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Topics - zerogain

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DFRPG / Righteousness and Desperate Hour
« on: June 29, 2012, 05:56:37 AM »
The "Desperate Hour" function (trapping?) of "Righteousness" (YS 188) indicates that the True Believer can run some sort of attack in response to a friend, ally, or innocent (or themselves) being seriously injured/affected/taken out.

I am unclear as to whether or not this stages as an interrupt, or whether this is simply retribution. Any input?

DFRPG / Practical Application of (a specific) Death Curse
« on: June 28, 2012, 07:38:02 PM »
Here's the situation:

My player, a shapeshifted scion of the Amerind deity Raven, is in mortal combat with an NPC wizard. The wizard is on her last legs, realizes she is going to die (the scion was compelled that she didn't know her own strength, the power is new to her), and she casts her death curse. The wizard peers into the scions eyes, initiates a soulgaze, and then funnels herself through the link in an attempt to stuff her own soul into the scion's body. She doesn't have enough power to fully take out the scion, who can go all the way through with an extreme consequence and survive.

So, how would you model this? Right now I'm leaning toward the extreme consequence being an enforced aspect (in particular the player came up with "One Death Curse and She Thinks She's Tricia Helfer" (No. 6 from BSG if you don't get the reference)) and have the wizard partially inhabiting the scion's body, but I gather from reading other posts here in death curse threads that the wizard could make this a spell instead.

For right now I'm interested in gathering opinion, but if you have a specific numerical "how this crap works" to throw at me, go ahead.

DFRPG / Debt, Gifts, and Offspring
« on: May 20, 2011, 08:43:43 PM »
We've had an interesting turn in my game. One player has a Pure Mortal character, and in the midst of the most recent story the person who was supposed to be her father appears, and the wizard determines that he is not as he seems. There's a tussle and the illusion is stripped away, and viola there is a faerie lord standing there in place of the Pure Mortal's father.

My intent was that he was an impostor, but the player has chosen that this person really is her character's father. As she has yet to officially accept that she is a Changeling she is still using the Pure Mortal template (and benefit).

Now that that's been done, I realize that he has given her a great many gifts over the years. If you think about it, almost half her life is a gift from him.

EDIT: I do not mean conception. Her trouble has always been revolving around Daddy's interference.  She's a cop, he's deputy chief of police. Again, he wasn't originally a fae,  so this may become overcomplicated. Please leave those questions to my group. Regardless he has always been a shameless gift giver, and hell, for the evening in question she accepted a dress and tickets to the event the party needed access to.

So here's the question, how do debts and gifts with the fae work if the recipient is (a) unaware of the gift giver's true nature, and (b) the gift giver's direct offspring.

Secondary question, how does the debt actually work?

DFRPG / Compelling Consequences
« on: May 18, 2011, 08:43:03 PM »
If you take a consequence and your opponent uses the free tag to compel it, do you still get a fate point?

DFRPG / NPC Fate Points
« on: May 14, 2011, 10:27:09 PM »
I have a few questions about running DFRPG. I've been the GM for several sessions now, and I have a good handle on how I compel aspects on the players, how to use scene aspects, etc. However, I have a question about using fate points and my NPCs aspects.

1. How many fate points do my NPCs have?

It seems odd that every person walking the street is going to have this massive budget of fate points. Certainly Tim the Sniper on YS 328 (the first one) doesn't have seven or eight at his disposal, does he?

2. What happens to those fate points when I, as GM, use them to hinder the players?

I'll use Tim again, suppose that a rival player engages him and I've got the aspect "Bullet Sense" or something that we rule impedes the player's interaction. Can I invoke that aspect to get Tim a +2 on his defense? Does that point just diappear into the aether, or does it wind up in the affected player's pool?

I've been toying with the idea of starting each session with four fate points. I collect all the fate points that players use, but I can only use the four I have, and the ones they give me, for my NPCs. I have an unlimited pool to offer them for GM driven compels of their aspects, scene aspects, and all the rest. Of course I can't recall wehre I got that idea...

DFRPG / Thresholds and Hexenwolfs
« on: February 09, 2011, 04:43:06 PM »
So I'm probably missing something, but since a hexenwulf is largely a human, are they affected by a threshold the same way that spirits and demons and the like are?

