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Topics - citadel97501

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DFRPG / Re-write for the Alera Codex using the new Fate Core.
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:39:25 PM »
Hello all,

I thought I would shamelessly self promote a Alera Codex game write up I just finished using the new Fate Core rules.

I found the new system much easier to make balanced when compared to the DFRPG's magic system so enjoy.

DFRPG / Items of Power as Animals?
« on: September 15, 2012, 08:14:03 AM »
Hello all,

My players and I just had an interesting idea about how to emulate familiars and creatures like it, what about using the items of power rules but the creature has the powers of the item or applies them by its presence?

Quick Examples:
Cerberus Cub: -3 (-5 with a +2 discount)
-Echoes of the Beast: It is a dog?
-Pack Instincts: It is a dog?
-Ghost Speaker: It makes sense for a Cerberus Cub...
-True Aim: Fists rolls
-Claws: It is a dog?

Malk Familiar: -3 (-5 with a +2 discount)
-2 x Refinements: Specialties only not extra foci...
-Marked by Power

DFRPG / What are the capabilities of Glamours?
« on: September 06, 2012, 07:43:20 PM »
Hello all,

I am currently playing a character who has glamours (not Greater Glamours) and I am trying to make sure I know what it can do, as the description is very vague?  Here are a few examples of things I think would be legal, but I wanted to get some opinions?

Invisibility: Veils that block sight?

Disguising Myself: This seems legitimate, as you should be able to change your clothing, and appearance to someone you have seen?

Disguising Others: Lets say I make someone look like their wearing the wrong gang colors?  Lets say warring gangs so I can use it as a Declaration?

Hiding Objects/Aspects: Can I conceal objects, such as hiding a hole in the floor, until they fall in, Declaration?

Causing Mental or Social Stress: Lets say I know the person has Arachnophobia and I make them see hundreds of spiders crawling out of the floor and up their legs.   

DFRPG / Seelie/Unseelie Magic and Aspects?
« on: August 25, 2012, 10:31:51 PM »
Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone else has experimented with creating attack spells that also trigger aspects on yourself or the target?  Since this type of sponsored magic allows you to create evocation at the speed of Thaumaturgy and your allowed to create aspects with Thaumaturgy these types of Rotes seem legitimate?

(Lets say these two wizards have a Total 6 Control, and 6 Power for their sponsored magic.)

-Seelie Magic
Homing Fireballs
-Targets: Single vs. Athletics
-Attack: 6 + 1 Aspect (Homing?)
-Weapon: 3

-Unseelie Magic
Frozen Binding
-Targets: Single vs. Might
-Attack: 6
-Effect: Grapple at Strength 3, (Using the Grapple rules, needing an aspect)
-Duration: 1 Exchange (Extended by taking a stress each exchange?)

DFRPG / Thaumaturgy and Attacks?
« on: August 24, 2012, 09:15:18 PM »
Hello all,

I am running a game, and I was writing out a villain who uses Thaumaturgy to create explosions, and I was wondering how best to do this with Focus slots, and Refinements?  Basically I can't figure out what school this should be?

-I was thinking of calling them potions with an 8 stress hit but this seems way under what is necessary to actually kill someone?  Since you need 14 stress to one shot someone at minimum if you count Consequences?

-However if you can add aspects to increase the damage this could be sufficient, as he has a skill of 4 with 2 aspects that is 16 stress minus their defense?

DFRPG / Recovery Powers and Extra Consequences?
« on: August 22, 2012, 04:28:32 AM »
Hello all,

I just want to make sure I am reading this correctly?  If I have a stunt that adds more Mild Consequences and I also have Superb Endurance, if I use my once per scene recovery power, these consequences go away. 

DFRPG / Armor and Toughness Powers Stacking?
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:53:36 AM »
Hello all,

I was just wondering if there is a rule that prevents armor from stacking with the armor that toughness powers provides?

DFRPG / A few questions regarding Glamours and Changelings?
« on: August 01, 2012, 10:48:33 PM »
Hello all,

I was just wondering what you all think are the limitations of the Glamours power?  A friend of mine is new to the game, and is planning a character with it, and I was concerned about how it works?

