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Topics - Zioneer

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / So I'm writing an Urban Fantasy, but need some help
« on: November 09, 2013, 07:50:52 AM »
I'm writing an urban fantasy novel inspired by (but definitely distinct from) the Dresden Files. The main difference is that I won't have vampire or faerie courts, my main character will not be a freelance sort of magic-user like Harry Dresden starts off as, and my main setting will be the American Southwest, with an emphasis on Utah.

And therein lies my problem. I've been a resident of Utah for most of my life (I'm 20, and have been here almost 15 years), but besides being of the majority faith, I never really got into the culture, specifically the supernatural culture of Utah and the Southwest. I've searched on the Internet, but I can't find good ideas for monsters and supernatural ideas from the Southwest. I'd like some help if anyone's familiar with that area. I have Coyote (the Native American deity) involved, and the Transcontinental railroad/golden spike (don't ask), but I can't think of much else.

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