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Messages - Linck

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Harry making money
« on: June 14, 2018, 01:48:44 AM »
sure I'm almost up to date on the books, I've just begun on Brief cases.
I'll assume u are up to date on changes as well :)

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DF Books / Harry making money
« on: June 13, 2018, 11:38:37 PM »
So now that harry now has 2 kids to raise and protect, he is going to need capital. He might prefer to live a more spartan kind of lifestyle, but he needs a new place with a real threshold, and a decent nest-egg, could really be useful to him...

In that regard I've long been wondering why he does use Bob.
Bob is basically the equivalent of a super computer with an AI, we know from when he is living with Butters that he can operate a computer and surf the internet.

So why not have him use the stock market ??
feed him book on how it works, let him observe the market for a while, and then use him to daytrade or even long term invest if he wants to limit the access bob has to a computer. 

I know Harry can't have a pc at his house, but that's not keeping him from letting Bob operate one at ie. at Butters place.

Pages: [1]