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Messages - Lord Kinbote

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Have there been any . . .
« on: April 12, 2024, 09:17:58 PM »
Spoilery discussions, speculations, theorizing, etc. over Dresden's mother's life and death?  Or who Dresden's maternal grandmother is?  I've searched the DF Spoiler folders without luck.  Thanks.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: March 10, 2024, 08:57:02 PM »
I happened to be re-reading Changes this week, and it turns out that the Fae can "lull [a Red Court vampire] predator spirit to sleep." The Leanansidhe claims to have done that with the "vampire part" of Susan and Martin when she rendered them unconscious.  As you'd expect in the context, there's no discussion of whether the ability also extends to White Court demons but Lea speaks broadly of vampires.

My money is on the White Court demon being unable to affect Harry as the WK, Mab giving Harry a charm that lulls a WC demon to sleep, or something to the same effect.  In such a case, with the WC demon's effects canceled, there would be no reason for Lara to blister (regardless of whether Harry's love for Murphy would still protect him from a WC vampire with her dead) and consummation of the marriage will occur as Mab likely requires.

DF Spoilers / Lara and Harry
« on: February 21, 2024, 06:33:14 PM »
Do we know whether Lara is able to feed off of Harry?  She surely could BEFORE he became the Winter Knight, but can Harry's mantle counter the efforts of Lara's demon?  I don't recall in any book or short story any feeding interaction between WK Harry and a White Court vampire. 

How fun would the dynamic be if Lara can't feed or otherwise influence Harry due to the WK mantle?  Answer:  Great fun, more fun than we (and Harry and Jim) should be allowed to have.

DF Spoilers / Re: Master of the Future? The Fugitive...
« on: March 11, 2023, 03:44:07 PM »
So we should assume that Mouse now knows Cowl's scent, and that Cowl isn't anyone that Mouse has met before else he would have recognized Cowl in this story.  That should narrow the list of suspects.

Apropos to maybe nothing, but has Mouse met the Gatekeeper?

DF Books / Re: Honestly Will the Dresden series ever be finished.
« on: March 11, 2023, 03:37:18 PM »
I think so but not solely by Butcher.  Either he'll take on a co-writer who will take over the majority of the writing with Butcher focused on plotting the story, editing and punching up the drafts, or the publisher will take it over at some point.  I think it more likely to be the former and frankly, I'm a bit surprised that it hasn't happened already.

BTW, I won't be surprised if Butcher's son becomes that co-writer or successor-to-finish.

A more personal question:  At what point do you stop caring enough to purchase the books (whether in hardcover or waiting to buying the paperback) and either borrow from your public library or just quit reading them at all?  FWIW, I think I'll always be interested in the resolution of series even if that means just reading the summaries on Wikipedia or some other website.

The most personal question:  Do you think the series be finished during your life expectancy?  I have a friend in her late 70s who has quit reading the series because she knows she won't be around for the finish but even more immediate, the gap between books became long enough that she had to do homework to remind herself about where things had been left, the peripheral characters, etc. and that wasn't worth it.

DF Spoilers / Can Demonreach do this?
« on: December 03, 2022, 06:00:10 PM »
Release Thomas but keep imprisoned his demon, the one that makes him a White Court vampire?  That would effectively make Thomas human again.  I believe there's a hint somewhere in canon that separation is possible.  Why not DR as the instrument?

That would make for a nifty but conflict-laden solution to Thomas' status/prognosis.  At the end of Battleground, it's stated that Thomas is on the verge of death and wouldn't survive being released from DR unless he can immediately feed on a human to the death.  But I can't see Harry letting that happen even if Harry hated the human in question, but such a release and feeding undoubtedly will be what his 'intended'/'wife' will demand. 

But if DR can separate Thomas from his demon, Thomas isn't available to make that call (basically because he's unconscious unlike other DR inmates).  Would Harry take on responsibility for making that call on his own?  Lara would be vehemently opposed.  More conflict.

Also, can DR separate the One Who Walks Besides/Nemesis/Nemesis infection from its host like Justine?  And DR keep OWWB/N/N infection as a prisoner?

BTW, not clear to me at all how the OWWB/N/N infection works.  I can't believe the OWWB is wholly encompassed within Justine (and  was once wholly encompassed within Harry's godmother), and that others can't be simultaneously infected. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim interview
« on: September 18, 2022, 06:12:41 PM »
So at least a year before the next Dresden Files novel, which will make it 3 years and counting since September 2020's Battle Ground.  How long before the next novel that's planned to push the overarching narrative along?

