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Topics - blackheart

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DFRPG / Paging Dr. Hicks, Dr. Fred Hicks please
« on: January 19, 2011, 03:11:57 PM »
If Rumors From the Paranet isn't done writing yet, can we the fans make a few requests?

Such as:

The missing Magic/Anti-Magic Circle rules
Harry's Gravity Hammer spell from "It's My Birthday, Too" and "Changes"
Etc, etc...

DFRPG / "Knocked on yer' butt!"
« on: October 03, 2010, 03:26:15 PM »
OK, so we have either an air or spirit invocation that ends up being an attack with a concequence of "Knocked Prone" (at least 2 shifts?) or placing a manuver on a target "Knocked Prone" without a damage track (at least three shifts, right?)

Or to be really nasty, add in an extra shift to move the target a zone away (Sent Flying).

Kosher or not?

DFRPG / True Name vs. Assumed or Taken Name
« on: August 26, 2010, 02:22:12 PM »
OK, so we all know having someone's True Name gives you power over them, if only for Thamaturgy reasons. But what if you legally change your name or assume a false identity?

I have a player with a wizard concept that her father, a mundane but royal bastard, was raising her to be a magical enforcer. She skipped town as fast as she could and adopted a new name and identity on the other side of the country. Before she left she was sure to destroy any blood and hair samples he had stashed so the big tracking spell components are gone.

Now as the GM, I'm saying she could make a "Rebirth" ritual to purge her old name and take on a new one for magical purposes, but should I also require an Aspect as well?

DFRPG / "Grey Court" Vampires
« on: July 25, 2010, 02:19:58 PM »
So, after watching the Season 2 premire of Being Human on BBC America and Underworld, I was considering hashing out a sub-sect of vampires not aligned with any of the "White/Red/Black/Jade" courts allready established.

Partly inspired by Moonlight and Being Human, I am thinking of a vampire type that loses their powers during the daytime, and has a catch for "Fire". So, during the day they are ordinary humans, but at night they have access to their supernatural powers.

Also, how would anyone simulate the Underworld "I jump from the top of a tall building/cliff and land on my feet without taking damage" power?
Physical Immunity: Falls Only?
I'm tempted just to make it a -1 refresh power.

DFRPG / More Minor/ Mundane Effects
« on: June 20, 2010, 03:19:43 PM »
OK, so Harry has his flickum bicus spell and "make my pentacle light up" thingy.

What other different minor/mundane spells have anybody come up with?

Such as....
"Open the door to my apartment (only), while locked, when my hands are full of groceries."
"Wave my hands and the drapes close."
"Find my car keys, AGAIN!"
"POOF! The cat hair is gone from my couch!"

DFRPG / Circle of Magical Protection
« on: May 31, 2010, 12:47:58 PM »
Please forgive me if this has been addressed anywhere else.

Did I miss in the rule books if you ever stated or ruled about drawing a circle around yourself and powering it so no magic can enter or leave?

Ex: In Dead Beat where Ramirez closes the circle around the Warden meeting at McNally's.
Also, Butters draws a circle and powers it with his blood to fend off zombies and spirits.

And outside the cut-off point for the RPG, in Turn Coat where Harry draws one to protect himself and Murphy from Binder's monsters.
Then a Molly makes one to "de-power" those same monsters.

Any ideas, rules-wise or other?

DFRPG / Example of Play
« on: April 17, 2010, 12:40:43 PM »
I started getting my DFRPG group together and will try to give the best accounting as possible.

The following story is true. The names have been changed to protect the guilty and avoid copyright lawsuits.

I started to set up the fictional story city of Midnight Bay, a fair sized city on the West Coast about halfway between LA and SanFran.
For an image, I based it on the game world of Stillwater from Saint's Row 2 video game.

My first player Sammi wanted to play a standard White Council Wizard. She had a strong background in D&D 3/3.5 and no previous experence in FATE or Dresden Files, I sugested baseing her character on another idea and updating it to the setting.
Having just finished Mass Effect 2 not too long ago, her inspiration was from the character of Miranda Lawson, a character idea I have been kicking around for a while myself.

