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Ummm are you sure you don't want to go with Tywin Lannister over Ned Stark. Marcones much more aligned with him and the Lannisters, then the Starks. Both in terms of Resources and Honour.

Having said that if you insist on him being a Stark.

Assumin Cersai proceeds with her plan to kill Robert, well then Marcone would not make Ned's mistake and take Littlefinger up on his offer to make himself regent, to kill the little shit Joffery at a later time and install the much more mild mannered Tommen on the throne. Next Marcone would hold Cersai hostage against Tywin and Jaime's good behavior, assuming Catelyn takes Tyrion hostage as well that's half the Lannister's at his mercy.

Marcone would then send Robb Stark down from the North and raise the bannermen of the Riverlands and Crownlands. From their *shrug* it's War, win as many battles as possible. Though also definitely know not to trust the Small Council.

Never played the firefly game, does it have any sort of naval combat mechanics by chance?

It does but it's not the focus, but ship stats are all their in terms of agility and so on and so forth. The focus of the Firefly game is more space western scenarios

Cinder Spires Spoilers / Re: Olympia
« on: May 18, 2017, 08:06:45 AM »
I'm also expecting him to play a part in "The Olympian Affair"

As are we all. Jim wouldn't write such an interesting character and then discard him. Besides he's a Commodore which is a position of rank you'd expect at a formal event.

Cinder Spires Spoilers / Re: Olympia
« on: May 13, 2017, 03:11:57 AM »
You're right nothing says he crashed I made the assumption based off of how everyone fears the surface, but I can just as well imagine Commodore Pine launching an expedition across it. Oh and Kissam is an actual city so I withdraw my statement about it.

I imagine a cap on Etherialist abilities have already been set. Each Etherialist needs to have an In Character quirk like doorknobs or talking directly to object even when talking indirectly to people or another example I've been working on is clothes. A person has to wear pristine perfect ironed etherialist silk suits and the longer they're dirty or mucky or bloody the longer the cost of tole is to mental stress. In terms of offensive capabilities. I'd do standard electric attack similar to a gauntlet with a crystal as a Focus item. Defensive would be there etherialist abilities and their silk clothes.

In the Firefly game you have to regularly keep the upkeep cost of your ship by doing jobs or missions so you could cross that over too.

Of course, I imagine the Airships would be of similar design to the Ships in the Firefly/Serenity RPG's which I love dearly. I always try to be in charge of a pirate or mercenary crew. For which Cinder Spires would be a perfect setting for adapting my characters for.

But in terms of Airship battles well the Predator battles did depend quite a bit on luck for every maneuver they pulled off, so perhaps a roll combined with whatever aspect of the ship the maneuver depends on. Defense (Shroud), Attack (Cannon), Agility (Sail), Speed (Engine). Along those lines. The Ship like in the Firefly RPG or the City in the Dresden Files RPG would be another character and if you had an etherialist on oard one which you could communicate to.

I think there's potential for enough lore and rules for the game in that you can play a rouge pirate or privateer crew, and I think there are enough locations for people to build their own Spires similar to how to build your own City in Dresden Files RPG. Cultural traits for each character from a different spire that sort of thing.

Once enough books have been written do you think there'll be a Cinder Spires RPG?

Cinder Spires Spoilers / Re: Olympia
« on: April 22, 2017, 07:50:06 AM »
Dude's I think Kissam is an anagram os Kassim the main assassin rebel guy in Rogue One

Cinder Spires Spoilers / Re: Olympia
« on: April 19, 2017, 05:15:29 AM »
Yay! So all the Aussie's on the board are in agreement that their is heavy circumstantial evidence that Olympia may or may not be an analogue to Australia.

Quick question am I the first to come up with this theory cause if I am I want it Hallmarked and demand a medal the day I'm proven right.

Edit: Control find of anything with Olympia and Olympian
In the event of a duel with the pedantic Admiral Rook. Captain Grimm threatens to change his flag to Spire Olympia and they'd be glad to have him.
Quote from:  Aeronauts Windlass 12% in
"I'd change my flag to Spire Olympia and they'd be glad to have me" Grimm said "They'd be glad to have me. Let the Rooks attempt their little game with the captain of an Olympian vessel. DO you think your corpse is worth that Hamilton?"
So Apparently Spire Olympia is powerful enough to provide refuge for Captain Grimm if things turn dire enough, protection enough from the Rook family at any rate.
There's also an Olympian Master Sculpture McDagget.

Olympian Mint tea is Renaldo's favourite tea with a perfect amount of honey.

Then Bridgett notices some Olympians in their traditional green and gold garb and the laurel wreath on breasts pendants or rings.

Next we have.
Calliope lies about being double booked one of them being a run for Olympia definitely the more profitable run by what we've estimated the other to Kissam. Anyone know what Kissam is an analogue for? It's in need of Medicine and probably middle Eastern.
(Bugger forgot the race reference I'll come back to it)

Now we get to the bar brawl.

