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Messages - EdgeOfDreams

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I'm curious about how the balance of these two custom powers work out compared to each other and compared to Channeling or just wielding a mundane weapon.

Natural Weaponry:

Supernatural Martial Arts:

First off, a baseline of comparison: a character using Weapons or Guns to attack can roll at skill X with a Weapon rating of 2 or 3, with no Refresh invested. The Gun user has range. The Weapons skill user can parry. Etc. They could also buy Stunts for various side benefits.

By comparison, Fists is fairly weak at baseline, because it lacks a Weapon rating, though it has the small advantage that you can never be deprived of your weapon. The other big thing Fists has going for it is the Footwork stunt, so you don't need to invest as much in Athletics.

Now, what can various powers do for you?

Natural Weaponry: For 1 Refresh, you get Weapon:2 for your Fists. That basically brings you up to par with Weapons skill users. You're still behind, though, because you had to take a power and spend Refresh to get there. With 2 Refresh spent, you can upgrade to Weapon:4 OR get 3-zone range and access to spray attacks. Either option puts you a bit ahead of a baseline Weapons skill user, but still behind a Weapons or Guns user who spent 2 Refresh on relevant stunts or powers.

Supernatural Martial Arts: For 1 Refresh, you get the ability to take Mental Stress to empower your Fists attacks (or defenses) in various ways. You can get +1 to your attack roll, +2 shifts of damage, or extended range, or take more stress to apply multiple effects on the same attack. This lets you fight as well as or a bit better than Weapons or Guns users, for a limited number of rounds per fight. It also has some options that Weapons and Guns can't easily replicate, like hitting ghosts or making area attacks. A second point of Refresh gets you more techniques, increasing your versatility but not your raw power.

So, both of these seem decent on paper. Compared to Weapons or Guns users, you get some minor always-on or moderate situational advantages in exchange for a point or two of Refresh (and not being a Pure Mortal). And you can get some further optimization by combining both.

But then I compare those against what you can do with Channeling, and it all feels pointless. For 2 Refresh, you can blast at range for more damage than a Guns user, make spray and area attacks, etc. plus have all the other utility Channeling brings. I can't decide if Natural Weaponry and Supernatural Martial Arts are slightly underpowered, or if Channeling is just way too good, or what. (And yes, I'm familiar with the usual arguments about Channeling's downsides - the skill investment required, filling up your mental stress track, the risk of becoming a Lawbreaker, etc.).

The only other consideration I can think of is that Natural Weaponry and Supernatural Martial Arts can be stacked with a few other Stunts and Powers (such as Strength) to ratchet them up further. But then, you can do similar things with Weapons, or take Refinement for your Channeling to stack more Focus Item bonuses too.

I dunno. Am I missing something in my analysis? Is Fists doomed to be the less optimized option no matter what, and I should just accept that? Any thoughts or input are appreciated.

(I'm gonna cross-post this to Reddit as well.)

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim in Seattle, WA - May 30
« on: March 28, 2014, 04:37:18 PM »
Huzzah for an appearance in Seattle! Looks like I'll finally get to see His Jim-ness in person. Some questions, though:

  • When I search for "University Bookstore Seattle" online, I find the University of Washington bookstore, but when I search for "University Temple Seattle" I find this church (which also matches the listed address). Neither has Jim's visit on their online calendar. So, uh, which is it being held at, a bookstore or a church?
  • Are tickets required? If so, is attendance limited?
  • What actually goes on at the event? Q&A, book signing, arm wresting...?

EDIT TO ADD: Oh, also, I forgot - one of my good friends burns when he enters churches, usually. Can we make sure he gets an explicit invite at the door in case that's an issue?

DFRPG / Re: Question about Thresholds
« on: June 10, 2013, 05:08:31 AM »
Make that 3 votes for conscious intent being required.

That said, if you happened to shapeshift into a cuddly puppy and do the "look what followed me home!" act, I would say that being carried in would count as invited in that case, because the person *knows* they're bringing a puppy inside, even if they don't know what the puppy really is.

DFRPG / Re: Assessments and declarations
« on: May 08, 2013, 03:02:23 PM »
The one advantage of Assessments, at least in my mind, is that the player doesn't have to know what they're looking for.

