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Messages - g33k

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DF Spoilers / Re: WAG - Justine's not really pregnant
« on: Today at 06:23:15 PM »
... Somehow she convinced Thomas that her having sex with another woman instead of a man was somehow different and didn't spoil their feelings for one another though it did blow the true love burning ...
Everything Justine says & does is obviously suspect.

But I think whampires have a very very different perspective on sex & love than the rest of us.

My whole issue with that scene from the end of Ghost Story is that bypassing the restrictions of "True Love" should be part of "Whampire 101" training that they all get after first kill but before they strike out on their own.  Thomas should have already known all that.

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: Today at 06:12:15 PM »
According to a fan who attended Comicpalooza this past weekend, Jim said he's planning to turn the book to the editors by July 1st.

In theory, that could give us a release by the end of the year.

I don't trust him to keep that schedule, personally, but let's hope.

OK, the widget's just out of date, then -- TYVM, Lara!

Not even Jim "I couldn't keep a writing schedule if you threatened me with a radioactive wood-chipper" Butcher could estimate July 1st if the draft was only 50% done.

Like you, I don't trust that timing; but it's a strong indication that the draft is close (way closer than 50% done).

DF Spoilers / Twelve Months stuck?
« on: Today at 12:27:42 AM »
... at 50%
per jim's little "progress-o-meter" widget.

I think I recall it at 50% kind of a long time ago...

Is Jim having another case of writers' block?

Is he so feverishly-productive that he's had no time to update his widget?

Did the Dresdenverse suffer a temporal anomaly, and he's had to go back and re-write a bunch of stuff?


I'm hoping Jim's event at last weekend's Comicpalooza (or last month at the Steampunk Expo) shook loose some in-person bit of info, that "the channels" didn't see.

Or maybe it's all already old news somewhere else...?

DF Spoilers / Re: WAG - Justine's not really pregnant
« on: May 25, 2024, 06:45:18 AM »
... First, Jim changed his mind or only meant that Harry isn't getting any more children. He does have two of them counting Bonny and Harry does count her ...

"Jim changed his mind" (or "Jim lied" -- he does sometimes, we know) is always a possibility; but if we count that one as probable, we might as well ignore all the WoJ's in all our WAGs.

I really should go track it down (but I'm not gonna, tonight), but I'm pretty sure the context was "all relatives" (not just "Harry's own kids").  The context was Jim having re-used the plot twist of "surprise! new relative!"

(i.e. Jim used it for all Harry's relatives), and Jim saying that was all of them, and there'd be no more surprise relatives.

... Second, Justine did get pregnant and just cheated on Thomas
I bet that would work on Thomas considering he accepts he's going to become a father in the first chapter of Peace Talks. 
I suppose that's possible, sure.

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 24, 2024, 09:34:05 PM »
I'd definitely like to see Tilly come back at some point, and I think having him involved with the Librarians would be fitting. (Advancing two plot threads with one character is cool!  ;D

I am very much expecting this in Twelve Months.

Last we saw Tilly, he had just stopped scoffing at all things supernatural when Susan casually ripped a steel desk apart.
<Exeunt TILLY, RUDY, and NONCOMBATANTS, stage Left>
A "lateral career move" (from the FBI into the Library of Congress Special Collections Division) seems entirely apt, after that.  Whichever alphabet soup is currently on his badge, he's Federal-level Law Enforcement, and I am absolutely certain the Feds are sniffing around the disaster that was the Battle of Chicago.

Also:  Tilly had a VERY high opinion of Murphy... and Harry was there to see Murphy die.  I'm sure Tilly's got his own grief... and his own hard questions to ask Harry Dresden.

It'd frankly be shocking if Tilly didn't show up!

DF Spoilers / WAG - Justine's not really pregnant
« on: May 24, 2024, 04:05:37 PM »
Like it says on the tin.

Maybe Nemesis forced Justine to lie to Thomas (I bet it's relatively-easy to spoof a pregnancy-test (but why would Thomas even think to distrust Justine, at that point???  So faking a test likely unneeded)), or even fooled Justine (I think there may be stages of Nemfection where the Infected don't even realize it).

Why do I suspect this?  Because WoJ has previously said "no more surprise relatives for Harry."  I'll have to go back to find the actual words of the WoJ; maybe he weaseled a loophole in.

But the alternatives -- her actually being pregnant, with the Doom of WoJ over that -- would (strongly) imply something tragic with Justine, somewhere during Twelve Months.  Which would honestly feel kinda gratuitous.

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 23, 2024, 02:13:17 PM »
And that's the nitty gritty of  what I am talking about.. Where is the plan, what is the plan?
The plan is to win, to stop the Outsiders from breaching the Outer Gates and destroying our reality...

Given the scope of what Mab has going and overriding need for security, she has to keep her plans secret until action time...

Just so.
If your idea of "progress" is to  see the overarching plotline laid entirely bare... I doubt you'll ever get what you want.

We already know that the Oblivion War is going on "behind the scenes" and isn't likely to be seen within the novels, or by Dresden.  I think we should all presume there are other elements, similarly-hidden, that we'll never see; not even via Jim's short stories.

