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Messages - ClintACK

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Key word, "deal" which means the healing won't come for free.  Now Molly also loves Harry on a number of levels, so for his happiness she might not ask for much in return... Then again, there may be a "Fae Pay Scale," or in other words, healing comes at a high price and Molly might not have many options.

Yes. If we learned anything from Cold Case it's that Molly's own wants come second to Winter Law. (See: inability to tell Carlos what she was up to) I flinched when I saw Harry make an open-ended "I'll owe you one" deal with the Winter Lady. That was a spectacularly stupid unforced error, which will almost certainly come back to bite him in the rear.

DF Spoilers / Re: Elemental Chaos
« on: September 13, 2020, 01:13:52 PM »
I've wondered before if Nic might *be* Judas... I rather doubt "Nicodemus Archleone" is his real name, Archleone doesn't sound right for that part of the world at that time.

Yeah. Victory-of-the-People Great-Lion doesn't much sound like a real name. But there is a Nicodemus in the Gospel of John who helps Joseph of Arimathea with Jesus's burial. So there's a Nicodemus who helped use the Shroud to wrap Jesus and was there with the guy who caught Jesus's blood in the Grail, and so on...

Re: Murphy's physical condition...

Harry did say: "Unless you want to get Faustian."

Sure, Murphy said no quite firmly when they were sitting on the couch with no idea what's coming. Watching a titan and an army of fomor coming to kill everyone in Chicago is something quite different, though.

I wonder what kind of deal Molly might be able to offer her, for a limited-time healing just to get her back in the fight for one night?

DF Spoilers / Re: Scenes you want...
« on: September 12, 2020, 11:16:26 PM »
Lara getting burnt by a half eaten stick of celery with very small tooth marks on it.

Perhaps stuck in a blood mary?

DF Spoilers / Re: Scenes you want...
« on: September 12, 2020, 05:44:59 PM »
Hendricks and Mac having a good old chinwag.
Seen from Murphy's PoV as she translates the "Martian" grunts and gestures, in the style of Aftermath.

Harry using the Athame to cut a pizza into slices for the Guard.

Rudolph being caught by the Wild Hunt led by Kringle and forcibly transformed into a Reindeer for the rest of his life.

So much these.

Harry looking at a beautiful woman for the first time and totally ignoring her boobs.

The very definition of True Love.

Toot eating celery.

Also the very definition of True Love.

DF Spoilers / Re: Elemental Chaos
« on: September 12, 2020, 04:45:58 PM »
The noose's connection to Judas has been refuted? I missed that. I thought that was explicitly confirmed in the text in Death Masks, although Michael just says that they believe it to be the one Judas used.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jury Duty and the Peace Talks
« on: September 12, 2020, 12:42:27 PM »
Lara, unlike her father sees use in humans above and beyond food. She started hiring competent rather than pretty people, Riley a case in point and is far less prejudiced than most of her Court towards humans.

Yes. But when a Naagloshi attacks Chateau Raith, the injured competent-not-pretty mercenaries don't get rushed to the hospital, they get rushed to her sisters' rooms to be used as disposable health potions.

I suppose she's "less evil" than the Red Court, the fomor, her father, and Jeffery Epstein (at least Lara's victims are over the age of consent), but that's a pretty low bar.

DF Spoilers / Re: Scenes you want...
« on: September 12, 2020, 11:54:06 AM »
Harry's fight with Justin. Seeing the fight with HWWB in GS, it looked quite different from how Harry thinks about it. It would be interesting to see what he misunderstood about the fight that got him the Doom of Damocles in the first place.

Harry noticing that Hendricks is actually book smart.

Harry noticing that Justine is James Bond with boobs.

Harry noticing that a boy has grown up and thinking that he's known him since he bought his first jock strap.

A scene where Harry shows up at the White Council meeting, jaw clenched, ready to give them all a piece of his mind as they vote to kick him out... only to have wizard after wizard who he barely recognizes come up to the podium and talk about how Harry saved a friend-of-a-friend. (I'm thinking of something like the prom scene in Buffy. With the added fun of the Merlin or Christos having to stand up on stage and just take the rebuke.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Elemental Chaos
« on: September 11, 2020, 10:45:16 PM »
There must be some limit or Nic would just curse all the Archangels to die.

Or the Knights. Or their families.

