Peabody could have taken it from her and past it onto others so he could be reconstituted in a new host to work more with the Black Council.

For Option 6, while Mab doesn't typically go after such beings, this Fallen was instrumental in attacking her home.  She went after Nicodemus for just breaking his word to her and damaging her name with the Accords.  She would feel fully justified in making this Fallen One suffer as best she could, or maybe lock it away deep in her castle.

So, where is the Coin?

DF Spoilers / What is Harry Watching?
« on: June 12, 2019, 11:25:26 AM »
I was just thinking if Harry is crashing in Molly's apartment for the past few months, the Svartálfar likely have a means of allowing the internet into their place for communication.  So, if Harry or Molly are paying a subscription and the TV is protected from magic, what shows on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, or others do you think Harry is enjoying to allow him to keep up to date on his cultural wiseassery? 

DF Spoilers / Mab's Gift in "Christmas Eve"
« on: January 16, 2019, 08:11:24 PM »
I was wondering.  While Mab said the ring wouldn't continue giving powers to Maggie after noon came, do you think it will keep playing music after that?  That would be a less powerful enchantment and not one that would be too problematic.

DF Spoilers / Mouse, Maggie, Cold Days
« on: June 26, 2018, 03:34:26 AM »
I may not have been around when Cold Days came out.  It seems odd in hindsight that Mouse would leave Maggie's side during Halloween and she was going trick or treating.  Do you think Mouse got a message from Uriel who said, "You may want to stay at the house tonight."

DF Spoilers / Arsonist Fae
« on: September 20, 2017, 11:45:00 AM »
Question.  Just how severe does a threshold and hospitality protect a person? 

Say Murphy angered a summer fae.  Without crossing the threshold, could this fae get vengeance by burning Murphy's home to the ground  with her in it?

Or the same with Harry, and be like the Ebs and burn his place down?  Or is it because the damage couldn't be garunteed to stop at just Harry's place, harm would befall innocent bystandards or their property, and that unjust harm would mean the fae is now in debt to these mortals for his stupid actions, the fae would just wait until Harry is more in the open to take vengeance?

That makes me wonder if Titania fitted the bill for the damage Tiny Gruff did to the train station?

DF Spoilers / Maggie's School Friends at SMAGT
« on: June 11, 2017, 11:15:50 AM »
Okay, this is going off all of Butcher's other works, but he never writes the solo hero.  His heroes always have friends and companions with them.  Some they make from former enemies.

Given his lazy nature, I don't see Jim as breaking this trend.  So, who do you think Maggie will make friends with?  What other species of supernatural creatures might she befriend?  The outcasts and freaks among the supernatural?

Perhaps a relatively lowborn Svatalf who looks like a computer nerd or shop kid?  Sent there to serve a high ranking noble's kid.

A changling, maybe of Winter alignment, who will seek to ride Maggie's coattails.  She is the daughter of the Winter Knight and close to the family of the new Winter Lady.  Being her enemy wouldn't be smart in the long run.

Or the alpha bitch of some high born nature who Maggie saves and turns ally?

If River Shoulders wasn't the only bigfoot to sire a child with a human, that could be another friend.

Or even a scion or two.


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