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Topics - SerScot

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DF Spoilers / So… Bob’s a Castle now?
« on: January 06, 2024, 11:34:36 PM »
I recently read the Toot/Lacuna story.  Is Castle Dresden now Bob’s new vessel? 

DF Spoilers / Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 19, 2023, 05:38:25 PM »
Harry was surprised by Justine’s actions.  He didn’t see something coming it happened in a flash.  Normal when he left…Elaine under the mental whamy when he got home. 


What changed that made Justin move so suddenly that Harry perceived nothing out of the ordinary until he got home.  That doesn’t sound planned it sounds rushed… desperate.  What happened that prompted Justin to move precipitously rather than slowly put the whamy on Eleane and Harry over time so they didn’t knowit was coming?

We’ve seen that the slow whams are the best.  This was pretty clearly a desperate act.


DF Spoilers / [u]Proven Guilty[/u] Question…
« on: July 31, 2023, 05:35:13 PM »
 “Gregor” Charity’s cult leader have been have been “Aristides”… from Ghost Story?  Seriously.  Charity doesn’t mention “Gregor” dying.  Could he have put himself back together and started his little “gang”. 


DF Spoilers / Would a magic circle protect against mental wammys?
« on: July 13, 2023, 04:57:07 PM »
Several times in the series Harry gets the “mind magic… mental whammy” attempted against him.  It’s magic… so… wouldn’t a quick magic circle be a nice quick block to such efforts?

Is that the White Council pushing back to protect humanity?  If humans are “so dangerous” in large groups why did these supernatural nations allow the population to get so large and powerful?

DF Spoilers / Why is Mab trying to change Harry?
« on: January 30, 2023, 07:42:19 PM »
Several times Mab has said things like “finally a knight worth the trouble” when Harry defies her.  If his defiance and strength are so useful to her why would she want him to simply succumb to the beastial urges of the Winter Mantle as Harry keeps implying or saying in the books since he has become the Winter Knight?

Would knowing that have had any impact at all?  Or… does he assume Eb already knows?

DF Spoilers / What was the deal Harry made with Mort
« on: January 18, 2023, 05:43:15 PM »
To agree to create a shade of Harry as a protector spirit… for Maggie?

DF Spoilers / Why couldn’t Bonea talk to Harry?
« on: January 11, 2023, 02:06:18 PM »
I’m up to Skin Game Skin Game in my reread.  Why couldn’t Bonea
talk to Harry?  An agreement?  A prohibition?  Why?  That seems really odd.

So, when Harry introduced Summer Fire to the Winter Wellspring… did all of Winter, including those forces at the Outer Gates, really march on Artis Tor to defend Winter?  If so… who was guarding the Gates?  Wouldn’t that have been a perfect time for the Outsiders to attack?


DF Spoilers / How was “the Well” on Demonreach filled with inmates?
« on: December 30, 2022, 08:07:43 PM »
We saw how difficult it was to get Ethniu into the Well.  We saw how difficult it was for Harry to fight Shagnasty… how did the inmates on Demonreach get there?  Who put them there?  When did they get there?

DF Spoilers / The return of Agent “Slim” Tilly
« on: December 16, 2022, 02:58:32 PM »
I really like him.  So, when will he show up again?  Hopefully soon.

DF Spoilers / Will we see more of the Grey Council in “Twelve Months”
« on: December 14, 2022, 12:24:45 AM »
Seriously.  They were introduced in “Turn Coat”.  They made an appearance in “Changes”.  Now that Harry is expelled from the White Council will we see what the hell the “Grey Council” has actually become?  “Twelve Months” seems like a perfect opportunity…

DF Spoilers / What is a “Destroyer”?
« on: December 09, 2022, 03:18:04 PM »
So, I’m at TC in my current re-read and I just re-read Morgan’s Microfiction.  Is a “destroyer” something specific or is that just how any horror born of Nemsis is referred to.  Why would Morgan make a promise to protect MaggieSr’s son.  Was it limited to Harry would Morgan’s attitude toward Thomas have changed had he knew Thomas’s parantage.


Here’s a link to the “MicroFiction”:

DF Spoilers / Why haven’t we seen more of Martha Liberty… on screen?
« on: December 07, 2022, 06:34:29 PM »
She’s mentioned a lot.  She’s an ally of Eb but she barely ever shows up on screen.  Isn’t that… odd?  Could there be a reason for that?  Could she be reserved for something… significant?

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