Yeah. I'd guess there's a complicated series of conditions -- like the fact that Harry involved himself in fighting Nic's plot, even after being warned off by everyone on both sides. Perhaps the partially-waylaid prophecy was necessary to maneuver Harry into the conditions that would make him a legitimate target of the Curse.

DF Spoilers / Re: Elemental Chaos
« on: September 11, 2020, 08:14:55 PM »
In DM, it was prophesied that either Harry would die, or everyone would. That's not what happened.

Harry dying didn't *happen*, but it did become a thing that was unavoidably going to happen until Shiro invoked his once-a-lifetime-substitute-sacrifice super power to die in Harry's place.

DF Spoilers / Re: White Court Spy And Why Thomas attacked/murdered
« on: September 11, 2020, 08:11:28 PM »
Seems like a good place to ask this, I only have the audio book atm, so in chapter 8 when Thomas is trying to speak, it sounds like the second time he says "it's" before he can't complete the 'Justine', is this accurate or I'm I just hearing a slur?

The text reads: "Ha'ay." and "Junghg. S'Jnngh."

I think it's probably meant to be "Harry... Justine. It's Justine."

That is fascinating. If Justine were a changeling that could make her a double or even triple agent. That would add a whole new dimension to her scenes.

It wouldn't be the first time. Remember the original triple-agent, the oh-so-forgettable Martin.

Yeah, Vadderung and Gard ought to be ashamed of themselves.. The dead warriors they picked to go to Vahalla to fight in the final battle are next to useless..  Unless it was all a set up and a diversion. Which brings me back to the continual whine about the Senior Council suddenly wanting to kick Harry out of the White Council and demote him back to apprentice? What's the point of that?

I do wonder about it being a set-up. Particularly, I still think there's a chance that the Mab kick was a ploy. The Accord members have gotten too used to letting Mab handle all the big problems, while they just talk and do politics/diplomacy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Nightmares
« on: September 10, 2020, 03:59:23 PM »
Ah. You don't mean "ignore" like not notice or be in denial about it. You mean that some of the other Carpenter kids might have inherited magical potential, realized it, and then made the conscious choice not to develop it.

That's plausible, I guess.

Re: Chichen Itza blackout -- Trauma is definitely plausible. Remember that we're not reading a third-person-omniscient account of events. This is Harry writing down what happened, telling the story as he remembers it.

Or it could be something else. Hard to know what, though. Perhaps he dug so deeply into the Winter Mantle to fight off the Red King's Will attack that he wasn't himself at all for a brief time. (After, Eb says, "Hell of a hard thing to do." and he responds, "It wasn't hard. Just cold.") Remember that he was acting on a bargain he made with Mab -- if he couldn't bring himself to do the deed, to cut out Susan's heart, it's possible that the Bargain took over his free will and made him do it. He bargained for the power and the time to save his daughter, and he believed that this was the only way to do it.

Yeah, but will she do it?  She might view recruiting fighters as an effort to keep her safe.. From the trailer, she either was cured by some miracle because she seems to be in the middle of the fight, or it is misleading.  You point out one of the flaws of Peace Talks, it does little to set up a plausible defense, the Wardens seemed more worried about what Harry was up to than setting up good security for the talks.  Hell, they didn't even have any stone Foo Dogs to check out the attendees.

The wardens weren't in charge of security for the talks -- just security for the Senior Councilors who attended. Marcone was in charge of overall security -- hence, what's-his-name with the living dog and all the einherjar who get gunned down like useless redshirts by the fomor mooks.

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DF Spoilers / Re: Nightmares
« on: September 10, 2020, 01:34:42 PM »
Charity swore off her magic though and it faded, however the genes for it remained, and Molly inherited them.  Now it is interesting that so for the rest of the Carpenter kids either didn't inherit the trait or are ignoring the fact that they have talent.

Molly's the oldest, though. She was conceived (and maybe born) while the magic was still fading. The other kids would have the same genetics, but much less pre-natal exposure.

I think there's zero chance of the other kids "ignoring" magic -- after almost losing Molly in an incredibly traumatic episode that saw Charity throwing on chainmail and marching to the heart of winter, Michael and Charity will be watching the other kids for any sign. (Heck, I'd expect that *Molly* has been watching to other kids for any sign, and there's no chance she'd miss it.)

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