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Messages - Mira

Pages: 1 ... 129 130 [131] 132 133 ... 459
DF Spoilers / Re: Who summoned the Cornerhounds?
« on: August 25, 2021, 07:04:46 PM »
Molly has been directly commanded by Mab to see to all the arrangements for the wedding. About the only thing she can do is leak information but I doubt she'd want to put Harry in danger  in any way so she's got to play it pretty straight.

Perhaps, but in the car at the end of the book, she tells Harry when he is ready to act she will be
there for him.  That says to me if there is a way out of it, she is backing her Knight.

DF Spoilers / Re: Star born and the Antichrist
« on: August 25, 2021, 02:36:53 PM »
That being said, if you look at Harry's darkest moments (particularly the ones where he tried going down the left hand path - e.g. Storm Front when he's outside Sells house & Battle Ground when he tried to kill Rudolph) he looks pretty bad. Really bad. If you look at the language he uses he very much could be that being.
Yes, but in Storm Front if you are talking about when he was outside of the lake front house that Sells owned, I think he was thinking of what is possible verses him going down that road himself.  Yes, he was tempted for the moment, remember he'd slipped on that banana before when he killed Justin, which makes slipping again easier. But then the spirit of his mother saved him, he felt her touch and he clasped the pentacle that came from her, it reminded him of the danger and what he should be about. 

I don't count his feelings when he went after Rudolph when he killed Murphy as the same.  I think the wild range of emotions he felt in that moment can be considered normal, ugly and violent to be sure, but a pure emotional reaction.  Having said that, yes, I know he is a wizard, Winter Knight, which ramps up whatever reaction he was having, and that makes him very dangerous.  Not unlike someone who is armed and witnessing a loved one being killed.  I've read of at least two war time accounts where upon witnessing "buddies" being killed a soldier goes a bit "crazy" taking out numerous machine gun nests etc single handedly.  However that doesn't make him a antichrist or the antichrist.  Now I can be wrong, but from what little I've read, Harry doesn't fit that definition, at least not yet.

From what Basil said;
So this isn't just a pseudochristos, but THE Pseudochristos.  The Man of Sin is a rebel and a destroyer, an agent of chaos whose hubris and arrogance sets himself above God.  That's what Harry is telling us he could end up being.  And, given the amount of personal power at his disposal .... not an unrealizable goal.

I can see Harry being sorely tempted because he does have what some would call "godlike powers."
Harry doesn't have that kind of hubris.. However I just came across something very interesting when I looked up the definition of "hubris."

(in Greek tragedy) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.

Is it a coincidence or is this what Jim is driving at by calling the Enemy, "Nemesis"?  Or more to the point, Harry is the one to defeat Nemesis because he lacks that kind of pride and defiance?

I don't necessarily believe it was Malcolm's genetics that played a key role. Rather, it was his parenting. His teachings and modelling of behaviour.
That too, and I think Margaret saw that in Malcolm, it is almost a given that at some point they soul gazed, though I have no proof of that.  She also saw his goodness, there is a reason why over the series Harry is repeatedly told he inherited his father's good heart.  That good heart has prevented him from going too far down the wrong road when he has crossed the line.

think there is an alternate version that could be the Pseudochrist. Whether the Harry we are familiar with could be is another question.

The temptation is there, with the exception of the Gail, he now has in his possession all the Artifacts we associate with Jesus and the Crucifixion, redemption, salvation, however far one wants to go with it.  So if Harry wanted to set himself of as a Christlike figure and demand a following based on that, he now has the tools.  Actually in Battle Ground when ordinary people followed him under "his Banner,"  if Harry was going to go all pseudochrist on us, that would have been the time.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 25, 2021, 10:07:48 AM »
I believe this to be misunderstood information (I don't understand it to be honest, it's paradoxical).  The Angels must have free will as we know it.  They were able to revolt (and fall).  Uriel was able to choose to lend his Grace to Michael knowing that there was a chance Michael would misuse it.  All of the Fallen who do bad things were Angels. 

