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Messages - ImmortalPolka

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Everything. When you are hundreds of years old, having survived many challenges, you tend to pick up some skills.
We've been shown that all wizards have their strengths and weaknesses, not to mention that some things are just a matter of talent or a lack thereof. I stand by the assertion that Harry has talent, training, skill and experience in mayhem that few on the council can match.

As for tactics, Harry is not very good. He gets in a lot of fights when he has not prepared sufficiently (sorely lacking in background knowledge and suitable tricks), and a lot of his successes have been pure luck or getting saved by someone else.
Again, I beg to differ. Tactics are how you handle yourself when the rubber hits the road, in the heat of battle. Harry not only excels as a tactician, it's one of the things that's kept him out of a grave up until now.

Now, Harry the strategist, the long view thinker? Well, I think his record there stinks... um, I mean "speaks"... for itself. :)

It is more than just strength. There is skill. Most, if not all, Senior Council members would beat Harry in a fight, since they are much more skilled and experienced.
Skilled, yes, but skilled at what? Skill and experience are fine, but are the skills you've refined applicable to the task at hand?

If there had been any doubt before now, it was made explicit in GS; Harry has been shaped and forged to be a weapon. And he's not just a blunt object. Beyond his own experience, which focuses seemingly almost completely on conflict, Harry is extremely canny, a skilled tactician (in general and on the spur of the moment), highly intelligent, gifted with a great natural talent for magic, not given to hubris and not least of all mentally and physically tougher than nails. And that was before he got the Winter Knight juice up.

Right now, two wizards enter, one wizard leaves, I'd put my money on Harry over any WC Wizard except the Merlin, Eb and Rashid. I'm not saying he'd waltz in and one punch everyone or even anyone. But last man standing (or maybe knocked on his butt but still breathing)? Dresden. I'm sure there's even a few ringers in there that would come much closer to punching Harry's ticket than you'd ever think, but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. :)

Of course the problem Harry would face is that the WC wouldn't be coming after him one on one like it was some bad TV reality show. They'd come in force, game faces on and loaded for bear. For Mouse even. ;)

[Shoot. Rereading I see you were referring specifically to Senior Council members, and I was thinking White Council wizards in general. What the heck. I'll still roll with it. SC members would rip Harry a new one or two in the process, but I'll still back Harry and his junkyard dog X-factor, with the exception of the three members I named.]

DF TV Series / Re: POLL: End Game Opinion of the Series
« on: September 17, 2009, 03:08:36 PM »
I saw the show long before I read the books, and loved it.

I can understand some of the changes made given the circumstances. Using elements more "relatable" to the average viewer was, I'd guess, an attempt not to scare away viewers who might look down on anything with too much of a D&D feel. With the success of things like the Lord of the Rings movies and the continued success of the Harry Potter franchise, it would probably be easier to try and resist compromises like that these days. "Try" being the operative word here.

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: September 06, 2009, 07:10:33 PM »
There was a looooooong gap between watching the show and the books. One day I was surfing around and ran across a reference to the show and shortly after that I was in Borders books and they had a sale on that included the Dresden books. I bought "Storm Front" and "Grave Peril". Two and a half months later and I've burned through all the books and all the short stories except two.

To fight the effects of withdrawal, I'm on the forums, will be rereading the series (slowly, this time), and will try listening to one of the audiobooks. I think if I can make it till January and the distractions of the Olympics and then the return of "Lost" and "24" I can make the long haul to next April without ending up in the fetal position.  ;D

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