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Messages - Doroga's Cousin

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 18
The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: June 04, 2024, 09:41:21 PM »
*Waves semaphore flags in the Weird*

I remember back in the old days of the forum. I was a wee lad at the time, but these days I'm nearing 30.  :o
I actually had a moment like that the other day where I was talking to some friends about how my baby cousin is graduating high school this year. Lemme tell you I was not ready to accept that just yet. Also, @Regen, running out of coffee may be on the short list of entirely unacceptable situations. Hopefully you remedied this error quickly. :P

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: December 19, 2023, 01:01:26 AM »
Oh yeah the actor who plays Logain is fantastic.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: December 17, 2023, 11:57:33 PM »
The first book is definitely a little bit of Early Installment Weirdness like most people think Storm Front and Fool Moon do. I listened to the audiobook with I think Michael Kramer and Kate Reading? I definitely didn't love it, but I had free Audible credits and wasn't sold on the series yet. :P

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: December 17, 2023, 11:40:58 PM »
The one thing I will say about that character
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There is one thing I'm really, really hoping the show doesn't do. I'll know early next season if they are planning on doing it though.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: December 15, 2023, 10:17:05 PM »
As someone who has read the Wheel of Time books (very recently, too) my biggest complaint about the show is that they very awkwardly downplay important book moments. The season finale for season 2
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The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: December 01, 2023, 11:27:59 PM »
Gwen is the best character in The Olympian Affair. Can't wait for you guys to read the rest of the book and agree with me.  ;D :P

Boo, COVID. Not a fan, to be honest. I took the past two days off because I wasn't feeling well. Got home yesterday at around 10:30, laid down on the couch...woke up around 17:00. :o

Apparently I was even more tired than I thought I was, but the nap was nice.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: November 10, 2023, 03:18:03 AM »
I've finished The Olympian Affair and I have one thing to say: where sequel?  ;D

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: October 21, 2023, 07:09:37 PM »
Well, I'm here visiting a friend. It's been quite nice, though today the weather took a dip below freezing and it started snowing. One thing I've really appreciated is the public transit. My friends don't own a car which is a bit weird being from the US, but we haven't really needed one. It's a pleasant surprise.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: October 21, 2023, 09:55:30 AM »
Hello from Norway, the Weird. I'm having a pleasant little vacation. My friends are making apple cinnamon pancakes for breakfast.  :)

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: October 04, 2023, 12:10:20 AM »
You want me to read a story written by Jim Butcher? Twist my arm, why don't you?  ::)

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: September 29, 2023, 03:17:07 AM »
I've read the Aeronaut's Windlass, but it's been a few years since the last time. I haven't read Warriorborn but I don't know if I will before the new book comes out.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: September 28, 2023, 02:13:49 AM »
Welp, as of today I'm looking for a new job. My current job has decided to do my previous supervisor dirty, and I'm not really interested in sticking around for the shi...spiral that will probably happen.

Also. ((((Dina)))) ((((Regen))))

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: August 18, 2023, 02:31:53 AM »
Sweet like sweet tea.  ::)

Thankfully I am no longer like that.  :P
I've been okay. This week in particular at work has been infuriating because of some less than stellar proofreading on my/my bosses' part and I'm the one who takes the brunt of complaints/questions when people get stuff with typos.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: August 16, 2023, 03:23:13 AM »
*glomps DC*
Hello there! How are you doing?
Here, all is good. I confirmed my teaching job, so I will have a salary for most of the dark times that lay ahead (elections are coming in my country!)
You made me laugh about the spoiler tag. Your younger self was so unobservant  :). But in your defense, I do not think you used that tag too much. You were mostly here and in the RPG, not so much in the discussions.
Do you know that the second Cinder Spires book is coming? November 7
HI DINA! Yeah, I knew the new book was coming out. I have to find my copy of the first book somewhere and scarf it down before then, though, which is a great tragedy.  ::)
In my defense, I did spend a lot of time in the forum spoiler threads but I didn't spend a lot of time posting, just reading. I've since learned a thing or two about storytelling and I don't spend time arguing on the internet with strangers.  :P

I think everybody has these moments, when we come back to stuff we have read, seen or heard in our youth. And we go : ooops, THAT's what it meant.

We have found accommodation in Austria near my husband's stepmother's home. So we will meet her next week, go see the city, go see the lake, maybe go up a small mountain and generally have fun.
I've had those moments a lot, but in this forum in particular I was like...15 when I joined?

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: August 08, 2023, 02:42:18 AM »
You know, it's been a minute since I've been here, but I'm just now noticing that the symbol for the spoiler tags is actually a radioactivity symbol. That humor was lost on me when I was younger. Also hi. :)

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