I guess there could have been a change of some kind after the revolt and the angels are much more absolute (to the point of no free will) and unable to fall as long as they don't lend their grace out.

In that sense, yes, I guess you could say that angels have always had free will.  However they have rules, if they break them they fall, most, not all, but most angels chose not to pay that kind of price.

I think Uriel was acting under orders when he loaned his Grace out.  Maybe not to do that exact thing but to do whatever to insure the success of the mission.  I also think Uriel as the angelic wet works man has more wiggle room than most, but still for him it was a huge risk.. Though Michael might be the only mortal man living on the planet that he'd take such a risk with.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 24, 2021, 09:52:28 PM »
Uriel gave his Grace away. Maybe Raphael did too, knowing it'd be a lot longer before he got it back. A.K.A. the end of the world.

Uriel loaned his Grace temporarily to Michael a Holy Knight to complete  a mission, that isn't the same as giving his Grace away.

Helping Harry's claim with Marcone also means that they can diplomatically kick him out of the apartment and cutting ties.  Two birds, one stone.
That too, that is diplomatically getting him out of their hair without offending Mab, which is important since the Svartalves have no intention of cutting ties with the Accords, especially in these times.

DF Spoilers / Re: Apocalypse is a frame of mind
« on: August 24, 2021, 07:25:09 PM »
Yeah... that's my point.   
Nic isn't working for Nemesis.  By attempting the heist in SG, Nic is acting against the goals of Nemesis.  The outcome being bad for Nic personally isn't really relevant.

Oh, I think ultimately it will be relevant, if it sets Nic on the road to redemption, he may quit the idea of apocalypse and become a valuable ally for Harry.. That is if Harry can accept the idea that Nic is redeemed..  Actually that is how I think it is shaping up, his daughter killed, Harry handing over the Grail to him, yup, look for Nic to join Harry against Nemesis.

The svartalves were actually helping Harry with his claim against Marcone.

Yes, Battle Ground page 384 Harry confronts Marcone saying that he, [Harry] defended his home and lost his own home in the process. Then;

I pointed at Evanna.
Everyone looked at her.
"There was. . .damage to the apartment during the attack," she politely lied.  "No replacement at apartment at this time.  As such he can no longer be our guest."

Now for a couple of reasons Evanna may have found it awkward not to back him, i.e. Thomas is Harry's bother, Thomas was also Evanna's lover, little details that she might not have wanted made public at the time.  Whether it came down to personal reasons, or she had been filled in that for now at any rate Thomas was being punished for his deeds by the Winter Knight and Warden of Demonreach, she chose to back Harry on this.


DF Spoilers / Re: Who summoned the Cornerhounds?
« on: August 24, 2021, 07:05:52 PM »
I can't. He's not going to get over Harry being engaged to Lara.

One of the narrative purposes of that plot arc is probably going to be driving the wedge between Harry and Eb even deeper.

Maybe, maybe not, I don't see the engagement lasting that long, Molly is on the case.  And even if Eb doesn't show up on Harry's doorstep, I don't see him remaining in the Council after this.

DF Spoilers / Re: Apocalypse is a frame of mind
« on: August 24, 2021, 07:03:36 PM »
But Nemesis wouldn't want reality to have such strong weapons at hand.  That would be a pure Nicodemus motivation.

Yes, but Nic wasn't working for Nemesis, he was outsmarted by a star born, he willing sacrificed his beloved daughter, and for what? 

DF Spoilers / Re: Apocalypse is a frame of mind
« on: August 24, 2021, 04:49:13 PM »
Because he wanted it and he wanted to kill Harry.

