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Messages - Cenphx

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Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Phoenix ComiCon - June 5-8
« on: June 11, 2014, 06:49:41 PM »
Here are the videos from the Spotlight on Jim Butcher:

Also, it was nice to meet you Priscellie! I'm the woman who sat next to you for the panel about keeping a long running series fresh. :)

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Phoenix ComiCon - June 5-8
« on: June 08, 2014, 06:32:37 PM »
Yeah, that's true, there was a huge variety of questions. Having gone to the signing on Thursday and watching every YouTube video of past Q&A's, I really appreciated the diversity. It was a fun crowd. There's only so many times you can hear, "Did you really plan 20 books from the beginning? Do you play the Dresden RPG? Will we see the Jade Court?"
I agree with that part - I was glad to hear different kinds of questions. But I don't know how any of these authors are running from panel to panel to signing to event, all while answering questions and talking to people who come up at the end of the panel. Jim's been super gracious and engaging throughout. Kudos to them all!!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Phoenix ComiCon - June 5-8
« on: June 08, 2014, 06:22:20 PM »
Aw, crap...  I've been looking at the Phoenix Comicon events, and the Spotlight on Jim Butcher ends 30 minutes before the Spotlight on John Barrowman starts...  My wife will want to line uip early for Barrowman...  This may cause... friction.
Hey Fleegle!!! It's was great meeting you at Jim's panel!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Phoenix ComiCon - June 5-8
« on: June 08, 2014, 06:21:15 PM »
My first Con as well. I was only going to go for one day and have instead been here every day. It's been beyond amazing. I have been following Rothfuss and Sam Sykes and Myke Cole and Jim to every panel they are on. No matter they are talking about, it has been incredibly interesting and funny.

Right now I am awaiting Jim's panel on how to keep a long running series interesting and I can't wait for the Writing Rogues panel this afternoon.

For anyone who did not make it to the Author Batsu panel run by Sam Sykes, you missed out on one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Anytime one of the authors laughed, they had to do a shot of salsa. Rothfuss wore a wizard's hat throughout, Scalzi had on a lucha libra mask at one point. Myke Cole laughed while doing a shot and inhaled the salsa. Then he threw up.

I can't believe how great this whole CC was. Completely worth the time and money.

OMG! I'm so glad you came!! What a blast! It was great meeting you and Eyeball kid too!
Cenphx, please remind me. I don't remember meeting you, but I probably just didn't put your screenname and you together!

OZ - you missed a helluva good time!

EyeballKid - Can you believe after all that trouble, my pictures with Jim still came out blurry. Stupid phone! Auuugh!
You and I didn't actually meet - I was seated in the same row as you but not he opposite end, next to EyeballKid. I guessed you must be Murphy's Stunt Double :)

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Phoenix ComiCon - June 5-8
« on: June 06, 2014, 06:52:06 PM »
Are any of you all planning to meet up somewhere during the convention like before the signing last night?

Had a blast tonight! Jim answered both of my questions, re: Lovecraftian influence and the scope of the Cinder Spires, and my other 2 potentially spoilery questions were asked in various ways by other fans.

Nice meeting MSD, crystaril, and Cenphx! Extra special thanks to MSD for taking a super cool pic of me with Jim. Can't wait for the con this weekend!

Me too!! It's just funny that we ended up randomly sitting right next to each other! Also, it was good to meet Loser21, who I hung out with in the signing line. I'm off to the con!

The bookstore is live streaming the event. Here it is:

You're very welcome! I hope you get a chance to come by!
Just wanted to let you know - I am at the book store now and people are already in the front seats and saving seats. There are plenty of seats available (maybe 75? Im bad at estimates), but people are trickling in for the front rows

Cenphx and Crystril - you're also welcome to join us at that Coach House if you get there early enough. Between 5 & 6 should be a good window if you can make it!
Ok, probably shouldn't admit this, but I am the one person in a group of friends that gets all worked up about not getting a good seat and makes everyone get to the location waaaaaaay too early. I think it's some form of undiagnosed anxiety. :) So, I may be trying to get there a wee bit earlier. I want to miss the dreaded 5 pm driving window. On the other hand, if it's dead at the book store and I have no anxiety about my seat, then I will definitely try to come over to the Coach House. Thanks for the invite!!!

For some reason I was thinking the Poisoned Pen was Friday night. I have other obligations Thursday. Oh well. I'm planning attend several of Jim's panels and the Spotlight on Jim Butcher event.
Are you seeing anything at the Comicon for the author events? I see the stuff for panels that Jim is on, but then a big TBA for Friday for "author event"? Is this a signing that will be held sometime on Friday?

I am glad I reread this thread: I bought my book but didn't have ticket. I just called for it and I am in the 40s in terms of where I will be in the line.

Also, I have to try to rethink my question so it is minimally spoilery....

It's just a quirk of a plugin that helps prevent spam. New threads containing links are sometimes flagged, but a mod will usually be by to approve them within the hour.

Yep, that would do it -- I had about 4 or 5 links in the post. Thanks for the info! Oh, and someone approved it within just a few minutes, so you all are really on top of things!

Site Suggestions & Support / Moderator approval for new threads?
« on: May 28, 2014, 11:19:58 PM »
Is there a rule about creating new threads such that certain threads need to be approved by a moderator before they can be posted? I got a message like that about a recent thread, but then no message at all about the next thread, so I am unclear if there was something in my post that was problematic causing it to be flagged. It was approved, so I am guessing it was alright, but if there is a rule I am not clear about, I rather know about it and follow it!!

Any help would be cool!! Thx

It seems kinda greedy to want to do both, but The Poisoned Pen seems like it will be a smaller venue, like the difference between seeing an all acoustic concert with 50 people versus a concert at Coachella with waaaay more people.

Am I thinking about this wrong? Do you really want to save the Poisoned Pen venue for people who absolutely cannot go to the convention?

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