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Messages - Guardian 452

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Author Craft / Re: Jim's stand on fic?
« on: January 06, 2009, 06:30:34 PM »
I posted this already, but the database issue caused it to get lost.  The first part is sort-of reduntant now, but I'll include it.

There used to be a set of rules here on the forum that said, in a nutshell, on the subject of fanfics, don't.  We don't want Jim to have to get the lawyers out, and he would have to.

That's the first part.  Having said that, if you ever get the chance to meet Jim, ask him about fanfics.  This'll work particularly well if he's in front of a crowd.  He'll tell you the official story, but trust me, the way he does it in person is funny enough to be worth the effort!

It was in Toronto, anyway, and I doubt it would be different anyplace else...

Author Craft / Re: Shameless use of the board's creativity
« on: October 19, 2008, 02:18:11 PM »
Here's an idea...

Granted, some of this comes from things I read online (mostly news items), but how does the church react to this?

It doesn't have to be one specific church, but perhaps a branch of a particular religion.

You could have options from witch hunts (thou shalt not suffer a witch to live) to any number of groups that believe the magic comes from God and it's their mission to convert people.

You could even have new religions forming around particularly powerful magic users.  Imagine if one of these magic users was also a con artist, throw in a little bit of the televangelist mentality and see where it leads...

I could probably flesh some of these out, but you get the idea.

Author Craft / Re: Has this been done?!
« on: September 07, 2008, 04:13:13 PM »
"Dead to Me" by Anton Strout is another series involving people with supernatural abilities who work in a government-funded agency.  They cover up their tracks, even having a front man who does news interviews and the like.

Author Craft / Re: Language question
« on: September 05, 2008, 02:06:10 AM »
You know, it probably doesn't matter what you use, so long as you're consistent.

#For example, I've seen something like this to denote an alien language.#

You could equally :put things in colons:

Whatever you want...again, I think the trick is to just be consistent!

Author Craft / Re: Odd clause in Random House contracts
« on: September 03, 2008, 01:47:02 PM »
Just reading that, I think the key words may be public actions.

As someone mentioned sexual orientation, I'm going to harp on that one.  I'm assuming (on the legality side of things) it means that simply being gay, for example, wouldn't be enough for them to act (and if they did, then you could have a case to sue).  Doing something illegal (pedophilia, public exposure) would.

If I'm reading this right, the clause applies to your public life...not your private one.  In other words, if you're arrested, that sort of thing then you could have an issue.

Is this sort of thing standard in book contracts?

Author Craft / Re: Reference question
« on: August 29, 2008, 03:06:11 AM »
(click to show/hide)
, right?

Absolutely!  At least, that's what I got...

If it isn't, let us know!

Author Craft / Re: Reference question
« on: August 28, 2008, 11:33:45 PM »
I get my case it warranted a chuckle...

Author Craft / Re: Nano 2008
« on: August 23, 2008, 03:12:12 PM »
Here's the link to their website, for those who don't know what it is...

Author Craft / Re: Help with Faieries!!!
« on: August 18, 2008, 01:00:23 PM »
Just throwing this out there....

If you find something close, you could come up with your own name/kind-of history for the character...

Then at some point in the book find a way to explain what humans have known him as.

Going this way, you could use Puck, and describe his usage as court jester as the other Fae having better PR with humans.

Again, just an idea...not sure if it'll help.

Not that I've actually submitted anything yet, but...

As I understand it, your best bet is to contact the various agencies to see what they're after.  Either check out their website (assuming they have one) or sending a query letter with a SASE to inquire as to their policies.

I think the best bet would be to do it this way, much as you would with a publisher.  While I can't say from experience, my best guess is that agents/agencies have their own "slush plies" the same as publishers, and I'll wager that asking them before submission would put you head and shoulders above the competition!

Just my 2 cents...

Author Craft / Re: Cover Art!
« on: July 24, 2008, 06:20:04 PM »
Anyone think it might be interesting to hold an informal contest to come up with actual stories for these covers?

I know they're actually books, but when I think about what some of these covers make me think of, I'm betting we'd get some, um, unique entries!

Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: July 24, 2008, 06:14:15 PM »
No teaching experience here, but I would love to be involved in such a group!

Truth be told, I haven't done the amount of writing I should have over the past little while...having a group like this would be motivation to produce!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: "I can't afford to go see Jim!"
« on: July 16, 2008, 04:07:09 AM »
I'm sorry, but I HAVE to ask: did you get to meet Jim? ;D

LOL of course I met Jim!  Why else would I go?

Actually check out the "Polaris in Toronto" post where I give a longer talk on that!

Calendar Event Discussion / "I can't afford to go see Jim!"
« on: July 14, 2008, 02:42:47 PM »
I hope this message is Ok on this seemed to be the appropriate place for it...

I attended Polaris this weekend so I could meet Jim.  I wasn't sure if I could attend until Wednesday, so everything was hastily put together.  Now, I had to take 3 days off work (without pay) to do this.  I didn't mind, not only was it for meeting Jim, but I also needed the downtime.  While I'm not poor by any means, it was looking like this could be a terribly expensive weekend.  While trying to work it out, I remembered something a former staffer of Polaris told me I should do...volunteer.

