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Topics - beardOsaurus

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DFRPG / A few questions...
« on: February 19, 2009, 03:00:17 AM »
Alright, I've been thinking about what I'm going to do for my campaign.

First, and foremost, I've been trying to convince my friends to join in, because not everyone is sold on the idea of a Dresden Files game, which is insane because I think it's a fantastic idea.

Second, I've been trying to go over the system as best I can to familiarize my self with it. Does Spirit of the Century use the same core rules as Dresden will? Or, is something different?

Okay, now onto the actual campaign. Comments will be greatly appreciated here.

It's going to begin in California somewhere, possibly a small town, but leading to San Francisco, and of course Alcatraz. There's a power struggle happening on the streets, (a supernatural power struggle) between three gangs. El Toros, Circle of the Serpent, and the San Fran Brand.

Each of the different groups have different things they want to do.

Now, here's where I'm running into problems. I would like for San Fran Brand to consist of nothing but Changelings, but would Changelings work together for something like that?

Next, El Toros, I would like to be some sort of shape shifting Bull monsters, do we know if anything like that is going to exist in the world?

And third, Circle of the Serpent is basically a group of really strong Wizards. Definitely White Council material, but not Senior Council, and their main goal is to try and open the Gates, and unleash the Old Ones. Now, when it comes to something like this, would Ramirez make an appearence because of something this large scale, and California is his territory... And if so, is someone like a Ramirez going to have a stat block premade for him, or will I have to make the stats for him and his trainees?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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