DFRPG / Second Law Mystery
« on: December 15, 2010, 09:15:25 AM »
I am considering a story where the victim whom my heros must save had been transformed by a warlock. What are some pitfalls involved with this? Would you guys consider changing somebody back to be a violation of the second law?

How about the victim? If the job were incomplete perhaps imperfect. Would you allow a victim to communicate in any particular way or limit them?

 Just looking for general input.


DFRPG / CF on a Grand Scale
« on: December 10, 2010, 03:53:12 AM »
There is a serious potential in my next session this Friday for things to go from bad to worse to very very worse.  At the extreme end I see a fight of awesome proportions:

Side #1 (which has divided purpose):
2 wizards
a wizard's apprentice
a knight of the cross
2 s.i. type cops
a champion of an old god

Side #2
A white court assassin and master killer
What amounts to a grade-a wizard
His summoned creatures (2 nightgaunts from Lovecraft's Nightmare Lands)
a first rate swordsman with superhuman talents
four human acolytes.

If everything hops in the handbasket for a ride to the warm place, then the party is getting joined:

Side #3
2 ogres (minimum)
4 sylphs (minimum)
Perchange a middling Sidhe lord

Side #4
A bunch of red court vampires

Obviously if this goes the way it looks like it might, then I will be mandated to focus on where the players are at and just have the rest of it be background chaos.


1.  How would you handle that background chaos as background chaos?

2.  Any ideas on handling the simulation of the larger battle, other than handwaveology?

DFRPG / New Stunt: Iron Mind
« on: December 09, 2010, 07:41:04 PM »
Iron Mind: The strength of you will, honed through years of practice, is such that you can endure much greater stresses before they begin to take a toll.  You may take one additional mild mental consequence (page 203).

Based off of these:

No Pain, No Gain: You can take a bunch of punishment before it starts to add up. You may take one additional mild physical consequence (page 203).

Resilient Self-Image: Your sense of self is strong, enabling you to endure more psychological punishment than most. When facing torture or other extreme interrogation techniques, You may take two additional mild mental consequences (page 203).

Anyone see any issues with that?  I ask because there doesn't seem to be a whole bunch of Mental weapons or armor abilities, aside from what you can concoct via spellcasting.

(edited to fix typos)

DFRPG / Assessments & Declarations: Minor,Move, or Standard? ;-)
« on: December 08, 2010, 08:12:27 AM »
So D&Dism aside, what kind of action do you all rule assessments and declarations to be? I have thought about free, but of late supplemental seems more right as you are dividing your focus. What do you all use? Free, supplemental or standard/attack?

DFRPG / A "force sword"?
« on: December 03, 2010, 05:05:08 AM »
So I can't seem to find anything with search, probably not looking hard enough I guess.  Is it possible with either evocation or thaumaturgy to create a "blade shaped" field of force (spirit) that can then subsequently be handled by it's creator?

If so, how would you do it?  For evocation I'm thinking spell strength as weapon rating with deductions for duration and the like, and possibly bonuses since it requires skill with weaponry to use.

DFRPG / Oberon and the Courts of Fall and Spring
« on: December 03, 2010, 04:30:31 AM »
I started looking for Santa, but stumbled on this old thread:,21066.15.html

I've been toying with Oberon in my own game, but wasn't sure where to go with him.  A few of the comments in here give me a good idea though.  Suppose Oberon, shown at various times to be wed to both Mab and Titania (unless I'm mistaken, if I am I apologize to the Bard fans), is in fact the King of both Spring and Fall.  He owns neither season wholly, and is not a tri-part being like the Mother/Queen/Lady division.  Instead he shares himself between his Queens, listens to the advice of the Mothers as he will, and at one time was father to the Ladies (who's to say he's not Lily's dad?)

This would be a slight reversal on the Persephone myth as well, or could be, depending on how strong or weak Oby is.

The vernal and autumnal equinoxes then would be his chosen time, perhaps when he goes wandering for a while and then finds himself in the court of his other Queen.  His Knights, if he has any, would be female, to balance the male knights who owe year round fealty to his Queens.