Character: Miranda Lawson
High Concept: Gifted Prodigy of the White Council
Trouble: Council Loyalist
Aspects: Keen Mind, Highly Attractive, Excellence in Execution, [open], [open]
Suberb(+5): Lore
Great(+4): Discipline, Scholarship
Good(+3): Contacts, Conviction, Resources
Fair(+2): Alertness, Deciet, Presense, Rapport
Average(+1): Athletics, Endurance, Guns, Fists, Weapons

Stunts and Powers:
-3 Evocation, -3 Thaumaturgy, -1 The Sight, 0 Soulgaze, 0 Wizard's Constitution, -1 Refinment

Evocation: Elements (Air, Spirit, Fire) Power (Spirit +1)
Thaumaturgy [open]

Focus Items:
Copper Rod (+1 Power Offense Air)
Whitewood Staff (+1 Power Offense Spirit, Defense Spirit)
Shield Ring (+1 Power Defense Air)
Four Open Enchanted Item Slots (primarily potions)

Starting Refresh: -8

For an "orientation" session, I set up a quick drop-in idea so that anyone else could join in.
Miranda gets a call from the Regional Commader of the Wardens that a mystical tome of occult rituals has just been smuggled into Midnight Bay from an unknown source. The Warden sources say that this book has been out of circulation for quite a while so some of the rituals it contains could be quite dangerous in the wrong hands (ie anyone). Miranda is charged with locating and retrieving it. Pretty much a standard "Item Fetch" quest.

DFRPG / Evocation, Shifts, and Persistence
« on: April 13, 2010, 02:11:18 PM »
As I read the rules, you can extend the effect of an Evocation for a second exchange for one shift of power.

Wouldn't this allow you to do a full spell worth of damage for two exchanges for only one extra shift?

Ex: A Weapon: 4 attack spell extended for one exchange gives you 8 functional shifts of damage over two exchanges for one discipline roll and one stress point?

DFRPG / Week since the PreOrder
« on: April 11, 2010, 03:38:48 PM »
So Fred, how'd you do?

Meets/ excedes expectations?

EDIT: Never mind, I just read Deadly Fredly.  Super Cool, Dude!

DFRPG / Evocations and Enviromental Power-Ups
« on: April 09, 2010, 01:12:44 PM »
OK, I'm asking for Help.

Where does it say in the Spellcasting rules about sucking up energy around you for aiding evocation spells?

My best example is... dammit what was her name, Harry's ex girlfr.. Elaine?  Yeah, in White Night, when the WCV has the psychic whammie on her; Harry gives her a wake-up call and she sucks up the electricity in the room to blast the vamp right out through the wall.

Clearly not thamaturgy on account of the short time and no ritual prep.
There is probably half a dozen more examples I could quote, but this is the best I could think of.

Any ideas for the near-sighted slightly clueless blackheart?

DFRPG / The Catch and Char Concepts
« on: April 06, 2010, 01:48:32 PM »
OK, for my Aesir God-Blooded Biker Character, I thought I could be a classist and maybe stick with "mistletoe".

But what if I was designing a "Buffy" type slayer with inhuman recovery (clearly established in the series).
What could possibly be her "catch"?

DFRPG / Soulgazing Monsters
« on: March 31, 2010, 01:07:42 PM »
Ok, we've seen Harry and Thomas, and then in White Night Ramirez and Lara.
So it's well established that you can soulgaze a full White Court vampire.

Have we ever seen or heard of a soulgaze with a Red Court? (And Susan doesn't count on two factors.)
Or Black Court for that matter?
And we can leave out the sticky "Why would you WANT to?" question.

Doesn't this imply that White Court are still, on some spiritual level, Human?
And as such, wouldn't the Laws count? (Barring a "vampire exception" clause?)

Could you soulgaze a Changling? (Not fully farie yet?)

DFRPG / Getting around the Laws
« on: March 28, 2010, 02:21:08 PM »
"You killed him!"
"Nah, I shot him. The bullets and the fall killed him."

Max and Vincent, Collateral

So, I've got a player who wants a rote spell called "Fifty feet up and falling". It's an air spell that blows someone straight up into the air and gravity does the rest.
He argues that since the fall is doing the damage (well the ground, actually), not the spell, it's not a violation of the First Law.

I say the Wardens might not see it that way.

DFRPG / Skills and Specializations
« on: March 21, 2010, 03:16:29 PM »
What, if any, rules are there for detailed skill use?

Such as speaking Latin or Spanish? (Scholarship?)
Woodcarving to replace lost or damaged wizard staves or wands? (Crafts?)
I can do great things with a motorcycle but can't drive stick to save my life? (Drive?)
Etc... etc...

DFRPG / One-use items
« on: March 18, 2010, 01:22:43 PM »
"I've got a hankie full of sunshine."

In preparation for Changes and DFRPG I've been re-reading the Dresden Files. In Storm Front, Harry fends off bat-form Bianca with a cloth powered with sunlight.
In game terms I'm imagining this as a potion slot, yes?

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