This varies from con to con, but at Polaris volunteering for 6 hours gives you access to crash space.  This comes in 2 forms...paid and unpaid.  Unpaid is limited's up in the con suites which are open to the public from 8am till 1 or 2am.  It basically gives you about 6 hours to sleep.  If the con you go to offers this you may need to take a sleeping bag (depending on the number of people you may wind up on the floor).  Still, it means you get to stay at the con without paying for a hotel room!

Paid crash space is also limited (they have a limited number of suites) but you're actually in a room with one other person.  I took this option, and got my hotel room for $15 a night!  Considering the whole weekend usually runs you into 100+ dollars, this was quite the savings!

There were other things I got out of volunteering.  I got a bunch of free stuf (t-shirt, pin, and a discount for next year) but I also got access to the crew lounge.  Officially this is a place for a short rest where you can grab a snack.  They give you rules that it's not for "full meals".  When I went up there the guy in charge asked if I'd eaten, and I said I was about to go across the road to a restaurant.  He pulled me aside, informing me that I was not to pay for food all weekend...they would feed me!  Oh, and you should have seen the food!  Along with a selection of hot meals there was fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as crackers, breads, etc...not only did I eat quite well, but I also ate healthier than I would have had I gone to restaurants all weekend!  Here was another perk of volunteering that saved me a fortune.

On top of all the perks, I found that volunteering was a lot of fun!  On Friday I took a bus to the con, and arrived at about 11:30 (the con started at 6:00).  I worked for 6 hours helping to set up the dealer's room.  Yes, there was some lifting involved, but that wasn't too bad.  I enjoyed watching the dealer's room go together, plus there was even a perk here.  By the time the con started there were over 200 people lined up to get in and see the dealer's room!  By that time I'd already seen it, so I could wait until things had died down.  Incidentally, I saw a t-shirt I really wanted before things were open and the dealer offered to put it away for me!

Next I worked the info desk for an hour.  This was also a lot of fun, filling people in on where things were and what was going on.  It was near the beginning of the con and I got a good look at some of the costumes (including an Indiana Jones who came in carrying his own Ark of the Covenant).  Throughout the weekend I worked backstage at the masquerade (getting the best view of the costumes) and worked the con suite handing out drinks.  This last was a great deal of fun as I got to meet a lot of convention goers and got into some interesting conversations.

Granted each convention will have different rules, but if you don't think you can afford to go and meet Jim, check out the con's website and fire off an email!  While there's a lot going on at most cons, you'll find there are things you don't want to do and you can easily schedule what you'd like to do around that.  I only needed to put in 12 hours, but I wound up doing 16 across the three days.  I did 12 of those hours when nothing for the con was actually going on, and if I hadn't needed to leave a couple of hours before the con ended, I could have easily done even more hours helping on the teardown!

My point here is I easily saved several hundred dollars this weekend.  What's more is I wound up having a more rewarding experience than I would have had simply attending.  If finances are keeping you from meeting Jim, this is a great way to do it!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Polaris in Toronto: July 11-13, 2008
« on: July 13, 2008, 10:09:55 PM »
I just got back from the convention myself...the saturday session at the bar was amazing!

That session was supposed to be a reading, but (long story short) Jim gave us the option of either a reading or a Q&A session, and we went with the was a lot of fun.

It was a lot less formal setting than the session today.  You didn't have to go up to a microphone to ask questions, and Jim could see you easily.

Yes, he announced that he'd finished book 5 of Alera at 5am this morning.  What you're leaving out is the fun we had that morning (of course, I'm guessing you weren't there for that Ruadh).  For those of you who weren't there...

Those of us staying at the hotel had an early wake up call when the fire alarms went off at 6am!  Most of us hadn't been to bed due to parties and the like (while Jim stayed up and finished book 5).  At that time the alarm was of the "be ready to evacuate" sort.  We didn't have to leave the hotel but were supposed to be ready to.  I did what most people did...made myself decent enough to leave and then went back to bed.

Later on, at about 8:30 (by this time I was up...I volunteered at the con) the fire alarms rang again...this time it was the full "evacuate" signal!  Everyone had to march down several flights of stairs and go outside.  After a while outside (and a visit from the Fire department) we all went back in.  People were slowly taking the elevators up to their rooms.  For some reason only one, the "fire access" elevator, was working.  At the same time as the others all reactivated the alarms started up again!  This time we didn't have to go outside...we were allowed to stay in the lobby.  Of course this happened just after the fire trucks left and we had to wait for them to come back and deactivate the alarm.

Eventually we got to go back up, and I was on the elevator with a bunch of other people including Jim and Shannon.  None of us was in particularly good spirits as we lost about an hour to this.  Jim was in the elevator with his laptop bag and clutching it closely to his side.  Later on (after his talk) I asked him about this, confirming that as he'd just finished writing book 5, there was no way he was going to lose it in a fire!  By that point in the day we could joke about it.

Incidentally, a short in either an alarm or a sensor (one or the other) is apparently what caused the problem.  Nobody was in danger from a fire.  Still, it gave us something to talk about!

For the moment I'll finish off by saying if you get the chance to meet Jim, make sure you take it.  He and Shannon are both great people and were really receptive to all their fans!  I could say a lot more, but in truth I'm dozing off here at the keyboard.  I'll write more later and post some pics!

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