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Topics - JustinS

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Modular abilities and base form?
« on: July 29, 2014, 05:19:10 AM »
In the game I'm currently in, someone just got offered the change to pick up beast change for a formerly pure mortal character.

It was suggested that Beast Form and Modular Abilities be used, where the form points are spent on animal appropriate powers for the specific animal form, and be spent on the character's old stunts when in human form.

It was counter argued that form points are supposed to only be spent on forms generated from shifting, and may generally not be spent on stunts (and the character should instead take human form, and trim back their stunt list).

Any thoughts on if this should work or not?

DFRPG / Warden's Sword as an Item of Power
« on: October 12, 2010, 06:32:17 AM »
So from the books, I've always got the impression that the Warden Swords were not the run of the mill enchanted item.

If you were building one as an Item of Power with unlimited uses (i.e. not using the focus mechanic), how would you do it?

Ideally it would be as a net -1 Refresh item (-3 or less Power, +2 for big sword that has warden written all over it), but if it takes more for you to be satisfied with it, go for it.

DFRPG / White Council Minimum standards
« on: April 21, 2010, 11:59:27 PM »
While in practice, there is a hazy line between sorcerer and wizard, we do know there is an actual procedure to determine if someone can qualify to be a wizard or is just a 'minor talent'.

So, how compenent and in what do you need to be pass the test, or to be considered a wizard and not still at apprentice level?

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