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Messages - robertltux

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DF Reference Collection / Re: Harry Naming Things
« on: April 25, 2014, 01:39:32 PM »
i would think that giving some a name and Giving Something a NAME are different things altogether.

before Harry gave her the NAME Ivy she was just the meat that is wrapped around The Archive.

Now i would bet that Harry could build a garden themed Circle and use a cutting of ivy to track down IVY.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Harry Naming Things
« on: December 31, 2013, 06:41:53 PM »
Uriel may have reached "violently" to being called Light due to another "angel" that is called Light (how would you like being called Hilter??).

and yes i do think that HBCD has the Mantle of "Namer of Things"


Thomas have dual souls. I suspect that doing black magic, the really tainting kind, will reduce his ability to control his demon half.

It is also have to be noted that a whampire's mind whammy, especially the wraith family brand is sort of seduction. In other words, their power entice a human, not compell them. As long as a whampire limits the intensity of his or her mind powers, it might not broken their preys free wil at all.

The hinge here with Thomas is he can walk points along the line from "nibble on request" to "want more Toe-mas" to "I only wear silk and velvet because im a Playtoy" to "Music Of the Night" to "gee i think i broke her" so as long as he goes only to Bunneh he should be stay more or less human.  I do think that Justine has tracked down a number of Bunnehs to keep him fed.

not sure how this will work but

Maggie will be visited by a Secret Service agent (who is secretly a Wizard) because "somebody" made the SS think that her safety is "A Matter of National Security"

' Agent Franks flips open his badge holder and Micheal (after Mouse sort of squints at Agent Franks) notices that his badge has traces of a circle around the central star almost as if the badge holder was used with a Pentacle also'

something that would be severely twisty

What if JUSTINE somehow gets the Lash Nickle??

this would be possibly the Best/Worst of both worlds for everybody

1 Thomas's Hunger Demon now has a "friend"
2 Justine may or may not become effectively Immortal
3 The Temptress just got a MeatSuit (and she has the WCV seal of approval!)

[invoke: Charlie Epps] The pattern of the ways is partly will and partly %hideously complex number theory%. Maggie senior figured out the Metacalculus so she could correct the 11 dimensional geometry...

Ways are created when hundreds/thousands of wizards/things have Intent close enough to Burn/Crease the Transtemporal Fabric (or one Wizard can see an existing "crease").

DF Reference Collection / Re: The science of gravity spells.
« on: June 01, 2013, 07:08:59 PM »
things are a bit err Squishy on this but maybe what happened is that Harry opened a Picogram sized Black Hole for a Picosecond so that the effect was SPLAT! (and what we "saw" was the result of Harry bending Space/Time how he wanted).

Of course Now since Harry is The Winter Knight and can tap The Winter WellSpring he might decide that an entire BLOCK needs to be flatter.

I could also see Harry making a Staff and Cane combo for when Father Forthill needs to Rebuke Mountains.

Do you think Jim will let us make ' Team Mab' t shirts?

Cool idea but then we would need a good head and shoulders picture of MAB (and just for fun Titania)

these timey whimy whiblley wobbley posts are fun.

I would like to see a DR Who/ Dresden crossover story. Would Gallefrian tech survive being close to HBCD?? Is the ZaGuard big enough to move the TARDIS??

Is The Well basically a DV "Tardis" that can't move??

So no explanation as to how Merlin got TWG level help to create the prison?  Or are you now thinking Merlin didn't create it at all, since we can't trust anything that's been said?

Im thinking its like a Thermite reaction. all you need to kick off a FO/AL reaction is a sparkler (which can be ignited by a match) but you could end up with a truck being turned into a blob of metal.

needs an edit

NOTICE OF BANNED AREA Please note the island on lake Michigan (aka DemonReach Island) CAN NOT BE APPROACHED Do not under any circumstances or means approach the island. This island has been claimed by Harry Dresden as a sanctuary and will result in the death of any persons not invited to the island. Magenta security level holders please reference file 29[alpha]773[delta] for further details.

DF Reference Collection / Re: mythological figures we'd like to see
« on: January 08, 2013, 03:36:13 PM »
I would like to see Jims version of Tinkerbell (since my other picks have been taken)

Therefore he isn't so good at little evocations that take a lot of pinpoint control, although he is getting better at them as the series progresses. It's big evocations that involve massive destruction and take down entire buildings that he's a natural at.  :P
Gecko insurance only covers Acts Of Harry and not Acts Of God.
do you think that maybe sometimes Harry should just go ahead and LEVEL a building just so the owner can invoke Total Loss provisions?? (building is 30% toast so go ahead and level it so save the owner a possible Fix Payout)

Probably because the council does not know Harry used hellfire.

its like that b5 Crusade quote from the Technomage

"I don't hold a grudge I HAVE NO SURVIVING ENEMIES"

how many folks have seen harry use Hellfire and are currently "paying taxes"??
now remove those folks that don't want the White Council to "notice" them.
now remove those that the WC would actually TRUST

i think we have eliminated everybody at this point

DF Reference Collection / Re: The YLC (Why Little Chicago) thread
« on: November 05, 2012, 03:46:21 PM »
the whole LC melted and RC didn't go BOOM thing could be the simple matter of the "Power Core" being one of the No Nos that Harry tossed in the Gym Bag (or for that matter it could be that BOB is part of LC (Operator/CnC Officer??) )so thats why No Boom.

of course LC 2.0 could be a lot more area "mapped"

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