All this is how it was, only one year Oberon went wandering and never showed up at either court ever again.  His disposition is a mystery, and without his power present his knights eventually died, their power being subsumed by the queens (the spring knight returning to Titania, the Autumn knight returning to Mab).  They fey who called themselves his have since become Summer or Winter fae, or walked away and become wyldfae, only joining in when the Call is given.  In his absence each queen blames the other for their beloved's loss, even still.

Vernal magic would feel like summer magic, but have a hint of winter's ice in it, and vice versa for Autumn magic, I think, and for either knight to come back fully they'd need to seperate the power from Mab and Titania... perhaps most easily done by killing either Summor or Winter knight and taking their power.

Is it possible the Erlking is Oberon?  Yes, maybe even more than likely.  As the Erlking said
(click to show/hide)

Edit: This thread also deals with autumn and fall courts:,17813.0.html

DFRPG / A Tool for Troubles
« on: December 01, 2010, 07:34:44 PM »
I've been reading Rob Donoghue's blog for some time now, and came across this gem a few months ago:

Basically the idea is that you hang events and plot lines off of a character's story hooks, rather than directly exploiting those hooks.

I have adapted this for my game for use with my players' Trouble aspects.  I have one player's Trouble that is just an endlessly renewing gift to me called "Curiouser And Curiouser" - basically I can compel that to get her to go do stuff or explore curious events that the others might feel is better left alone.  Everyone else on the other had have more abstract troubles:

  • The Knight has "Big Shoes To Fill"
  • The Wizard has "I Doubt the Rightness of my Path"
  • And the Cop has "Dad, You Can't Run My Life"

So for these three I have a chart similar to what Rob is showing in the posted link above.  Off of these troubles I have events and plot lines that arise from them, so in effect rather than compelling their aspects or directly bringing them to the fore I bring in events that are tied implicitly to their Troubles, without throwing the trouble under the bus and letting it get resolved in a session or two.

For the Cop, who's father is the Deputy Chief of Police (we did this before Blue Bloods aired, but that is proving an interesting resource for me) I've got hooks like "Anything for the Chief's daughter" for those times when name dropping gets her special favors, especially when she doesn't want them.  The list is endlessly expandable, but of course there's resentment from colleagues who see her position as a gift rather than earned, proteges of rivals who see her as a weakness of her fathers, etc.

Troubles were one of my big problems when starting this game.  Hope this maybe helps someone else too.

DFRPG / Aspects for Themes and Threats... Grrr
« on: December 01, 2010, 06:51:18 AM »
I am trying to properly address Aspects for my City's theme's and threats.

I think I've got a handle on my themes, but the threat is giving me fits (in that silent growling kind of way).

So our threat for the city of Seattle is based on a tunnel that is going in out here, to replace a commuter bridge.  The city has an underground, and a similar situation with supernatural inhabitants infesting such, adding and modifying to suit.  Additionally some pretty nasty stuff lurks even deeper.

One of our themes is "The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions" - mostly because people in the city may do the most destructive things, but it's usually out of a misguided attempt to "help" or "make things right", which of course tends to muck things up.  Such people are always trying to take the moral high ground, etc.

So our threat (going with the 2 themes, 1 threat model) is "Crap, it really _is_ the road to Hell" to reflect that the tunnel will turn over bad nastiness every dramatically appropriate time frame.  That said, I am having a hell of a time coming up with an Aspect that defines this and how to compel it and invoke it...

Any input?

DFRPG / Potter's a Lawbreaker! Get the Wardens!
« on: November 30, 2010, 07:14:24 AM »
OK, so I saw HP7 last night.  Overall I enjoyed the show, though I haven't read the books.

I couldn't help myself though, last night, watching all this rampant Lawbreaking going on.  I just had to wonder where the darned wardens were at!?  :p

No spoilers here, but over the franchise I've counted violations of darn near every law the White Council has!  Enforced shape changes, mind alteration, peering about in another mind, swimming against the currents of time... Okay, let them off the hook on the outsiders and the killing bit (mostly), but still! /sigh.  So much for saving us from dark lords and what not, I mean the savior-kid's as black as his nemesis!

Now if I've ticked anyone off, I'm sorry, this is all tongue FIRMLY planted in cheek with like a packet full of salt grains!  See?  Still got one of them from the theater here.

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