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Messages - Warderbrad

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DFRPG / Re: Trying Again
« on: July 27, 2012, 03:07:11 AM »
Well my first questions during my first read through (this time) of the main book are:
Should I begin planning and brainstorming for the game and learn the system with my players or will that likely be disastrous?
In the process of getting a game together what order is the best?  Do I get players before making decisions about location? 
Being that the players and their stories are so integral to the game, do I begin brainstorming game directions or let them make characters first?
Lastly with a first game for a GM and new players what power level would be best to start the characters?

DFRPG / Re: Trying Again
« on: July 26, 2012, 06:13:34 PM »
Would you suggest making a new thread for each question I would have or to just keep posting to the same threads with new questions?  My instinct would be to make new threads but in some ways it would be easier to just keep replying so that the people who I have gotten to know and have gotten to know me would be "notified" I had another question.

Also I am going to PM you with my contact info if you are willing to share IMs or something.

DFRPG / Re: Trying Again
« on: July 26, 2012, 03:32:53 PM »
well I know that before I was able to make a character, and even joined a play by post (in the hopes of learning the system by playing).  However real life issues (and computer hardware failures) frustrated my ability to keep up, also I felt lost with some of the mechanics.  I was really hoping to find someone who is experienced with DFRPG and hopefully has some background with the other systems I have experience in so that they could help me go step by step through learning how to run a game. 

DFRPG / Trying Again
« on: July 25, 2012, 05:09:41 PM »
  I am a long time gamer and lover of all things Dresden.  About a year ago I tried to learn the system for DFRPG and found it hard.  Real life and college classes interfered with my ability to stick to it and so I gave up but would like to try and learn the system well enough to run a game. 
  To give background on me, I have been playing RPGs for nearly 20 years, mostly D&D in all its forms but also some WHFRPG, some Paladium, White Wolf, Paranoia, Rolemaster and some other even more obscure games.  I have been running games (D&D, WHFRPG and White Wolf - Mostly D&D though) for about 15 years. 
  I would really like to find someone who I could meet online (via IM or chat) to help me learn the system.  I am feeling like I have some misunderstandings of how the system works fundamentally so I would really like to just forget all I know and start again.
  I am hoping I can find someone to do this, as I am very excited to play and run this game. 

Thanks in advance.

DFRPG / Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« on: August 06, 2011, 05:44:55 AM »
Recently I made a character for a White Court game, using the template there are 7 different must powers some with catch information.  I may be building characters wrong if you are not required to take all of the must items listed on the template.

DFRPG / Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« on: August 04, 2011, 02:34:22 PM »
I know this may not help much but you can "print" to a new PDF.  The new one would not be editable afterward as it would in essence be a picture of the sheet with the filled in portions.

As a side note is it possible in areas such as the "Musts" and other areas that would be single line but usually get so much info that they scale very small to be able to wrap the text?  If the font were reduced in size just a bit it would fit and for most characters that section specifically gets unreadable.

DFRPG / Re: Magical "lockdown" as in Blood Rites
« on: May 27, 2011, 09:04:30 PM »
Perhaps someone with a better memory or the books handy could confirm this: didn't Dresden, while discussing the subject, indicate that the loss of magic lasted for some extended period of time, reqardless of what the Wizard did thereafter?  I think it was when Murphy was concerned about Dresden being impersonated by a spirit, and Dresden stepped into her house without invitation to prove he was human, knowing that the loss of magic would leave him vulnerable even after he'd left the house?

Quote from: Butcher-Summer-Knight-Chapter7
I got it then. Murphy wasn't going to ask me in. There are plenty of monsters running around in the dark that can't violate the threshold of a home if they aren't invited in. One of them had caught up to Murphy last year, nearly killing her, and it had been wearing my face when it did it. No wonder she didn't look exactly overjoyed to see me.
"Murph," I said, "relax. It's me. Hell's bells, there isn't anything that I can think of that would mimic me looking like this. Even demonic fiends from the nether regions of hell have some taste."
I stepped across her threshold. Something tugged at me as I did, an intangible, invisible energy. It slowed me down a little, and I had to make an effort to push through it. That's what a threshold is like. One like it surrounds every home, a field of energy that keeps out unwanted magical forces. Some places have more of a threshold than others. My apartment, for example, didn't have much of a threshold—it's a bachelor pad, and whatever domestic energy is responsible for such things doesn't seem to settle down as well in rental spaces and lone dwellings. Murphy's house had a heavy field surrounding it. It had a life of its own; it had history. It was a home, not just a place to live.
I crossed her threshold uninvited, and I left a lot of my power at the door as I did. I would have to really push to make even the simplest of spells work within. I stepped inside and spread my hands. "Do I pass inspection?"
It never says that it lasts longer than the wizard stays in the home which created the threshold, in fact it says leaves it at the door, which is more akin to the gun and bouncer analogy.

