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Messages - Korwin

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DFRPG / Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« on: April 14, 2010, 06:24:29 AM »
I posted a request on the Myth-weavers forum, hopefully someone who knows how to do it, sees it...

btw. here is the Link to my request. Maybe more voices would help:

DFRPG / Re: Evocation, Shifts, and Persistence
« on: April 13, 2010, 08:34:44 PM »
Sponsored Magic can use Thaumaturgic Magic as Evocation or somesuch, not shure how that actually works.
But it sounds like offensive multiple round magic should be possible with that.

DFRPG / Re: White Council Membership
« on: April 13, 2010, 08:32:28 PM »
According to Meryl in SK changelings are under the control of the Court of their fey parent until they choose to become pure mortals.
This would mean that if tried by the WC and proved to be a changeling they should have the backing of the appropriate court and might therefore be ruled not under WC jurisdiction however this could also label them as non-human putting them outside its protection as well making them fair game to be killed by any means if they are a threat to the human population.
Where do you get that from?
Or are you talking about situation like Harry had with Bianca? An war declaration after the fact?

Being a Changeling should not provide license to get around the 7 laws if it endangers the humans that the WC protects
Are we talking about the same White Council, if Harry didnt got lured into starting the war, the WC would have no problem with Red Vamp. eating humans (as long as they do it discreetly).

anything else would be an internal matter of the fey subject to the appropriate court. Also if the magic is sponsored it is subject to shutdown by the sponsor if the caster breaks any rules set by them.
That goes without saying, but I think someone like Mab or Titania would have other rules than those of the WC...

But thanks for the Meryl quote, I'll go from there:
As long as the Changeling didnt choose pure Mortal they are under the jurisdiction of the Fairies. If they break an Law of Magic they get the Lawbreaker "Power" and have to pay in Refresh.

DFRPG / Re: White Council Membership
« on: April 13, 2010, 08:01:37 PM »
Yeah. Don't talk power templates here. Talk what's established in the novels. Because that's what rules it here. :)

Well, in the novels only full humans are White Council wizards.
At least we have only seen full humans as White Council wizards.

That leaves still my second part of the question...

Do the fairies care if the White Council kills Changelings for Violations against the Laws of Magic.

Maybe I should have started two different threads?

DFRPG / Re: White Council Membership
« on: April 13, 2010, 07:48:16 PM »
Changelings (afaik) don't belong to any side until they make the change.  Sadly this makes them fair game for anyone who wants to pick on them and gives them no protection whatsoever until they decide. 
(click to show/hide)

Have to disagree here. They got picked upon by the Fairie side. Its not so clear, what would happen if someone other would pick upon changelings.
IMHO Changelings are especially usefull as long as they have not made any choice. Free will, but vulnerable to fairies.

DFRPG / Re: White Council Membership
« on: April 13, 2010, 07:25:57 PM »
Yeah but Binder is human.
There is no power block behind him.

Maybe I should rephrase my question.

Can nonhuman or parthumans or halfhumans try the test before the White Council for an full membership?

The Wardens will lay the laws down on anyone they can (provided doing so doesn't interfere with the accords). 

Goes reading the accords...

Ah, the second rephrased question is:
To which faction do Changelings count? Fairy (be it Winter or Sommer) or Human?

DFRPG / Re: How Do You Get Effect 'X'?
« on: April 13, 2010, 07:09:27 PM »
Gravitation manipulation is right there in the source Material (well at least in an short story)...

For the flying, I think it would work best with summoning/binding something like an Air-Elemental to carry you.
Dont know if it would be possible to bind an Air-Elemental into an object for continued use...

DFRPG / Re: White Council Membership
« on: April 13, 2010, 07:05:08 PM »
Full Wizard meaning Evocation and Thaumaturgic Powers?
Could be an Changeling. Its (almost?) an classic for an Wizard to get his magic from an "special" parent.

So an Changeling could be an member of the White Council (if he has full Wizardly Power)?

What if he is not an Member and violates one of the Laws, I think he gets the Lawbreaker Power...
Would the Warden execute him/her/it or would he fall under fairy law?

What if the Changeling doesnt have the Evocation and Thaumaturgic Powers, but only the Sponsored Magic.
Would that change anything about the answers?

DFRPG / White Council Membership
« on: April 13, 2010, 05:28:05 PM »
Full Members of the White, Red and Black Courts arent subject to policing by the White Council.
But I'm not shure about the fringe cases.

Who can/should get Membership?

Only Humans?
What about Changlings?
Red Court Infected?

On which groups does the Withe Council enforce the Laws of Magic?
Obviously on Human Wizards, Sorcerers, Minor Talents.

DFRPG / Re: How Do You Get Effect 'X'?
« on: April 13, 2010, 10:13:15 AM »
I thought about an Anti-Gravity Spell, directly out of an eastern.

Anti-Gravitas [Earth Magic]:
You turn off Gravity, while its turned off you can make jumps like in an eastern space station.
You need 3 Shifts (Maneuver rules say 3 shifts is basic) for one exchange, more shifts gain you longer Anti-Gravity.
Also usefull if you find yourself falling from an plane bridge.

Workable? Did I miss something?

I thought about requiring an Alertness roll before or an Athletics roll after the jump...

DFRPG / Re: Historical Dresden Settings?
« on: April 12, 2010, 08:53:04 PM »
Wasnt it established that Wizards always had problems with new technology?
So in 1900 they would have problems with tech newer than 1850?

DFRPG / Veils - Duration
« on: April 12, 2010, 05:46:31 PM »
Is there something to create longer lasting veils (without Thaumaturgie)?
We see Molly in White Night using a quite long lasting Veil (at least half an hour).

Or does that count as one exchange for her, because its of scene?

DFRPG / Re: Relevant Magic...
« on: April 12, 2010, 05:43:14 PM »
The first use of an Aspect (after finding or creating it) is free.

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items Patch - Important, holy crap!
« on: April 12, 2010, 12:20:21 PM »
Thanks. That makes sense.

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items Patch - Important, holy crap!
« on: April 12, 2010, 12:08:49 PM »
This is my leading assumption - that it's a two-slot item constructed at Great Lore with extra frequency.

As a one-slot item, either it just works once a session, or gives Fair / Armor:1 three times a session.

Reducing item strength for extra uses is 1:1. Using a whole slot for extra uses is 2:1, to create an incentive for doing so.

Are we talking Focus Item Slot or Enchanted Item Slots?

For an Refinement I could get two Specialisations +1 Item Power and +1 Frequency or I could get 2 Focus Item Slots or 4 Enchanted Item Slots?
I will asume we are talking Focus Item Slots (otherwise it gets into crazy town).

I use one Focus Item Slot for Power, the other Item Slot for Frequency for two extra uses.
Is that intentional? Its better to use the Refinement ability for extra Item Slots, than for Specialisations.

If we are talking about multiple Refinement abilities used for crafting it gets worse, because you cant stack the Specialistion boni that fast (you need a +1 for every +2).

Reread first post
You can also add additional item slots to frequency, to give you an additional two uses per session. The original extra slot benefits of +1 strength and new item still apply.

So we are talking Item Slots…

So for on Refinement ability you can get +1 to Power and +6 to freqency.
Is that your intention?

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