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Messages - BabbageCliologic

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: October 01, 2013, 05:38:58 AM »
Should I add it to the list now?

If there are no more corrections to be made in your opinion, sure. I think it works pretty well.


DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 30, 2013, 02:57:48 AM »
Here's the updated spreadsheet with the combined Focus Items pool to draw from.

Download the zipped file from Google Drive.

DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 29, 2013, 04:38:59 PM »
I don't think we're talking about the same thing. Because I don't see how that page is relevant.

I think I can explain what I'm talking about better with an example. Look at Harry's example stats on page 67 of YS. Harry has Evocation, Thaumaturgy, and no Refinements. 3 of his 4 focus slots have been spent on Evocation foci. At least one of those slots must have come from Thaumaturgy.

The sheet should allow that.

Sorry if I was unclear earlier.

Ah, OK, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

I'll make the change in the next version and probably put that on the Wizard Info page.


DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 29, 2013, 08:52:06 AM »
That's not really the problem. The problem is that the sheet doesn't seem to want to let me use the focus slots I get from Evocation on Thaumaturgy and vice versa.

Sorry, I don't read that option in the text. According to YS278, Evocation Focus Items only work for Evocation and Thaumaturgy Focus Items only work for Thaumaturgy.

YS278, second column, 2nd, 3rd and 4th paragraphs, specifically the paragraphs that begin with and contain "For evocation focuses...." and "For thaumaturgy focuses...." and "Additionally, you must specify which type of evocation or thaumaturgy is enhanced by the item's bonus."

DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 28, 2013, 04:59:38 PM »
I can't seem to get the file in one piece :( When downloaded it claims it has unreadable content and rapes the data.

Did you use the link I posted yesterday? I deleted the previous versions.

DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 28, 2013, 03:49:15 PM »

Looks better but I'm still having some problems with items. The sheet doesn't seem to want me to share slots between Evocation and Thaumaturgy, and when I tried to include focus bonuses in a spell it didn't work.

Hmmm, I set up Focus Items to be specific to either Evocation or Thaumaturgy/Crafting and don't mix between the two. I'll reread Crafting on YS278-282 and see if I can improve the sheet.

DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 28, 2013, 06:24:34 AM »
I've updated the spreadsheet to include more information.

The updated zipped file is on Google Drive and it contains an .xls file (Excel 1997-2004).

I put in page references for the Dresden Files RPG Volume One: Your Story book and provided instructions for each page.

Character information is placed on the Wizard's Info page. This page also includes spaces for Skills (Lore, Discipline and Conviction) scores, the range of Elements and Specialties and bonuses, Focus Items (for both Evocation, Thaumaturgy and Crafting), Focus Item and Enchanted Item Slots, Focus Item bonus data and Refinement Powers.

The Evocation and Thaumaturgy pages have the spell generation processes and refers to the Wizard's Info.

The Crafting page has space for up to eight enchanted items and allows users to select potion slots.

DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 27, 2013, 06:39:36 AM »
Hey Folks,

I've made a few changes but I'm not done yet:

* Added a Wizard Info page that all the pages read from. These include Lore, Discipline, Conviction, Elements, Specialties, and Focus Items.

* Added 2nd Focus Item on Evocation and Thaumaturgy pages.

* Set up Duration Types (Typical, Scene and Instant) on Thaumaturgy page. Typical = next sunrise (0), Scene = 15 minutes (0) and Instant = instant (0). That will give the player a chance to discuss it with the GM about which is appropriate.

* Added a Crafting page with space for Enchanted Items.

I have to check some things out but I hope to post it tomorrow or by this weekend.


DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 26, 2013, 01:50:52 PM »
PS: We have a Downloads thread here on the forum and a Downloads page on the wiki. Want this on those?

Can we wait until the revs have been made?


DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 26, 2013, 01:47:56 PM »
Working on a number of changes mentioned here and hope to post a revised version today or tomorrow.


DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 25, 2013, 06:16:30 AM »
Tried it out.


Evocation sheet worked well, but it looks like you can only use one focus. That could be a problem for people who use one focus for power and one for control.

OK, I'll add a second focus item slot in the calculation line.

Thaumaturgy sheet had some issues. It assumed the base duration was instant, leading to unreasonably high complexities.

I'll double check but I set up the persistence (duration) of the spell to range from instant to several mortal lifetimes. The duration value changes as a result, increasing the complexities.

Also it seemed to think that Crafting was a type of ritual,

The Crafting Bonuses don't add to Complexity or Control, instead to Frequency or Strength.

and it used a base stress cost of 1 instead of 0.

As I understand it, minimum Stress for spellcasting  is always 1, never 0.

The one-focus thing seemed to be present here as well.

I'll add that one as well.

Thanks for looking it over.


DFRPG / Re: Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 24, 2013, 08:02:16 PM »
One further note: the spreadsheet is protected but not password protected.

DFRPG / Spellcasting Spreadsheet -- Test it for me!
« on: September 24, 2013, 06:39:10 AM »
Hey Folks,

This is my first time posting here but I've been posting over at for years and I cross-posted this over there as well.

I'm running a Dresden Files RPG FAE game for some friends and they're all playing White Council Wardens. Since the magic system is complex, I've come up with a spellcasting spreadsheet that I've put up on Google Drive in a zip file. If you play Dresden Files RPG, I'd appreciate a look-see and any comments you may have.

The zipped file is on Google Drive and it contains an .xls file (Excel 1997-2004).

I've set up two sheets, one for Evocation and another for Thaumaturgy (another two sheets are list info). Since both need Lore, Discipline and Conviction scores, the info on Evocation is ported directly to Thaumaturgy. The file includes room for Focus Items, the range of Elements and Specialties, and Bonuses. I also included space for the Refinement Power. The final thing I put in was page references for the Dresden Files RPG Volume One: Your Story book.

Any questions, comments or ideas for changes, let me know.


The Babbage Cliological Society Asshat Paladins Blog

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