DF Spoilers / Re: Should Jim skip to the BAT?
« on: April 15, 2022, 07:51:31 PM »
No skipping to the end, but it's past time for Jim to get a co-author (or more) who can crank out a book every 12 or 18 months, with Butcher providing the outline, direction, and editing.  As a fellow human, I certainly sympathize with Butcher's RL events; many of those events are very painful and some are time-consuming.  But his events are the type of things we each go through, yet have to continue to function in our jobs and in other aspects of our personal lives.  I've read many an author explain their process - I get up in morning, I sit down, and I write XXX words.  Viola, a year later, the novel is finished.  Butcher apparently isn't of that persuasion so he needs co-author(s) who can write on a deadline regardless of what RL throws at them.

And you can't tell me that Butcher's publisher hasn't, isn't, and/or won't be pushing this approach.  Speculating, but I'd bet the publisher won the fight over splitting Peace Talks into two books because they like money too, Butcher hadn't been pushing out any new product, and they had to be concerned about a shrinking number of fans who were still willing to pluck down hard-earned $$ for a book after many years of waiting.  (Collections of short stories don't count, BTW.) 

As a customer, I expect an end to the series.  I thought I'd live to see that but those odds grow longer each day nothing is published.  For that reason, I certainly would never recommend anyone start this series - or any other with an overarching story - until it's finished.  And I'm sorry I recommended Dresden to a friend 15+ years ago based upon Butcher's early pace, since now there's no chance she'll be alive when the series ends.

DF Spoilers / Ramirez [Spoiler/WAG]
« on: July 22, 2020, 01:07:53 AM »
Seems pretty obvious that Ramirez spent the night between the gatherings in the company of Lara. 

When Dresden goes to pick up Lara on the way to the second night's gathering, she said she had been "practicing diplomacy" and ate "a large meal."  At the gathering, Dresden immediately runs into Ramirez, who's hurt and complained of "tangling with the wrong monster" but in the line of duty "as it turned out."

So what's the head of security for the White Counsel and the real head of the White Court liasoning about?  Exactly who was Ramirez representing?  Doubtful Eb was in the loop, given how he feels about the White Court.  Or maybe his and Lara's extreme reactions at the end were the result of Dresden unknowingly screwing up some joint White Counsel/White Court plan or deal, or maybe their respective double cross of the other?  Or was Ramirez free lancing, working for a third party?

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezar and Harry (peace talks spoilers)
« on: July 16, 2020, 03:03:56 PM »
I also thought Eb was uncharacteristic.  Maybe infected?

DF Spoilers / Re: New Drop Chapter Two
« on: June 15, 2020, 05:30:35 PM »
I really wouldn't be surprised if whoever is at the door smelled pancakes, and is inviting himself/herself/itself over for breakfast.  With at least one more agenda, of course, this is the Dresden files, but who doesn't like pancakes?

DF Spoilers / Re: New Drop Chapter Two
« on: June 14, 2020, 10:12:56 PM »

Given the lack of any actual sounds of combat or violence, I presume the entity was admitted by the Svartalves, rather than forcing their way in.

The entity you reference wouldn't be daunted by the Harry's threshold, or WK Mantle, or anything else Harry has on tap.

Nevertheless, I like your theory; that could indeed be who it is!  I'm a bit perturbed, though, by trying to envision what might bring that one to Harry's door; I'd expect an emissary to come deliver an invitation too "good" to refuse.

Struck me that if the entity at the door had been let in by the Svartalves or they could have or were permitted to alert Harry, then they would have let Harry know he's getting a visitor given how organized and efficient they are.  That, and the fact that the alarm went off (I assume that if the entity had been cleared, then there would have been no alarm), makes me think the entity is uninvited.  I don't think there was a battle - as you say, there would have been no point.  I don't think the Svartalves would engage in a futile gesture; too rational for that.

Knocking makes all kinds of sense for my guess - the entity must know about the Old Ones, the Outsiders, and definitely Nemesis, and you don't unnecessarily antagonize those who are objectively your allies, and particularly Mab and the Winter Court in light of the role she and they fulfill.  (Assumes the entity likes reality as it is, which may be a big assumption.)

It strikes me that the entity is very much a solo act, and wouldn't act through emissaries.  An 800# gorilla who doesn't need them, goes where the entity decides.

As to why the entity is there - maybe the entity lives in the same complex and just needs a cup of sugar?

DF Spoilers / Re: New Drop Chapter Two
« on: June 14, 2020, 05:51:16 PM »
Someone with a "heavy hand [that] rapped hard", powerful enough to get through the svartlalf's magical security and defenses and didn't care about offending them, either couldn't wait to make contact is a more normal way or wanted to make a point, but yet still doesn't want to wholly ignore the etiquetes and formalities of the Accord and magical world - it is Molly's apartment after all, inhabited by the Winter Knight (and maybe didn't want to test Dresden's threshold).


Since we know he's in the story, my guess is

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