Yup, and Nic didn't pass the test that Hades told Harry about.  The thing that keeps the Artifacts safe is only someone clever enough to get them is clever enough to use them..  Realize that I was paraphrasing, if that isn't exact.  Bottom line, Harry outsmarted Nic and collected the Artifacts, the joker in this is the Holy Grail that Harry did hand over to him.  If what Michael says about it is true, it will be interesting to see what Nic tries to do with it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who summoned the Cornerhounds?
« on: August 24, 2021, 01:55:26 PM »
I hope to see him go out in a blaze of glory, but years ago I had a prediction that I really hope doesn't happen.  My prediction was that he'd be shackled with the thorned manacles that don't allow him to use magic.  He will be beheaded by the Council.  Carlos saying that would happen if he didn't kill Dresden if ordered to makes me think it's more likely.  It would be a way of really getting Harry to declare war on the Council (and be emotional for the fans).

They'd have to catch Eb first before they put him in any thorned manacles, I don't see Eb submitting quietly to any of that. I think when Eb wakes up from surgery and finds out what the Council did behind his back after Harry put it on the line to deal with Ethniu, he is going to be very pissed off.  I can see a real split happening, hard to tell whether or not Eb would surrender the Black Staff, but I see him in the next book showing up at the castle telling Harry he quit and is now backing him.  It may take a little longer for Listens to Wind and Rashid, but I see them following suit.
ah I agree with this.  What really kind of stinks is that there isn't any good replacements for the "new order".  I see the end game is Harry will basically be Merlin, and he will be part of the Round Table, hand down Excalibur ect.  but I don't see any new wizards to stand beside him and create a new White Council. 

Yeah, if Jim follows somewhat the pattern of The Lord of the Rings, like the elves going into the West, the time for wizards will have past with the BAT so it will be a hollow victory of sorts.  I'm not sure where the wizards will go, possibly some part of the Nevernever, and magical talent will simply fade for lack of practice from the world.

DF Spoilers / Re: Kind of confused about Old Ones and Outsiders
« on: August 24, 2021, 01:43:20 PM »
Are the Old Ones and Outsiders actually different?  I was thinking they were like the noble class version of Outsiders.  Some of this may be purposefully inconsistent for secret keeping purposes, too.

I think the lines get blurred..  If I remember correctly in C.I. it was about the Old Ones, but no mention of Outsiders, and I think Harry would have named them as that, if they were.  They might be allies though.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 24, 2021, 01:39:32 PM »
If he is Grigori, he lost his by ignoring the Watcher rules and becoming involved in the world - wine, women, and song. The Grigori are not damned to Hell - but they were told "Don't come back, you're fired". The Grace was stripped from them, not surrendered

(old TV show - "Branded" opening credits, a court-martialed Chuck Connors has his cavalry sabre taken and broken, his badges of rank ripped off, and he is sent out the gates of the stockade, and they close behind him.... something like that)

Yeah, I think that is about the closest to what he really is, I also think it is possible that he has been satisfied with his lot up until now.  The coming BAT is going to force Mac to take a stand once again which may atone for his mistakes in the past.  We've seen hints of that since Storm Front when he loaned his car keys to Harry so he could go and stop Victor Sells, to Battle Front when he put a smear of his blood on the back of the Placard and allowed it to be hung up in the bar.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Castle
« on: August 24, 2021, 01:33:29 PM »
Assuming Jim is running the legend I'll back that with odds since Korg asks Mab if Merlin would still love her as she was. If he isn't it's anybodies guess.

The name Gard is funny for the Chooser of the Dead. It appears to be French.  But what do I know.
Yeah, I don't think that is her real name, Odin goes by several names there is no reason why she shouldn't either.

DF Spoilers / Re: Apocalypse is a frame of mind
« on: August 24, 2021, 10:03:08 AM »
I either posted about this, or started a topic.  The belief is that Thorned is the one working with Nemesis, and I thought that maybe it was the opposite.  That Nicodemus was compromised, and he doesn't realize it.  He thinks it's Thorned and it's really him.

I was thinking the attack on Arctis Tor was in fact an attempt to stop Nemesis when it was locked up there, but in the end it was too late, and it got Maeve.

Or if we want to use analogies and what ifs, lets go back to WWII.. If Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan won all they were after, do we really thing they would have ruled the world happily side by side, or would they then have gone picnicking on each other?

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