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Messages - nthnclls

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I've said it on this board earlier but... There is just no way that I see a being that has the knowledge of the Winter Queens (anything Mab/Titania know, Winter/Summer Mother do as well, and if one knows, both do) + Intellectus + The Power Level they have would in any way be unaware of exactly where that is (as long as it's in the Mortal or Fae realms), or how it got there.

Mother Winter LET (somehow) her walking staff be taken/stolen. Mother Summer clued Dresden in on this tidbit and I think it's going to come in useful later on.

Serack, isn't there a WoJ about the fact that the Blackstaff eating black magic being a side effect? Am I imagining that quote? (I may be mixing it up with some of the Athame=Mab Craziness vector theory posts (WoJ was that it was a vector for Power))

Again, let it be taken, or was tricked into letting it be taken.  It would take a lot to dupe someone that powerful, but they aren't infallible.  It could be done.

Well, assuming that the Blackstaff is hers, WoJ says that she wants it back, and that it was stolen.

Either the White Council tricked her into giving it up, which she regrets, or it is more useful to her in McCoy's hands.  IMO, there's no way that she doesn't know who has it.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: New Board?
« on: July 31, 2011, 06:58:00 PM »
are we going through different trial runs of the new look?  The thing changed while I was in the middle of reading a thread...


well, that answers that.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: virus warning
« on: May 10, 2011, 01:02:32 AM »
Are you getting that warning on every single page you visit on the forum, or just occasionally? If it's the latter, Chiroptera is likely correct.

I just got it from this link:,23585.345/topicseen.html

but not from any other, yet.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: January 20, 2011, 04:24:27 AM »
Hmm, now there's a possibility-- the RC simply stepped in when the post was left vacant, either momentarily or completely abandoned.

That's what I assumed happened, makes the most sense to me.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: January 18, 2011, 12:14:46 AM »
Jim, will Toot-Toot and/or the rest of the Za Lord's guard ever get their own "short" story? hehe see what i did there?

Jim, will you ever write a short story from Toot-Toot's perspective? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: January 18, 2011, 12:11:31 AM »
The DV is a mysterious place!  ;D 

So far, the general consensus has been that the Erlking is the most likely culprit for the hexenwulfen belts, but we're not sure.

ok, thanks.  That one's been bugging me, lol.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:30:55 AM »
This is just a ridiculously long list of mysteries.  Btw, did we ever find out who gave the belts to the werewolves?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: September 29, 2010, 07:11:13 PM »
Nah, after talking in the killing Nic thread I want to know that as well. Something else that I also want to know since I saw some people discussing the possibility some time back.

Can you use the NeverNever to travel to other planets (or does each planet have it's own NeverNever)?

I would assume that since the nevernever is an alternate universe (sort of), you could travel to other planets.

DF TV Series / Re: POLL: End Game Opinion of the Series
« on: August 28, 2010, 03:04:51 AM »
I know this is an old thread, but I'll throw in my 2 cents anyway...I liked it.  It wasn't great, but it was good enough that I've enjoyed every episode I've seen so far.  That's not true for many shows...

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: August 28, 2010, 02:50:36 AM »
Plus Eb seems very practical, who knows what bringing someone back from the dead like that does? It could have adverse on the individual and perhaps even on the veil that seperates life and death.  We've seen what happens when people poke that particular border.

Eb does, but given Harry's family issues, who know how Eb changes when family's around...

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: August 27, 2010, 02:24:07 AM »
I was kinda worried bout that. So to rephrase the question in a way that leaves out speculation. As the Blackstaff we know Eb can break the laws of magic, has he ever brought someone back from the dead?

My guess would be that if he had that ability, he'd bring
(click to show/hide)
back to life.

Display Case / Re: DISPROVE THIS
« on: July 12, 2010, 02:33:07 AM »
To last poster, sort of...depends what you mean by "dog"

Btw, the only thing that would make this thread more awesome is a cryptic post by Butcher himself.

And a kitten.

Display Case / Re: DISPROVE THIS
« on: June 25, 2010, 12:28:31 PM »
I love how seriously we're all taking this...

Display Case / Re: DISPROVE THIS
« on: June 25, 2010, 12:56:41 AM »
Which is why I mentioned Lasciel as doing the actual tweaking. -She- was the one with the power. But she was bound in the coin, and further in the spells Dresden placed around the coin. Probably unaware due to the shields. But Lash was very aware, and apparently able to communicate in some fashion with her other.

How do we know that Lash was able to communicate?  Not only that, but again, if either one of them had enough power to fix LC, then why didn't they just trick Harry into talking over the coin.

    Well, let's just get it over with. Molly Carpenter is at least 20 years old at the time of Changes. As in physically adult, within a few percentage points of final growth. Anyone found any reference whatsoever that Mab and Molly have any sort of resemblance, save the fact that they are both female? Dresden would have noticed; more it would have conflicted with the padawan as student and non lust object and Mab as uber hottie. The resemblance would have been there even before Molly got as old as she is. No one's noticed. There should have been some indication. If 'Mab' arose after a mortal wizard travelled in time and ascended, a lot of entities would have noted and remembered it. So far, nothing....

Good point.

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