It seems to me that the power just changes the appearance of something, without changing its function and allows Veils?

1) So could he use it to disguise himself to look like a specific person, or does it just let him look different than his normal appearance?

2) Monopoly money to real money?  Would this allow you to roll Deceit/Discipline rather than Resources when trying to buy something?  Or would that take a stunt that requires the Glamours power?

3) How would it effect things like a metal detector at the court house, for instance?

DFRPG / Human Form Question?
« on: May 30, 2012, 10:34:55 AM »
Hello all,

I was just wondering if the Human Form power, requires time before activating your power?  I am having trouble defining the difference between Human Form and Human Guise if it doesn't?

For instance lets say I was a character who has mastered offensive blasts with his evocation, so well that he can use blasts of low power without getting tired, but that it makes his hands glow with blue fire when used?

Would this be a legitimate Human Form effect, or would he be forced to spend an action or so summoning up the requisite power?

DFRPG / Ranged Grappling as a power, not a spell?
« on: May 19, 2012, 07:57:31 AM »
Hello all,
I was wondering how you would design a power to create a ranged grapple power without using Evocation/Channel which is the normal way to do it. 

DFRPG / Enchanted Items and the Riposte Stunt?
« on: May 07, 2012, 11:46:41 AM »
Hello all,

I was wondering whether it seems reasonable to allow someone with the Riposte stunt to apply an enchanted items power to the automatically successful attack?

Lets use a Wizard's staff as an example, using his Enchanted Staff to block an attack and then blasting his opponent with the Weapon 6 effect it can create?

I assume that this is fine as long as you normally use the Weapon skill to direct the attack?

(PS. I do understand that this is probably less optimized than just relying on defensive enchantments.)

DFRPG / Lore Stunt (Peach)
« on: February 15, 2012, 03:11:50 AM »
Hello all,
Its been a while since I posted anything on the forums, but I was wondering what the general consensus would be on the following Lore Stunt.  Please note anything I have wrong. . .

Improved Foci: When using a focus you have built you may count your lore as 1 point higher than normal.  This will allow you to provide a benefit more than your Lore skill normally allows. 

Bob has Lore 4, and the Improved Foci Stunt, so now his foci can provide up to a +5 bonus rather than the normal limit of 4. 

DFRPG / How to simulate super tech, i.e. Iron Man?
« on: June 03, 2011, 05:58:28 AM »
Hello all,

Now I know that this doesn't fit the setting for the Dresden Files, but I was interested in putting this together.  I have always been a fan of the Iron Man comic series, and so I decided to break down a way to simulate having access to comic book style super tech for the fate system, and here was my attempt.  Please give me any constructive criticism. 

Super Tech

3 Refresh

Mad Scientist covers the ability to create incredibly high tech equipment.  This follows the rules for the Crafting Application of Thaumaturgy except where noted. 

You must include an aspect referencing your access to high tech equipment.  This can of course be from making it your self or by working for a group that provides the equipment. 

Skills Affected:
Craftsmanship determines the strength of the item. 

This ability comes with 2 free focus item slots, you can design the items that fit into these slots now, or later on during play.  A single focus item slot may be traded in for two enchanted item slots. 

You may purchase refinements to upgrade this power with additional focus item slots, or to purchase specialties in either Power or frequency. 

DFRPG / Armor as Items of Power?
« on: May 21, 2011, 10:10:01 AM »
Hello all,

I was just wondering whether any of you consider Armor as an item of power, out of line or completely legitimate?

I was thinking that it would be reasonable, and could be extremely useful if you put the Human Guise power on it, as this would keep mortals from being to freaked out, but would definitely supernaturals on edge as they would probably be able to tell you came ready to throw down?

I would also like to know what you would consider a reasonable amount of armor value for an item of power?  Should it be armor 3, like the swords of the cross, or armor 2?

DFRPG / How long does the True Sight Ointment last?
« on: May 19, 2011, 12:04:12 PM »
Hello all,

I was wondering how long potions and Thaumaturgy effects like
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True Sight Ointment last?  I am assuming about an hour considering how they were used in
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?  I was making another enchanter for fun, and this section got confusing.

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