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Topics - fantazero

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DFRPG / How often do you ________ in game
« on: February 27, 2012, 03:30:54 PM »
How often do you/or a player

Make Compels
Make Declarations
Have inter-party Social/Mental/Physical Conflicts?
Law break?

DFRPG / Do you STAT your Big bad or do you just kinda play it by ear?
« on: February 02, 2012, 03:49:16 PM »
Like for example you were fighting the Hulk/Thor/Superman/Super Baddy do you STAT it out or just kinda wing it?

« on: November 10, 2011, 01:36:55 AM »
Also I have an Idea for an Clint Eastwood Character that I've been making for fun.

Character:  The Man with No Name
Player: Clint Eastwood
High concept: Emissary of the Old West
Trouble: Unforgiven
 Other Aspects:
Where Eagles Dare
Any Which way you can
Magnum Force
Coogan's Bluff
The Good the Bad and the Ugly ( or split these up and make them 3 aspects?)

+5 Guns Athletics
+4 Presence, Endurance
+3 Conviction, Fists
+2 Alertness, Weapons
+1 Might, Intimidation

Stunts and Powers
-1 Marked by Power
-3 Item of Power
No Name's Revolver [-3]
Description: The Man with No Name's Revolver.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. (Magnum Force)
Skills Affected: Guns
[-0] Purpose. Forged from the swords of Fallen Angels the Revolver is to be used by its wielder to punish the wicked
[-0] It Is What It Is. A weapon 3 Revolver.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a big revolver, not easy to hide, oh and its shiny
[-1] Did he fire six shots or only five? ...No need to count how many shots, Revolver never needs to reload +1 to guns
[-3] Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?... Being as it's the most powerful handgun ever made and could blow your head clean off, When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore all of that opponent's defensive powers and mundane armor for a scene.

-1 In the Line of Fire
Add +1 reach to normal Zone range on all weapons/guns

-1 *squint*
when an opponent rolls a Mental or Social Attack they are restricted to one 3 dice if in Visual Range

-1 Rawhide
Can Ride any animal

Refresh 10, Skillpoints 30

DFRPG / The Man with No Name's Revolver. Item of Power help
« on: November 10, 2011, 12:51:47 AM »
Working on a Clint Eastwood Character

Item of Power
No Name's Revolver [-3]
Description: The Man with No Name's Revolver.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Guns
[-0] Purpose. Forged from the swords of Fallen Angels the Revolver is to be used by its wielder to punish the wicked
[-0] It Is What It Is. A weapon 2 Revolver.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a big revolver, not easy to hide, oh and its shiny
[-1] Did he fire six shots or only five? ...No need to count how many shots, Revolver never needs to reload
[-3] Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?... Being as it's the most powerfull handgun ever made and could blow your head clean off, When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore all of that opponent's defensive powers and mundane armour for a scene.

DFRPG / earth magic, gravity, and rail guns
« on: August 29, 2011, 02:43:34 PM »
SO I've got this idea for a Wizard who is basically Magneto. I was thinking of using Earth/gravity magic as his main "power".
I was reading about gravitational lenses and how you can use gravity to bend light around a object
Also had an idea for his staff being a crude rail gun, that he could dump power into or slowly build up a charge like harrys rings.
I've only played as a gun thug before and the magic stuff throws me off. The level is neck deep and I think 20 refresh. Any ideas how to stat this? Like he's basically just a pissed polish jew in ww2 looking to avenge his family when he's picked up by British secret agents

DFRPG / Mass Combat: An Idea
« on: August 26, 2011, 12:27:21 AM »
So in Ren's Dresden Game (which I'm a part of) We had the "problem" of having a bunch of NPCs fighting each other, and in some cases this fighting didn't involve PCs.
So one solution we came up with was to just basically say "Meh" and skip over or have the GM just tell us what happened. (Also Ren was juggling like 50 Characters and doing a damn fine job)
I came up with a Slightly different idea at work today.
Why not make the "Armys" or "Groups" Player Characters? or Stat them as such

So for Example, you have a Platoon of WW2 American Army Soldiers fighting WW2 Nazi Germany Infantry.

Character Name US Army
High Concept: Platoon of Grunts
Trouble: War is Hell
Other Aspects:
Why we Fight
Storm the Beaches
Be all you can be (ugh)
Mortar Strike: Fire Mortar at enemy attack 2 only let roll 3 dice on movement.
Pin Down: Enemy cant move for a round
Retreat! Add 1 to roll when retreating

+5 Guns +4 athletics +3 Weapons +2 Fists +1 Stealth

You could give the them a refresh based on the Number of people who are supposed to be in the group So platoons like what? 15 people? 15 Refresh.