DFRPG / Re: New to DFRPG - Help me learn the system PBP request
« on: May 19, 2011, 01:40:05 AM »
Since someone mentioned skills I thought I would try and figure out what skills would be important to this character concept.
Going through the list I came up with these as important skills and why

GunsCombat training4
WeaponsCombat training4
EnduranceCombat training3
PresenceTrained to be a Leader3
StealthCommando Training3
AlertnessCombat training2
AthleticsCombat training2
FistsCombat training2
InvestigationMore for the Surveillance side2
ResourcesUnused pay that has been invested well2
LoreGrandmother's Teaching2
ContactsMost Freedom Fighters develop personal contacts1
DrivingCombat Driving1
IntimidationInterrogation Training1
MightCombat training1
ScholarshipCompleted High School1
SurvivalBasic Training1
I wasn't sure what level to make it at so I assumed the highest level of difficulty.  Please give me your thoughts on these skills and tell me if this sounds right

DFRPG / Re: New to DFRPG - Help me learn the system PBP request
« on: May 18, 2011, 11:41:14 PM »
If you want to learn how the game is played, read the "Forced to Fight" game in the PbP section of the forum.
I have read a couple of the threads for the PBP groups that are playing.  While it helped explain some things, I don't feel I understand what is happening behind the actions.  What I mean is why one skill was chosen over another or how a power was applied.  My hope is to eventually run a game and I feel I really need to play a game first to make sure I run the game right.

DFRPG / Re: New to DFRPG - Help me learn the system PBP request
« on: May 17, 2011, 07:38:59 PM »
First thank you for replying so fast.  I really want to understand the game and I think the first step is to make a character and understand what that character can and cannot do.  I am always open to the ideas of others and your points are helpful.

Remember that the templates are just 'suggestions'.  As long as your justification of why you have your particular power collection is acceptable to your group, it's fine.
Ok, being that this is my first character I was worried about not being balanced.
Another thing to consider about your character are your pinnacle skills. i.e. the skills that you have at good or better.  These are the skills that you can generally use without needing a fate point to prop them up.
I was leaning more toward the action hero type with maybe a smattering of the thriller type in for non combat usefulness.

This has potential for conflict - Is he norse or celtic. (Two very different mythologies at play there)
If its just the 'berserker' aspect that you want to play with then you dont _need_ the norse - just grab yourself a copy of the cycle of ulster
Which sounds like the sort of thing you have going on there...
My first thought was something akin to fatherly Celtic background and a strong Norse background in his mother's side.  Raised catholic but never felt it fit for him.
However if you do want to keep the Norse reference, and he is 'the next great hero' I can imagine the Norse and Celtic 'gods' in the Nevernerver battling over him and causing him a world of "Interesting Times"
I like where that is going, the two sides of his ancestry vying for his worship.  It is an interesting hook.
Template wise I'd have a look at Melding the lyncanthrope with some kind of Emissary of power.  Lycanthrope type abilities but with having the inhuman recovery/ strength triggered by grannies rituals rather than the full moon- i.e. a kind of sponsored magic effect or an IoP.
How would this work with either the sponsored magic or the IoP?  Could something of this be used in his catch for the recovery powers?  Do you have any suggestions that would feel right, the best things that come to mind would be some kind of sponsored magic effect and have the catch be something to do with runes (not sure what).
The Jinx could just be the effect of accepting compels on a "I carry bad luck" style of aspect - Including self compels - which would give you fate that you could use to power your 'super powers'.
I don't understand the compels you are talking about, are you meaning compelling an aspect?  I am still kinda shaky on how all the aspect stuff works, I was leaving that for last but I can go back and try again.

DFRPG / Re: New to DFRPG - Help me learn the system PBP request
« on: May 17, 2011, 05:16:42 AM »
I have a character concept.  I have to admit I am a little unsure how best to flesh it out.  I have left many of the details as vague as I can to make incorporating it into a campaign as easy as possible.

One of the reasons I am not sure how to flesh it out is that I am not sure what template to use.

Strong Celtic heritage
Freedom Fighter with supernatural skill
Innate powers that work more on instinct than action
Inhuman Recovery - Unknown catch
Cloak of Shadows or Echoes of the Beast (not sure which would be more fitting, leaning toward Echoes)

During an engagement the enemy used a supernatural element which devastated the forces he was with.  A small group made it back however he was seriously injured and returned home to rest. While home his maternal grandmother watched over him placing runes around him and performing rituals to aid his healing.  This unlocked some supernatural gifts inside him and the severe injuries healed in a remarkably short time and more fully than expected.  Along with the improved constitution he found his senses improved as well.
After fully recovering he returned to duty.  In his first engagement to his dismay he was the only one in the group to survive.  After five back to back engagements where he was the only survivor his reputation as a jinx was solid.  Even he started to believe that he would bring disaster to others he works with. 
He returned home dejected and angry with himself.  His grandmother told him of his maternal grandfather who could trace his lineage back to the Norse raiders.  The stories of his family said that the men were part of the Viking Berserkers.  She went on to help him perform a ritual to connect to that part of his ancestry.  After doing so he felt more in sync with himself.

