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Messages - segaily

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DF Spoilers / Re: Any news on Peace Talks
« on: February 25, 2019, 05:17:01 PM »
Ah, but on the other hand how many times have you finished reading the book in a couple of marathon sessions and thought: damn, I wish I could've made that last a bit longer.
Besides, chapter by chapter on a half monthly basis should improve self discipline. :D

Exactly.  Reading it a chapter at a time might be torture but it would keep me from staying up all night reading. :)   I am guessing that it would help me slow down and really get all the little details he puts in the first time as well.  It always amazes me how much more I notice on a reread. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Can Hellfire be used without a Coin?
« on: February 22, 2019, 08:33:45 PM »
To be honest, I just took these to be delusion. Hellfire made Harry's magic hit harder, and the Winter Mantle really DOES make Harry stronger.

Butters just doesn't really believe it, and his denigration of the Winter Mantle helps Harry feel more like a dummy being abused by Mab and his own bad choices, which is all but a hobby of his. So Harry tries to believe it too, and as a result thinks Hannah is also duped.

I mean, Harry ran on super-slippery ice, and jumped, and whatnot. He did things that are normally physically impossible... and all without digging very deep into his Mantle, after about 1 year of practice. Imagine a Knight none too worried about his soul pushing the Mantle to its limits for a decade.

I have always felt this way too.  While the mantle might not do much if anything to protect Harry from injury it clearly does give some boosts.   Hard to say how much is just belief and how much is real. I think Butters is right in that Harry needs to be very careful to not hurt himself but that does not mean Harry is getting nothing from the mantle.  Butter's does not trust it so he thinks the worst instead of thinking he could be right about it even while it does give some sort of a boost. 

DF Books / Re: Peace Talks Update
« on: February 22, 2019, 06:15:40 PM »
Kinda shows our desperation that there are two update threads.

It does but I figure it is good this is here in case someone thinking about starting the series who wants to make sure it is still being worked on checks in.  They would want to avoid a section called spoilers.

DF Spoilers / Re: Any news on Peace Talks
« on: February 22, 2019, 06:12:12 PM »
As far as I can tell, the was no update for 44. It's fine, Jim is allowed to skip updates  :)

His skipping chapter updates now and then is probably a good thing. Hopefully it will prevent anyone ever posting something like why is this chapter taking him so long.   ;D

I really like the updates but I must say I would be enjoying them a lot more if I could read the chapters as he finishes them.  :)

DF Books / Re: Peace Talks Update
« on: February 22, 2019, 12:28:43 AM »
New update on the Website.  As of February 21st, 2019, the current draft of the novel is up to chapter 45

DF Spoilers / Re: Any news on Peace Talks
« on: February 22, 2019, 12:28:10 AM »
New update on the Website.  As of February 21st, 2019, the current draft of the novel is up to chapter 45

DF Books / Re: Peace Talks Update
« on: February 11, 2019, 11:12:40 PM »
If anyone from Team Butcher happens across this thread, I'd like to say thank you.  As has been said any number of times, Jim doesn't have any obligation to his readers.  If he woke up tomorrow and decided he was done with Dresden, it would be a crying shame, but also his prerogative.  So, I don't think there was ever a need to explain the reasons for the delay with Peace Talks. 

That being said, a little communication goes a long way.  While there's no need to explain the "why", maintaining an active dialogue as you've recently started doing demonstrates substantially more goodwill towards and respect for readers than radio silence. 

I write this not to stir up residual frustrations on either side (though I'm sure there will be some of that.  Sorry,) but in hopes that if any delays arise in the future, you will remain communicative.  Even if the communication consists of "Day 7: stuff happened, no news. Day 30: still no news."  This, to me, is substantially better than "Day 1: stuff happened, no news...Day 328: *crickets*" 

Nothing is ever going to keep everyone happy, but I do think this type of communication might have mitigated the concerns of much of the reader base.  I know it would have in my case.  So, I say again, thank you for communicating clearly and regularly with us and I look forward to reading Peace Talks whenever Jim is able to get it out.   

Best regards,


I too am very happy to see the semi regular progress updates and agree in theory with what you have said. 

Though I also understand when stuff happens in life posting that kind of a status may be one of the last things on someones mind.  For me it would probably have been even below the last thing on my mind.  It would have been. @#$#$ all this stuff is going on and I am not even getting work done.  I just need to get a little something done so I can let people know. Week later still unable to get work done #$@$@#$@#$ I just need to get a little something done so I can let people know. With each week just getting worse and worse on top of everything else.  Admitting I was getting nothing done would have been admitting ahead of time to myself that next week I would again get nothing done.

I do not know Jim (unfortunately as he sounds like he would be a fun person to know and might get me access as a beta reader :D )  so I have no idea what things were really like for him.  I am just going to hope the rest of his life is both long and good and that he enjoys writing so that he writes lots of things I can read.  If he ever stops writing oh well it will probably be better for my health to not stay up all night reading every time one of his new books comes out  anyway :)     

DF Books / Re: New reader here
« on: February 11, 2019, 10:34:13 PM »
Read in publication order. The short stories aren't important to read within the timeline. They'd be something cool to read later and realize "Ah! So that's what he meant there!"
Only. I'd stop at Changes (book 12) and start reading the short stories and comics.

I am going to agree with this as the best option.  Sure you could read them all in Chronological order but it would mean a lot more switching of books.  If you are between books and in the mood for a short story or 2 go ahead and read some of the ones you are past but otherwise would not worry about it until well into the series.  Plus the series really gets going after the first few books so good to get past those.  I actually started with book 10 small favor as I wanted something to listen to in the car and the book on CD version was being sold on clearance.  It was a bit confusing jumping in at book 10 but still really enjoyed it so I went back and read 1-9 then listened to 10 a second time and enjoyed it even more. :)

Sorry it took a bit to get responses.  I think more of us hang out over in the spoiler section as we have read all the books that are currently out.  I do try to remember to check in over here from time to time however.