For example, as a GM, I would allow a player to do an Assessment with the generic question, "Is there something in this room I can use to put out a fire?", and the answer could be "No," or "Yes, there's a <fire extinguisher/bucket of water/pile of sand/sprinkler system/magical fireproof blanket> in the corner," based on what I had already put in the scene or felt inspired to put there by their question. On the other hand, if the player wants to Declare "I find something to put out the fire," I would require them to specify what tool exactly they are Declaring, and judge the difficulty of the roll based on how likely that thing is.

DFRPG / Re: Scion Question
« on: May 05, 2013, 05:35:29 AM »
I've always treated non-Fae Scions almost exactly the same as Changelings - you have to make a Choice at some point, spending more refresh on powers brings you closer to the Choice, etc. It seems the simplest, most reasonable way to handle these things.

DFRPG / Re: how would you make Venom from spiderman
« on: March 26, 2013, 09:56:05 PM »
Wikipedia has a pretty good summary: Particularly, take a look at the "powers and abilities" section.

I believe the powers Tedronai mentioned are all relevant. The Catch is Fire and Very Loud Noises/Sonic Attacks (Venom becomes weak or even completely incapacitated in situations such as standing next to a large ringing church bell or, in one comic/episode, being very close to a Space Shuttle launch. This would be appropriate as a compel on his high concept or another aspect). I'd also want an Incite Effect power for the web-slinging power he copies from Spiderman. Human Guise is definitely relevant as well.

Venom does have some shapeshifting ability, but I don't believe it functions in a way that Beast Form or True Shapeshifting would work well for. I'd rather have it as an aspect that can be invoked for narrative uses.

Some relevant aspects:
HC: We are Venom
Trouble: Mentally Unstable or I HATE Spiderman
Genetic Memory (covers remembering what it learns from past hosts, such as when it was attached to spiderman)
Fluid Form (for shapeshifting powers)

DFRPG / Re: Making effective PCs that aren't wizards?
« on: March 15, 2013, 10:25:33 PM »
I don't actually have a rules reference for the focus slots being separated. That's just the way that always seemed to make sense to me and the people I've played with. Even if it's just a house rule, I feel that enforcing the split does help encourage a little more variety in how spellcasters are built, but this isn't really the thread to be getting into that whole can of beans.

DFRPG / Re: Making effective PCs that aren't wizards?
« on: March 15, 2013, 07:09:24 PM »
Template (Focused Practitioner)
Lore and Discipline at Great, Conviction at Good
Powers/Stunts: Channeling [-2] and Ritual [-2] (I'm less sure on the elements/theme for these, but that seems up to player preference)

Now if I've understood this so far, it looks like that means that I get 4 focus item slots. I think (I'm less sure here) that I could use all 4 slots to get a focus item that gave a +4 to offensive control of whatever element I chose for Channeling.

On a more serious note, I'd like to add a clarification to this. As I understand the rules, you have 2 Evocation Focus Item Slots and 2 Thaumaturgy Focus Item Slots, so you can only get +2 to offensive control. The other 2 slots need to be spent on bonuses for Control or Power of your Rituals, or for Enchanted Items.

That said, Enchanted Items are still very strong. An item like Harry's duster that provides a substantial block or armor against incoming attacks 3/session can really shore up a caster's otherwise weak defenses.

In general, though, I agree with most, if not all, of the advice given earlier in this thread. Shape-shifters are definitely one of the top competing builds. In fact, anything with access to higher-than-Inhuman on the physical boosting powers is pretty scary. Even just Inhuman Speed and Inhuman Recovery are very powerful - Speed gets you hit a lot less and makes sure you can get wherever you need to go (whether that's positioning in combat, or just overcoming obstacles like walls, pits, fences, etc.), while Recovery almost guarantees you'll be entering most fights with a completely empty consequence list. Ever notice how often Harry is at a disadvantage in the books because he doesn't get a good chance to rest up between action scenes? Now imagine that wasn't ever an issue for him. Scary, ain't it?

Oh, and do NOT underestimate the potential of Sponsored Magic as an alternative to the Focused Practitioner or Wizard route. Yes, it's still a caster, but the flavor can be very different, and the debt mechanic is quite powerful. Really, anything that gets you Fate Points for free (especially compellable aspects that your GM likes to abuse you with) is a pretty substantial advantage in this game.