I welcome anyone to give me ideas on how to write this character up.  I am looking for a character kinda like a combination between a lycanthrope and Kincaid. 
I will add to this as more ideas and such come to me.  I have to admit that I have played mostly mechanics driven games for a number of years so focusing so heavily on the concept is nice but I am finding it hard to put into words some of what I have in my head.

DFRPG / New to DFRPG - Help me learn the system PBP request
« on: May 17, 2011, 12:06:49 AM »
  I have been reading the book and trying to learn the system but in the end I learn best by doing.  I am hoping to find someone who is recruiting for a PBP game.  I have never fully made a character, I would really like to be able to meet with someone via IM so that I don't miss things.  I have a few ideas but my grasp of character creation is not very strong.
  If anyone is willing to help me learn you will not only get a decent player but you will also be helping start a face to face group in Lubbock Texas.  I am supposed to be running the game however I have delayed it until I can learn the system well enough.  So far my attempts to learn how things work have not felt like I have been getting it.
  I am anxious to find someone to play with.

DFRPG / Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« on: May 06, 2011, 12:03:40 AM »
These forms are great, however there is one problem that was previously reported that has not been corrected.  On the City Sheet (Faces) the "Relationships" field for the left hand NPC on the second row and the right hand one are both linked to the same data, so filling one out fills out the other.  This makes one of the two unusable unless you plan your NPCs to both know the exact same people.

DFRPG / Re: New to DFRPG
« on: April 27, 2011, 02:59:12 AM »
I considered this, I have added the caveat that if I find problems arising that a new character will have to be made.  At this point I do not want to stifle any excitement for the game as there are few players to draw on.  If I can get this to fly for a little while and build up a larger group, being more stringent on these type issues will be much easier as I will not worry about not being able to get a game going at all if even one person drops out.

DFRPG / Re: New to DFRPG
« on: April 27, 2011, 01:36:55 AM »
I want to thank everyone who posted comments.  Nearly all were very useful (even if all they did was reaffirm that what someone else had said was a sound point of view).  I decided in the end to let the player who wanted to base the character on herself go forward, however I did make sure (via subtle questioning) that she would be not only able to handle negative circumstances but also to make sure that she would not have an idealized version of herself.  Actually she came up with more negative traits and beginnings of aspects than she did wholly positive ones.  I am much more at ease with the idea of her character.
I am still a little uneasy about the apprentice issue as there is no clear cut template for the apprentice.  I know it says that it is a less powerful wizard but that is vague.  Can someone point me to a post of a completed character that they feel would be at the "Waist-Deep" power level as an apprentice wizard.  That would be a huge help.
The second player wants to play a native american medicine man apprentice.  I am not sure if I should encourage him to use the wizard template as well or if the focused spellcaster or even sorcerer would be best as a starting point.  If anyone has any suggestions with that I am open to those as well.
We have chosen to use our home town (I heard what you all said about the possible difficulties of arguments), we have many locations and faces in mind and have themes and threats, our next step is to work on aspects for the city.  It seems like the aspects are what hang our group up the most.  We are only able to work on it for a couple hours at a time so it is being spread out over a number of days, however this is letting us come up with ideas and then go and get the research material to flesh out those ideas.  A good and bad point there.
Anyway I am welcoming all feedback and once we have completed forms I am interested in posting them to get feedback on the final result if any are willing to do so.

As an aside, I thought this would be funny to share:
About two days after buying the books and starting to read them, my desktop computer's power supply went out (not a big deal as they are sometimes the most common things to go out), anyway within a day I had the replacement and installed it.  About 48 hours after that I was informed that the video drivers were out of date and proceeded to upgrade them.  After doing so my main monitor went blank (I have two video cards and three screens).  I got concerned but the computer wanted to do a restart to complete the driver update so I wondered if maybe it would correct itself.  I let it reboot and then the computer would power on and nothing would show on any monitor (this issue is still being worked on).  I could attribute it to a computer just being flaky as they can be at times. 
However then about a week later I had been using my laptop, plugged into my monitor to make for a more comfortable viewing position, and I get a blue screen of death.  When the laptop restarts it says that there was no system disk.  I started to freak out and went into the on-board diagnostics and it said I had no hard drive. :o Come to find out the laptop hot overheated and the hard drive became a little loose.
 The laptop happened to go out while researching something during a planning session for our DFRPG game.  Now everyone is "convinced" that I am a burgeoning wizard who is fouling up my machines with my aura.  At the beginning of each of our sessions now there is a running joke about keeping the laptops away from me.
I felt it was funny and wanted to share.

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