DF Spoilers / Re: Any news on Peace Talks
« on: February 07, 2019, 05:38:44 PM »
I knew you had the concept of mediation, but I was not sure if my translation of the word "mediación" was accurate, as I am not very used to legalese (in English. In Spanish, I am relatively fluent because I've taken dictations from my dad more than once).

I am not trying to say that you or anyone else is being stupid, and I don't think that is the case. I've known brilliant people here. Nevertheless, I've been telling people that since I've joined this forum and I am not going to stop now. I think most people from USA simply does not realize how colonialist that word sounds for us many of us and I am just trying to make people aware of that. Not stop using the word, of course, but just thinking of it. When someone tries to tell me I don't live in América, it annoys me, I can't help it (I generally say "US citizens" but with another forumite (from USA) we used to jokingly say "USers"). Give me some credit for writing so many posts in English without using "Americans"  :P.

Being honest, what really, really annoys me is when people in my country or other Latin American Countries use "Americano" instead of norteamericano o estadounidense. None of those words is perfect, but it's the correct word and it is not bad for us. When we really want to say "From North America", including México and Canada, we use some expression like "americanos del norte" o "gente de América del Norte". I really wish my own people was not so brainwashed, because as you said, in Spanish we are all "americanos", There are not many Americas, there is only one. That is why there is the OAS, Organization of American States, which does not mean the States of USA but the Countries of America.

As a US citizen who now lives in Canada I quickly noticed after moving that you do not hear American used much.  Canadians usually say the States when talking about the United States or people from the States.  If talking about an individual you often hear Texan, Californian etc or just they are from the States.  I used to use American all the time but now try to avoid it as to my ear it now sounds like I am forgetting the US is not the whole continent.   

To get back to the main topic I am really happy Jim is posting the updates to the page.  I realize that 43 chapters means they is still a bit to go but seeing steady progress has me back to listening to the audio versions of the books in my car again.  With the amount I drive the new book might well be out about the same time as I get through them all again.  :)

DF Spoilers / Re: Lea and the Adversary
« on: January 15, 2019, 12:22:01 AM »
No, long before that, she made a promise to Harry's mother to protect him...  Now if the Enemy knows he is a star born it makes sense that they'd try to infect and pervert her to get to Harry.  Also consider her actions which frightened Harry to such a degree that he'd grab Michael's Sword and try to kill her, thus losing it to her.. Now she had something to bring to the party, gain the Knife and in the process a Holy Sword would be unmade.. Yeah, I seriously doubt that Lea didn't know what would happen to the Sword once she gave it up..   More evidence that her mind was being affected, long before she had the Knife in her possession..

While I agree with the first part of this that if the Enemy knows he is a star born it makes sense that they'd try to infect and pervert Lea.  I would not however take Lea's attempt to get the sword as evidence of anything.  The sword is primarily a weapon against the fallen not outsiders.  Winter fights outsiders not fallen why would winter or Lea care if the fallen gain an advantage as long as they were getting something they considered just as good or better. 

Lea could have even considered it her duty to help Harry to learn a lesson and that he should have known he did not need try the sword. 

DF Books / Re: Peace Talks Update
« on: January 14, 2019, 09:38:03 PM »

It has been renew every other 10 days lately, so I wouldn't check until January 7th  :P
Well it took until the 14th to get updated but we are now at chapter 40! 

DF Spoilers / Re: Any news on Peace Talks
« on: January 14, 2019, 09:29:48 PM »
Methinks you forgot an operation.  It was chapter 36 on 12/7 and 38 on 12/17.  That's two chapters in ten days, averaging a chapter every five days.  If there's 14 to go, that's 70 days, rather than 140.  Maybe mid--to-late-March, assuming he takes some holiday time off from writing?

I believe it's been said before that once he gets rolling at the end, things go pretty fast.  It might be finished even faster.  Or as others have said, this could be a final draft that he's making some minor edits on.  If most chapters are fine, he could finish sooner.  If it's a first draft, then surely there'll be at least one more round of edits.

Whatever version or pace, it sounds like he's on track, which I take as great news.
We have another update on Jim's page.
We are now at chapter 40 as of 1/14/19
That is a chapter every 2 weeks but it was also over the holidays and we got a story so looks to me like he is still maintaining a good pace! 

Yes his updates have me all excited for the story again and I am now checking his website every week or so to see if there is anything new plus going back through some of the other books.

Technically the website says chapter 40 as of 2018 not 2019 but I am guessing that will get fixed to 19 as soon as someone who can fix it to 19 notices. 

DF Books / Re: Changes -> Ghost Story (HUGE! -> meh)
« on: December 05, 2018, 06:14:29 PM »
I will admit that Ghost Story is one of my least favorite books in the series and I am fully current.  With that said I did still enjoy it.  I am not sure if Ghost Story was my absolute least favorite as it has been a while since I read the first few books and for the most part I think Jim's writing became stronger after the first few but it may be my overall least favorite. 

No way for me to know how you will feel about the remaining books but I at least think you will enjoy them more then Ghost Story.   

DF Spoilers / Re: Little things I noticed in the Dresden Files
« on: August 15, 2018, 08:34:54 PM »
Mab is just too tough to show how much it hurt.  :)  I am sure Mab will make Harry pay for it at some point now however.  It might not have happened to him before you mentioned it on the board but now I am guessing Jim will make him pay for it.   ;D

But let me take this opportunity to spread the word about the truth that is Mister.

Mister?  You mean Cat Sith before he received his mantle and traveled back in time.    :D

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