This is just a rough idea. Any thoughts?

DFRPG / Smith and Wesson 500
« on: August 19, 2011, 09:30:34 PM »
So do we count a Smith and Wesson 500 as a Weapon 2,3, or 4?

they use it to hunt bears, it makes the 44 look like a sissy pistol

DFRPG / Long Term Character Development andother stuff
« on: August 01, 2011, 04:07:02 PM »
So we've been playing about 6 months (REAL TIME) in our game. So I think we've hit several Major Milestone, and our characters have changed a lot since we started playing them.

So should we have to keep our aspects from the start of the game? Or can we ADD to them? Or replace them with something more important. Like looking at Harrys Stats from the RPG I would say hes grown a lot since Book 1. Or like Murphy shes not the same Murphy as book 1.

I guess what i'm saying is, what is the proper way to update a character after a bunch of life changing stuff has happened to them? do you just DO it, can you change core aspects on the fly or do you just update your trouble? What I was thinking of introducing to my group GM *who reads this board Hi Ren!* and the rest of the group is that after our last 9 hour Battle Royale we JUMP forward into the future 3-6 or more Months
1. To kinda shake things up aka make life hell for our characters.
2. Let people rewrite some character aspects/stunts/ skills if need be
3. To get rid of some dangling plot points

DFRPG / loup garou vs Warden Sword
« on: July 20, 2011, 02:01:32 AM »
Should an enchanted Sword be able to kill a loup garou?

So basically we are starting a Mini-Ww2 themed Side quest thing to our main game, that will also tie into our main game

I was thinking of making a Character who was the Warden for Poland, is of Jewish decent, and quits the council because they "Wont mettle with Moral affairs"

So basically I want him to start treading that line into Evil, with an end game of Starting his own Asiele accords recognized organization.

So how does one do that.

If I straight up murder someone with magic, but I'm an accord member can the white council touch me? even if I'm a former member? hmmmmm

Also anyone want to help me Stat my character, I've never played as a Wizard, and want it basically to be Darth Vader meets Magneto.

DFRPG / Scared to play as a Wizard
« on: July 13, 2011, 01:57:48 AM »
Seems like there is too much math involved, and need to know the Rules too much.
Is it just me, or is anyone else intimidated by playing as a Wizard?

DFRPG / Robo Hitler, Tanks, and ww2 tech
« on: July 13, 2011, 12:34:01 AM »
Need helping statting the following

A Panzer tank

Robo Hitler

A German Bomber

an A Bomb of WW2 type

DFRPG / Character Creation Help.
« on: June 27, 2011, 01:26:47 PM »
We are doing a Game Set During WW2. Kinda Spy/Dirty Dozen theme.

Basically looking to make a Dum Dum Dugan type character, thats good at fighting, shooting, and spy work if need be.
Level is Neck Deep.

What I have so far
Character is named (Lance-Sergent?) Joesph Moman, left the Irish Army and Joined the Brits to fight the Nazi's. 6 Feet 4inches tall, 250 Pounds, Red Hair, big ole' Mustache

DFRPG / Anyone fight Harry yet?
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:55:39 AM »
Seeing as the Harry Character Sheet is available did anyone fight as Harry or fight against Harry?

DFRPG / whats the line? *too powerfull*
« on: June 06, 2011, 01:05:37 PM »
So my character is a Gun Guy. He runs guns, its his high concept and everything.

So is it crazy for him to always have access to some Big guns. Like Ak47s (Weapon 3) Bear Hunting Revolvers (S&W 500) (Weapon 4?) or a RPG or 50 cal Rifle with incendiary rounds (Weapon 4 or 5?)
I have pretty good resources and craftsmanship.

Should I be spending fate chips for this stuff?
Same thing with special Ammo, I mean if this was me, and the Dresden stuff was real, I would get my hallow points and fill the cavity with silver.

So what I worry about is being seen as "Cheap" or "munchkin-ing", I've had NO problems so far with either of this in my wonderfull group and our excellent gm. Its more of a personal thing.
So for example

I have a 50 Cal Sniper Rife with a Scope, I spend one round Aiming, and use my Stunt "Scope User" which makes it pretty easy for me to pass a Aim roll.
Then the next round, I shoot the badguy, with my guns being 5 *assuming a Rolled a neutral* +2 for Aiming, Plus +4 for weapon, and I spend a Fate point to tag an aspect +2?.
Thats pretty good, Wizard Level to be braggy. But I was wondering If I could throw in a Naval Gazing Maneuver in there? If so what would I do, and when would I do it? Do I do it on the Aiming round, or what?
Also would this be against the spirit of the game?

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