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Messages - Mira

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DF Spoilers / Re: ebenezer didn't look for harry
« on: December 30, 2023, 01:01:51 PM »

  That's the $64,000.00 question as they used to say.  We've been kicking that subject around for years.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 28, 2023, 02:49:47 PM »
So while there may not be any active "romantic relationship," there's still a background tension there (much as there was between him and Murphy, for many books).

But that's the point, once the sexual tension is consummated it changes the relationship. It also changed Murphy, what made her interesting as a character for me was she was a strong female, was devoted to being a good policeman and the law, but was open minded about Harry's world and what he faced.  This gave her her own conflict to deal with, the sexual tension between her and Harry only added to the mix.  Actually I think it would have been better if Jim had stuck with Murphy's original reasons for not wanting a sexual relationship with Harry.  They were very good reasons, once they were abandoned, while he tried to make her more kick ass than ever, I found her a lot less interesting and a lot less believable.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 28, 2023, 02:39:45 PM »
I'll re-introduce my own WAG here... part of which is that Justin isn't (necessarily(*)) the "evil wizard" Harry thinks he is.

He's "old-school" and harsh, for sure... fastball baseballs as shield-training, &c.  But the mover & shaker in this was Mab(**).

  I agree that Justin was old school, but I don't think Mab is the mover and shaker here.  I also agree that there is a lot of missing information and when and if we ever find out what and why of it it will turn out to be a lot more complicated than we think.

1] Yes, Justin old school wizard, former Warden, he was tough on Harry... But was he equally tough on Elaine? We know nothing of his lessons with her.  Why weren't her and Harry taught together? After all defensive skills are the same for male as well as for female wizards as Lea and Mab both complained to Harry that he was too easy on Molly.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 20, 2023, 05:01:38 PM »
Perhaps he got wind of the Leansidhe coming to check up on Harry or even take him away? Justin was a Warden, but I doubt he could have stopped her if she were determined or bound by her deal with Maggie Sr.

Or he underestimated how quick a 16 year old kid can move when he is scared.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 20, 2023, 01:32:05 PM »
Elsethread was posed the question:  what if it was an attempted Nemfection?
Would young-Harry, half-trained and in a panic, have even known the difference?

How could he?  Until Harry pushed Titania to name names, he didn't even know Nemesis existed, and Harry is just now learning what it is capable of.  Hind sight is 20/20 and I wouldn't be surprised if Harry revisits what happened that day with fresh eyes knowing what he knows now and will learn in future books.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 20, 2023, 03:10:44 AM »
Even if she wasn’t enthralled he was planning to act against Harry.  Why… then?  Why the clumsy action with poor preparation?

Over confident perhaps?

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 19, 2023, 06:27:10 PM »

  We've talked a lot about this of late, and I am wondering if Justin enthralled her at all.  There are a few things that don't add up and it is possible that she was only acting enthralled.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine DuMorne is Kemmler (Theory)
« on: December 19, 2023, 03:41:23 PM »

So, he body switches Harry and has Elaine as his Starborn.

  Why not the other way around? ??? ??? If Dr Who and the Master can change sex with a body change it should work for Kemmler as well... They'd never expect it! ::)

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine DuMorne is Kemmler (Theory)
« on: December 19, 2023, 11:39:58 AM »
But then he could have just not trained Harry and Elaine beyond the basics. No need to make Harry an enforcer if he's going to body switch him. Actually, just be a semi-decent parent to them so the heel turn is more effective later.

That makes sense. 
Dunno... maybe he just really, really hated the "Doogie Howser effect" and was waiting for Harry's body to at least hit his legal majority... Maybe even an extra decade or two to get past the hardcore hormones (Luccio remarked on finding that difficult to manage).
No, it wouldn't be the Doogie Howser effect, because outside of a young body, he'd be inside Harry's head and conducting that body.  However you maybe on to something,switching bodies can cause problems as Luccio discovered, she no longer could make warden swords. Though that might be because she was dumped into a non-wizard body.  The Corpsetaker on the other hand doesn't seem to have that problem with each switch she makes.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 18, 2023, 07:36:23 PM »
OTOH, I think he got more fan-hate for killing Murphy than for anything else he wrote.  So "bringing her back" as fanservice might be a choice he makes, to avoid a "salt in the wounds" effect on his fandom.

I think that is a bit of a toss up, those really offended can simply quit the series.  Honestly it depends on how he handles Harry once he gets past his grief.  If the writing is good, I think fans can get past it.  I know what you are thinking, I haven't been a Murphy fan for quite some time and am relieved that she is gone.  I think Jim painted himself into a bit of a corner with the character and had no where to go with her, so she had to go.  It could be that Jim just has a bit of a hard time writing female characters over several books.  Maybe that's why he has treated Molly the way he has, she remains strong, while her and Harry do have love for one another, there is no romance. 

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 14, 2023, 01:19:55 PM »
Nice loophole, but... Murphy ain't gonna be willing to leave her own people behind.

