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Messages - crystalphoenixhobbies1

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Billy and Georgia
« on: August 26, 2017, 06:48:28 PM »
I'm sure this has been covered elsewhere, and if someone just wants to direct me to the original post that's fine. But in Turn Coat, during the big battle on the island at the end, Billy and Georgia are hit by a White Court whammy that sends them into a different kind of frenzy in the bushes. But how did that happen? Are White Court vampires able to use their magic on people who are truly in love, or is feeding the only thing affected?  If they can't use their powers either, wouldn't that imply that Billy and Georgia aren't actually in love?

Author Craft / Re: Secret to Succes?
« on: June 29, 2014, 05:04:51 PM »
Certainly can't argue with that. If you're ever interested in a quick read between your own writings...  Just kidding. Seriously though, thank you. You've given me a lot to consider as I continue to write.

Author Craft / Re: Secret to Succes?
« on: June 29, 2014, 04:41:00 PM »
I actually did find that I had that issue with focus. I'd sit down wit  the intention of writing for an hour period, only to discover I'd spent the entire time surfing the web. Never thought of making it a competition with someone else. Instead, I got past it by only writing on my phone with the notes app, and editing it later on the computer. I guess you just have to so whatever works.

Author Craft / Re: Secret to Succes?
« on: June 29, 2014, 04:00:52 PM »
I know I haven't responded to the posts here, and I apologize. Been a crazy couple of weeks. In any case, I truly appreciate all the good advice. Wordmaker: I thought I had a busy day to day schedule, but you definitely have me beat. Thank you for the advice. This is the first time I've ever tried to publicly show my writings, and really had no idea how to spread the word about it. And as you pointed out, the end result of my questions often seem like advertising. That's not really what I'm trying to do, but it happens anyway. I hadn't ever really thought of going by word count, but as I find the time to write more, it's something I'll definitely pay attention to now.

Author Craft / Re: Secret to Succes?
« on: June 06, 2014, 04:58:32 PM »
Lol. Those are very fair points, and I'll have to try them out. Thank you. Also, I just reread what I last wrote, and apparently I'm a little pompous when I first wake up, so I apologize for implying that everyone is trying to be the next Tolkien or Butcher. I really didn't mean for it to come out that way. Lol

Author Craft / Re: Secret to Succes?
« on: June 06, 2014, 01:52:23 PM »
  To be honest, I wasn't even aware that there even was a time when self published books were huge.  I did, however, know that it was becoming nearly impossible for the average person to get a book published these days.  That was sort of the point of a short story.  While yes, most people aren't interested in them, they still have the potential to get your name out there, without relying on a publisher to decide if you are good enough.  Of course, that requires an actual purchase, which just goes back to how do you get people to buy?
  Unlike most people here, I don't write because I think I'll someday be a huge success.  I write because that's what I enjoy doing, more than anything else I've found.  And since I'm going on 31, I've tried most things.  (The Deposed King):  The 90 page short story is the first in a series of at least seven, though likely they will all be less than 200 pages.  That does not mean, however, that I don't have bigger books in the works.  Two of my older ones are around 250 pages and only halfway done. But when you work 40 hours a week, are doing home renovations on a 100 year old house, and still need to find time to spend with your wife, it becomes harder to get longer books done.  But I do see your point. lol.

Crystal Phoenix Hobbies

Author Craft / Secret to Succes?
« on: June 05, 2014, 09:19:20 PM »
Not sure if Mr. Butcher reads all of the forums, and to be honest I'd be surprised if he had the time, so while my question is directed towards him, I'll take any answers I can get.  There is no doubt that you are a brilliant author, and your books have been read by countless people across the globe.  But at one point you were just like the rest of us.  I recently self-published an ebook on Amazon (Just a 90 page short story to get my work out there for once), but out of the billions (with a B) of people out there, not a single one has decided that the $0.99 price tag is worth spending to take a look at it.  So the question I have is: What did you do, when you first started writing, to get your name out there?  Was it a bunch of self promotion, recommendations from your publishers, or just blind luck, the chance encounters of people who saw your book on the shelves, and decided not only to read it, but to recommend it to a friend?  I'm not really sure if there is an answer, or if its all three (or more) of those at once.

Crystal Phoenix Hobbies

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