Green aviator leathers and fur trimmed mark someone as a private captain from Olympia. Then Master Ferus makes a joke about Olympian and possessed of a Fury which he acknowledges is only funny if you know enough history. (It's a mythological joke the Three Furies). That more than anything would seem to be the closest confirmation to Cinder Spires atleast coming from an alternate earth if not our earths history.

Gwen correctly identifies the Olympian as a threat and asks Benedict to intervene Benedict says it's Gwen problem to sort out. Ferrus notes his extremely fine coat and that they don't give those to just anyone.

Now comes the "Bloody Albion fussbothers" after Gwen refuses to be cowed. The Olympian first makes a note of asking Benedict if Gwen speaks for him, to which Benedict confirms.

Quote from:  Aeronauts Windlass 55%
"Pine. Commodore Horatio Pine, of the Half Moon Merchant Company out of Olympia"
Okay so a couple of references one he's a Commodore not a Captain. From what little I know of navy ranks from my days as Pirates of the Carribean superfan a Commodore is somewhere between Captain and Admiral kind of like a Colonel only much less common, a bit more prestigious and most Captains are the equivalent of their own Colonels on a ship, but that's only iirc.

Horatio after Horatio Hornblower and Half Moon to suggest a connection to Werewolves and that this guy is half way to Beserkerdom, then Merchant Company to confirm he's part of a legitimate enterprise and finally confirmation he is indeed from Olympia.

Let's continue shall we.
Quote from: Aeronauts Windlass 55%
... I don't give a tenth crown who you are that Suite is reserved for my captains and myself and we've just walked a mile on the surface to get to this bloody Spire and nearly got shot up by your own bloody Fleet when we finally made it through. I'm in no mood for games

Now Gwen tries to use her family name to get out of this and the Commodore isn't having any of it. He's got wounded men, one more obligatory bloody and threatens to leave them all unconscious. Gwen stupidly tries to stand her ground. and Pine asks Benedict is  he sure she speaks for him. Benedict lightly thumps his head on the table. Then the brawl starts.

Well read the brawl yourself it's Chapter 37. But the Olympian shows some knowledge of Silkweaver anatomy and physiology by saying go for it's belly.

Just after the brawl Grimm uses Olympian policy to justify cooking to which Creddy replies in shock horror "We are not Olympians sir"

Ok so the Olympian Air Trials were a couple of years back so 2 or 3 which suggests Leap Year events.

Cinder Spires Spoilers / Olympia
« on: April 18, 2017, 08:59:38 AM »
Ok so spire Olympia this might be a little selfish of me given that I'm from Australia but Australia's colours are green and gold, but then so are the Olympics. We're obsessed with games and races and stuff like that. The ruff and gruff Olympia captain we see in the bar brawl scene against a surface creature reminds me of a stereotype of a gruff Australian.

Anyway so this topic is to discuss Olympia. I'm only half hearted about it being a representation of Australia sameway the enemy Spire may or may not be a representation of Spain and so on and so forth.

So let's discuss what we know about Olympia.

There is some sort of annual or bi annual or leap year event their presumably in which the Predator lost a race to Captain Grimm's ex wife turned villainous harpy who goes out of her way not to kill Grimm or destroy the Predator. Who is Olympian herself.

The Captain who can crash his ship walk several kilometre's on the surface with his crew find his booked tavern occupied restrain himself from killing them then take part in a brawl against a narly surface creature. (Oh and he has fur cuffs)

And according to Captain Grimm the Olympian navy forces their Captains to serve several positions on board a ship for a determined period of time before even being considered for promotion. (It was Grimm's excuse to cook against his XO's staunch disapproval)

Am I forgetting something about Olympia that explains why I'm hoping it be an analogue for Australia?

However if it is an analogue for Australia then it'd be remiss of me to remind Jim to also spend some time thinking of an analogue for Kiwiland or the Land of the Silver Fern otherwise known as the cousins we don't like to talk about the New Zealanders. (My Dad's Kiwi so I felt obligated to say something)

Well we know Nymphs, Satyrs, and Centaurs are a part of the Sidhe so it's not a stretch to imagine Sirens are as well. It's possible Jenny Greenteeth was a siren who was bumped in power through her actions and association with Maeve.

Kind of like Leansidhe with Mab. I think at first she was just a Muse who used her powers to drive men mad and drink their blood. Which impressed Mab so she became her right hand woman.

I think Hastings was to specific a reference point for it not to be the date of significance

I thought Queen of Air and Darkness was a Morrigan thing?

I think we're forgetting that their used to be more than just two courts of Seelie and Unseelie,
Quote from: Ghost Story Chapter 17 p198
Before the Sidhe Wars"
Even before my time, but I've heard all kinds of stories. The Daoine Sidhe, the Tuatha, the Fomor, the Tylwyth Teg, the Shen. Epic alliances, epic betrayals, epic battles, epic weddings, epic sex

So Presumably the Sidhe were amalgamated under the Winter and Summer Courts and the Wyld Fae their purpose was that of preserving the natural world, (both from and for humans), it makes sense that once the human pantheons started loosing power, that the people who protect the natural world would protect it from Outsiders.

I'm curious about what the Sidhe Wars were and how they relate. I really hope that one day Jim does a History of Magic Bathilda Bagshot style.

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