Not to mention, that Murphy doesn't belong in this dimension, so who knows what kind of consequences there would be if that happened.  Also she isn't the same Murphy in both dimensions, unless Jim uses the Spock loophole as per the original classic Trek story... However even if she had the same values as the other Murphy, while she may fight for justice in her dimension she cannot cross over to one she doesn't belong in.  So maybe a nice lovey dovey interlude for Harry, but he has to go back to his own dimension and leave her behind.  Doesn't do a thing for his grief nor his depression, and he needs to be sharp for the coming BAT.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 13, 2023, 01:06:46 PM »
Einherjaren are generally not allowed reincarnation "within living memory."  Dunno if this is a rule Odin imposes; or part of TWG's rules for Odin to have Soulfire; or what...

  Depends on who Gard was talking about when she said it was a rule;
page 366 Battle Ground
Gard said, " Not until the memory of her has faded from the minds of those who knew her.  That is a limit not even the Allfather may cross."

Sounds like a cosmic rule to me, because Gard spoke of a limit not even Odin can cross.  Not unlike I think Mab was talking about when at the end of Ghost Story she told Harry that death was a spectrum, that there was a point on the spectrum where one cannot return, but he hadn't reached that point yet.  Harry was only mostly dead, he fell into Mab's arms before he reached that point.

Murphy however is all dead,  she has passed that point on the spectrum.. She cannot be brought back as Enherjaren, till she has passed out of living memory..  I think so she isn't confused with Lazarus who had passed that spectrum but was brought back by Jesus, or Jesus Himself. I think  Osiris also returned from being all dead as well and was the Egyptian god of resurrection. 

So are cosmic rules broken to bring her back?  Is she so important to everything that Odin would cross the line to bring her back?  And if he does, what are the consequences to him as well as her?

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 12, 2023, 12:20:44 PM »
HAAH! I am the master of WOJ Google Fu!

Took me an hour of searching through youtube transcripts before I remembered to check a chat I'm on Discord. Found it in five seconds.

WOJ: "My first question was: "Since Murphy has recently become a just mostly dead Einherjar, how likely do you see it that she, given her personality and love for Harry, would be content to abide by the „until she has passed out of living memory“ rule and not try to subvert it in some way?"

His answer: Does Murphy strike you as someone to just follow along with such a rule? Of course she will try to subvert it somehow."

Edit: Credit to Magnuskin he posted it from a panel from Denmark.,54936.0.html

 Key word, try.  Thanks for taking the time to look it up!  Sounds like Jim is covering his behind and hasn't decided.  Actually, Murphy is all dead and has gone to Valhalla. However there are reasons for the rule, Murphy may figure a way around it, but me thinks there will be consequences that in the end will only cause more pain for Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 12, 2023, 04:29:33 AM »
The thing that does bother me is Murphy ending up working directly for… or taking orders from John Marcone.  While he has morals… it has always been clear that he sees himself as a “monster”.

Aside from the guilt/responsiblity he feels about the little girl that got shot years ago and remains in a vegetative state, he isn't a very nice man.  Working for Vadderung gave Murphy purpose, even if it meant also working for Marcone, something she hadn't had since she left the police force.
I don’t understand the hard and fast “rule” about the new Einherjar/Valkeries not being allowed to see their loved ones.
Einherjar and Valkeries are not the same thing.. The rule is a kindness actually for both the living and the dead.  Odin wants his warriors to be loyal to him and not to those who they loved when alive.  It is also a kindness to the living, imagine seeing your loved one but knowing at the same time they are dead to you.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 11, 2023, 02:46:33 PM »
She had just as much devout faith in being a cop, but she compromised on that alot in Ghost Story and beyond.

Murphy's faith started going off the rails when she got canned from the police department, actually maybe earlier with her two failed marriages.  Her devout faith went somewhere else when she briefly was a KoC at C.I, she didn't like being a holy sock puppet..  She totally lost it when the assumption was made based on pretty good evidence that Harry was dead.  She then proclaimed herself the custodian of the Swords, and when the real custodian, by that I mean the guy to whom a couple of KoCs actually handed their Swords to returned, she claimed to have better judgement than he did, but no faith in the Lord's judgement speaking through His Knights.. Then she got a Sword smashed because she thought she knew better than the rules governing it's use and passed judgement on Nic... Yeah, it turned out okay, but no thanks to her.. So in a word, her "devout" faith has been in the toilet for some time.
Uriel and Vadderung are colleagues. If an Archangel tells someone whose devout that she'd still be fighting the good fight. Thats the next best thing from mission from God. Which she already turned down when she didn't pick up the Sword.
Actually I don't think Uriel has much say at all in the matter, free will, is free will.  Not sure if the same rules relating to free will apply to Odin or not.. Either way, I think Murphy did make a free choice, she believes she stays in the fight as an Einherjaar and will be able to continue to fight along side of Harry, something she doesn't think she could do along side of her father helping Uriel.
Murphy had been working with and alongside Einherjaar for awhile. She has respect for them as warriors. Besides I doubt she'd just serve blindly faithful.

She may believe that, but the Einherjaar are Odin's warriors, his soldiers, as such, they follow orders. Unless some huge exception is made for her, I doubt she will be given a lot of options when she gets orders..
I think there actually *is* a WOJ about her being a pain to Vadderung same way Harry is to Mab. iirc.

Maybe, I would like to see that WoJ if you can find it, just what he said..  I doubt they will be the same, Harry is Mab's Winter Knight, the go to guy.. As an Einherjaar, Murphy is just one of many, and since the Einherjaar don't seem to have any "powers" aside from being kick ass warriors I doubt she'd be much of a pain in the ass to Odin, other than giving him a verbal hard time.

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