DFRPG / Re: Optimal Spellcasting Skills
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:04:08 PM »
You've pretty much got the analysis correct. For pure combat power, Discipline outweighs Conviction, and Control bonuses outweigh Power bonuses. If you don't care about versatility and other skills, a submerged build can even have Discipline AND Conviction at 5.

An enchanted-item build is playable, but loses out on versatility by a long shot.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« on: November 29, 2012, 10:15:47 PM »
Duck's Molly=Mab theory definitely picked up a lot of traction though.

There's no denying that theory was fascinating, but to me it always seemed just over the edge of what I really believed Butcher would write. Simon=Cowl, on the other hand, fits right into the patterns we have come to expect from our beloved Jimmy.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« on: November 29, 2012, 10:02:10 PM »
Cowl = Simon is probably the single most sane, rational, and well-supported theory I've seen on these boards. Thanks for laying out the evidence.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Series Spanning Plot Threads
« on: November 15, 2012, 11:22:56 PM »
Also, I'm not certain what your criteria are for separating various threads/arcs

Personally, I'd say things worth mentioning are...

  • Characters who appear in more than one book, or are expected to appear again
  • Questions left unanswered at the end of a book (e.g. Who taught Victor Sells?)
  • Objects of significance to one or more characters that have more plot relevance than just tools (Blasting Rod counts here, because it is a plot point in a later book that Harry ISN'T using it. Sword cane, on the other hand, wouldn't, because it's just a sword in a cane).
  • Places of metaphysical significance (Demonreach, the stone table, etc.), especially ones we expect to revisit
  • Relationships, deals, bargains, contracts, promises, and such, again especially emphasizing ones which are not totally resolved in the book they first appear in

DF Reference Collection / Re: Series Spanning Plot Threads
« on: November 15, 2012, 10:12:44 PM »
This has the potential to be a pretty epic thread and a great resource for theorycrafting.

Here's my contribution:

Fool Moon:
  • The Alphas
  • Tera West
  • MacFinn (the loup-garou)
  • Harry having apprentices or mentoring other practitioners (Kim Delaney) (Not really a plot thread per se, but it sets up Molly later)
  • Marcone
  • Hendricks? (Not sure when he's introduced or what books he's relevant in)
  • FBI Agents
  • Full Moon Garage lycanthropes
  • Murphy and Special Investigations
  • Susan (add to Storm Front as well)
  • Public notice of the supernatural (Susan's footage on the news, which then disappears)

DFRPG / Re: How valuable is Burglary?
« on: November 02, 2012, 06:36:14 PM »
I agree with admiralducksauce - Burglary, like Survival and a couple other skills (Drive, anyone?) is very very useful in the right situations, but it is up to the player to create a character who is likely to get into those situations, and up to the GM to give the player what he wants. As a GM, I look at a character's skills and consider that that's what that player is going to want to focus on, so I need to give him the opportunities to do so.

Personally, in a game as urban as Dresden Files, I'd take Burglary looooong before I'd take Survival.

DFRPG / Re: Phoenix's in the Dresdenverse
« on: October 26, 2012, 08:31:06 PM »
I played a phoenix themed character once. Terrance Honda was a fairly nasty warlock who died in a fire, yet found himself waking up in the ashes alive again. He felt oddly compelled to make a new start on life as a good person, and found that his former magic had been replaced by a new form of bright fire magic.

Eventually, during the game (I had worked out with the DM that this would happen eventually), Honda discovers that he has been chosen as the Emissary of the Great Phoenix, a somewhat-benevolent fire spirit that wants to basically burn down the whole world so that it can be purified and reborn as something better.

Ignorant Emissary of the Great Phoenix (Eventually we crossed out the word "Ignorant" once the character figured out what was going on).
I Was a Teenage Warlock
I Died in a Fire
Who I Am Hates Who I Was
Burning Brighter
Whose Side am I on, Anyway?

Marked By Power
The Sight
Sponsored Magic: Phoenix Fire - The flames of the Great Phoenix are both destructive and purifying. For Evocation, treat as standard Fire magic. For thaumaturgy, exorcism, purification, and other fire-themed spells are appropriate, so long as they match the Great Phoenix's agenda to burn away all the evil in the world (and eventually, the whole world!). These thaumaturgy spells may be done at the speed of Evocation if so desired.

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