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Topics - Carnifex:Pacifex

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / A burning question left unanswered for years...
« on: January 30, 2014, 12:28:48 AM »
And so I come to these forums; though in hindsight, I probably should have come here much earlier.
and yes, it has ben a very long time since I've been here; college had become very busy very suddenly.

anyway, my question is this; What are those semi-goth skirts guys wear called?!? And before you say kilts, im talking about the kind that go down the the feet.

not unlike this:

or this:

 In the main story I'm currently writing, the protagonist wears something similar; but I simply cannot go throughout the book reffering to it as the man-skirt (at least not in a humorous way) because it would bring images of kilts with the readers.

your time and answers are highly appreciated...especially with this matter :D

Author Craft / reading and symbolism
« on: June 25, 2013, 09:00:57 PM »
So, I've been working on a few projects for some thyme now and notice that certain objects have become somewhat symbolic to the series. It kind of happpened by accident, but I wanted to see what meanings behind these symbols are for each of you writers and readers alike.

1. the Scythe
2. A centipede
3. a spinal cord,
4. Moths

I'd also like to ask what kinds of symbols you use, and what meanings you want to convey through them.

Author Craft / POV's and whatnot
« on: June 21, 2013, 07:20:08 PM »
So, im still touching up on my short story (Uuzarus) and as I go through, I begin to question my method.
In all of my writing, in all of my stories, I always write in first-person from the perspective of the protagonist. It comes naturally to me and writing in 3rd person has always felt awkard as it oozed out my brian.
 What I did for my short story, is swap whose perspective we view the story from in each chapter. ( it goes from Char. A to Char B then Char A then Char. B every other chapter)
As I read through it I find that I like how the "language"/"voice" of the writing contrasts eachother from the two viewpoints (one view from an ancient entity who wants to be left alone, while the other view is from a bounty hunter desperate for his next meal), But I am concerned how other writers would feel about it.
have any of you read stories that have done something similar? and did you find it irritating, or enhancing?

Author Craft / advice needed: getting out in the water
« on: June 12, 2013, 06:41:34 AM »
As an aspiring writer, I have one big question, and am very appreciative of all answers:

I have many stories i'd like to get published, but at the moment, only two of them are fairly close to being finished, one is a short story, one is a full sized book on its own that has possibilities (though I didnt really plan on it) for a sequel.
my question is this: should I publish the short story first, or the novel-sized beastie?

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