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Messages - Arjan

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Actually Harry was pushing Murphy to take the sword up all the time. At the end Harry gave the sword to the right person but it was not like he was intending to give it to Butters. He was aiming for Charity.

Had Harry not hired his own assassin the point would have been moot. She wouldn't have had them.  Had Harry not gone on constantly in the books up to Changes about being turned in to the evil thrall of the nasty Queen Mab just maybe she might have been more forthcoming. But you know Butcher. /shrug/
Murphy had to find out what the current Harry was like and some irritating probing was part of that.

Just giving the swords to Harry in cold days would have been irresponsible. Harry was not stable at the time and could not handle his mantle yet. Harry had told his friends that Mab’s deal would turn him into a monster and they had all reason to expect a monster. Harry had to prove himself again and if you look from the outside at Harry there were some disturbing signs. Murphy was responsible for her own actions and she had to make the choice,

Not Harry’s responsibility to delegate.
Was that written down somewhere?

Actually there are not that many rules. People are supposed to use their free will.

She wasn't even a Custodian of the Swords, she appointed herself that after Harry "died."  That was part of the problem, since she wasn't official, she had no insight as to when they should be used or who should get one to be a Knight.
Harry told her we’re the swords were and she handled his testament and so on. That is appointment from Harry and good enough for me.

She got the responsibility from Harry and acted upon it.

Shiro was a Baptist.  Stating first that I am an atheist, and as such this is merely amusing from an outsiders point of view, the Bible would seem to disagree about what the White God would put up with. From Exodus Chapter 20Given that quote it seems that he might have a problem with Odin snatching up Murphy.
Uriel has yearly lunches with Vadderung. They might have talked about it.

I do not think Uriel’s boss is exactly the god of the bible. Uriel is all about free will and consequences. The whole jealous god thing is not really his mode of operation.

Oh I disagree, by his very nature and actions, Shiro's life screams Christian as much as if not more than even Michael.
He was a good man and his moral compass was aligned with the swords but that does not mean he was a Christian.

Butters still believes in God, supposedly Sanya does not by his own definition.. Are you saying that Michael was in agreement with Vadderung?  Or Shiro for that matter. 
Michael was the last true Christian knight for now. Shirt was nominally Christian but I do not think it was his defining feature.
We don't know that Uriel is the head guy in charge of that.  Raphael seemed to have a lot to do with Michael.
One of those guys.
Not quite the same a lot of the "Christmas" traditions are adapted from pagan Scandinavian and Germanic traditions so it makes perfect sense that on of the All Father Odin's guises is Father Christmas or Kris Kringle..  We aren't sure how much Butters practiced his religion, it was never a subject he and Harry spoke much if at all about.
For some reason my iPhone corrupted Sanya into Santa.

I do not get the impression that he was very religious, we never read something about it in the text. When the sword of faith needed a something Butters did not use his religion but he had faith in something else. He is a practicing Jedi knight now.

I do not know how the Star Wars afterlife looks like but it won’t be that bad I suppose.

That could be, but it leads to another question, does Sanya get to go to Heaven?  He is a Holy Knight but he also claims to be an atheist? Actually he appears more agnostic to me, but still.
But the subject of Murphy's faith is important in this context, another question, did she have a choice?
There are no Christian knights of the cross anymore. Butters is a Jew who has more faith in Star Wars than Christ and Uriel is OK with that. Retrospectively the last Christian knight made a lot of choices that were more in line with Vadderung than with the swords so that is probably the reason Odin could claim her and Uriel agreed.

I do not think it matters. The way we see Uriel and what we think about his boss is heavily influenced by Harry and the culture he lives in. Uriel can probably also appear as the ultimate Jedi serving th force. Maybe that is how Butters sees him. A lot of religions have some vague sky got that created the world and did nothing seriously afterwards or you can get mystical about I and god is everything.

Santa gets a good place that fits him. The same for Butters.

And why would she not remain Murphy with Vadderung and would sh remain Murphy with Uriel? Maybe she is with Vadderung precisely because it fits her personality better.

But change is not the point. Everything and everyone changes. Harry changes and Murphy’s father is still changing. But it is changing and also being who you are.

Bringing her back is theoretically possible in the dresdenverse just like bringing anyone back is possible but I do not think it will happen. The gods tend to keep the souls they collected.

What points to her being Murphy?  That because she died a heroic warrior and was sent to Valhalla
she will remain Murphy?  Maybe that part of her, but she was a more complicated person than that.
Also as many like to say, Jim likes to make Harry and the reader suffer.. What better way to make both Harry and her fans suffer big time, but for her body to come back, but her mind totally changed..
how both Jim and Gard talk about it. This is not some sort of zombie or black court vampire construction. It is her soul in it.

There is even a woj about waking up in a different afterlife than you expect. About deals between gods about specific persons.

The whole story does not make sense if it is not Murphy. We also know Vadderung uses soulfire for this. The fires of creation as some monster called it.

I think we have some sort of Christian exceptionalism here like there is only one real afterlife and the rest is fake. From what we read in skin game Hades is real and there is no reason to assume Walhalla is not. Just like Socrates is in Hades Murphy is in walhalla.

Either Murphy is Murphy  or she's a monster of Vadderung's creation. It would do my heart good to know that my mother was somewhere swilling beer  with someone even if I was forbidden to see her. Which is different then not knowing and having hope replace certain knowledge.
Everything points to her being Murphy, it is a real afterlife. Just not the catholic one.

As far as I can see Murphy is just dead. We have been informed about her afterlife, that is all.

She is where her soul is. At the moment that is walhalla.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Law and novella
« on: April 16, 2022, 04:11:57 PM »
I do not like that at all. If someone writes a story it should be widely available for a reasonable price not something for a subscription I do not want. Hopefully it will be available via normal channels later.

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