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Messages - Teafran

Pages: [1]
Episode Archive / Re: BB007 - A Storm's A-Comin', Pa!
« on: April 15, 2007, 01:52:35 AM »
Yeah, I could have handled the leveling better, and I've got a solution in place for dealing with it from here on forward.  Thanks for the feedback!

10-4.  Looking forward to the next one.

I'm not likely to tell him that, since I'm a fan of him being able to feed his family. ;)

LOL!!  Yep.  I'll get into them eventually, it's just not my thing at the moment.

The Butcher Block / Re: Your Episode Ideas Here
« on: April 13, 2007, 01:34:56 PM »
Let's just say that Nerd Fury invoked the Nerdfurious. :>)

The Butcher Block / Re: Your Episode Ideas Here
« on: April 13, 2007, 12:37:33 AM »
I'm more interested in some of the background characters of the Dresden series.  For instance, how did he come up with the idea of The Knights and the Blessed Swords? Was he at all influenced by Spider Robinson when he developed MacAnally's Bar? What influenced the development of the three Vampire Courts, the two Fairie Courts, etc.  How much does RPG playing influence the novels?

It would not necessarily have to be Mr. Bucher who answers these questions - anybody with a knowledge would suffice.  A lot of the questions I have center around his creativity in building this hugely complex world and making it very believable.

I agree with you on length - 25/30 minutes max is the best podcast size for me and after listening to a lot of podcasts over the past two years in developing my own, I find that the best are in that range - it forces you to be concise and that makes it interesting.  If you have one that goes over, fill it out and break it into a two/three part episode.

I'm really enjoying the podcasts - keep up the good work.

By the way, I confess that I co-opted the phrase Nerd Fury in a post on another forum and what a reaction!!

I thank you for that.  :>)

Episode Archive / Re: BB007 - A Storm's A-Comin', Pa!
« on: April 13, 2007, 12:01:51 AM »
I just finished downloading all the Podcasts from 0 to 7 and I must say that there is definite improvement as they go along.  On the last 'cast, I had to adjust the audio quite a bit to hear your guest and when you would ask a question, it was too loud.  I think you might want to use some auto leveling when copying over the podcast or re-recording it. Minor complaint though. 

When you started with the first 'cast, it sounded like you were reading everything instead of letting it flow - it's a lot smoother now.  Good job adapting.

Good stuff - keep up the good work.

And if you happen to talk to Mr. Butcher, tell him to forget about Alera and concentrate on Dresden (I just can't get into the Alera books.  :>)

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