(I presume, for example, that various signatories of the Accords have their respective agendas, and plans in motion... some likely stretching into the thousands of years duration; I expect the Denarians all, collectively, have one or more plans, as well as each of the Angels has their own plan(s), and various sub-groups and cliques within their number have plans they agree upon; we know the Raith grand-plan to pacify the world with peace & sex & sensuality, and presumably Malvora & Skavis are allied in planning to crush all mortals under a global reign of fear & despair; etc etc etc).

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 21, 2024, 07:31:03 PM »
... when push comes to shove, she wants Molly killed ...
Not exactly, I think.
Mab thinks an unready/unable Winter Queen is a liability that the world cannot afford; and that Molly was unready (as of the opening of the Battle).  She judged Molly an acceptable Winter Lady, but an unacceptable Winter Queen.

But Molly keeps growing (and surprising Mab).

We don't know if Mab now thinks Molly might be ready (I doubt it; but we don't know).
Mab stands ready to see anybody dead (even herself) if the long-term result would advance the world's survival.

Mab is at war... Always.  And it's a desperate war.  Even when there is no war within, she is at war at the Outer Gates.  And so she is always in that mode of evaluating "what is acceptable collateral damage."

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 20, 2024, 04:10:23 PM »
It does in the sense that most of these plot points aren't really resolved, wrinkles and minor WTFs, but most do not move the main story along..

"Resolved" = over (as in "story-ending").
These are advancements in their respective sub-plots & character-arcs.

I think  Michael's & Charity's are the only arcs we have seen "resolved."  Jim has said that retirement from the KotC job "is Michael's happily ever after."

I fully expect other "not fully resolved" elements to be introduced (or foregrounded) -- some to be resolved, some not -- before we reach the BAT (which, hopefully, will resolve most of the ones still open).

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 17, 2024, 06:17:53 PM »
... Since Changes the story has sort of been treading water ...
Harry isn't just nominally the WK -- he's actively carrying out missions for Mab.
Molly is full-grown... and now the Winter Lady!
The Battle of Chicago has made Harry's own propensity for property-damage look like a scuff in the paint (much of TM is largely his recovery from the BoC).
Harry has taken possession of multiple artifacts that each contain power of the same caliber as the Swords of the Cross.
Thomas is imprisoned in the Well on Demonreach.
Harry has been kicked out of the White Council.
Murphy is dead.

This... does not feel like "treading water" to me.


DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 16, 2024, 08:42:12 PM »
One item that has been spinning in my mind is that the marriage is to solidify the alliance between Winter and the White Court. Marrying Laura to the Winter Knight.

Harry's way out of this.... what if by the end he isn't the Winter Knight anymore?

As I've said above -- I don't think the White X Winter alliance is the main point at all.  Sure, that's what Mab would have us think (and I expect she wouldn't object to having the Whampires in her service) but really now:  when Mab sets out a motivation, we should expect the another motivation behind that; and another behind that.

But Harry giving up the WK mantle?  Dubious, IMHO:  the ongoing theme of the Dresden Files is powering-up Harry so he can survive the BAT.  The WK mantle gives him a physique that puts him on-par with Rampire & Whampire warriors... and he's going to need that!

I think Harry's going to learn the trick of taking-off a Mantle and putting it back on, at need.
Vadderung hinted at it with the Kringlemantle... Chekhov's Mantle, right there.

At a guess, this will happen in "The Wrestling Book" (wherein I expect to see lots of versions of identity and "putting on masks" and taking them off.  Pro wrestlers may start with a "hero" persona, then take a "heel turn," or start as "heels" and grow to "honorable," etc).

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 15, 2024, 11:55:10 PM »
WOW, man...  Lotta content here!
Very meaty, very tasty!

I've been thinking about Twelve Months and I think it will be a different type of story than anything we've read so far in any of the previous Dresden Files case books
So, that has me asking what the through line will be; the main story, that will flow through the entire novel ...

I think you're 100% correct, it's going to be a very different book.

As I recall, Jim has stated 2 broad elements we'll see in this book:

 - Harry working broadly in Chicago, as a more-significant figure there:  The "Wizard of Chicago."

The guy lives in a freaking Castle, now!  Scores, maybe HUNDREDS of people sheltered there, during the Battle; many more saw him in action.  He raised a Banner, and almost a thousand mortals followed him to war.  And those people in turn each know multiple people.  The number of first-hand accounts (and still more people, who can vouch for those first-hand witnesses) is into the thousands, maybe scores of thousands.  That's a small-to-medium town's worth of people.  Sure, it isn't enough to be a sea-change for big-city Chicago overnight (that would have been a win for Ethniu)... but it's enough for a perceptible change.  At a visceral level, much of Chicago now believes in magic.

So, Harry's not nearly as low-profile as he used to be; and the Castle is a big, tangible resource:  expect Larry Fowler's lawsuits to resume!   :o   ::)   Expect more lawyer-time, tax bills, and other "interface with mundanes" elements.  I expect he'll want to follow up with his Bannermen, see how they're doing, their families, etc.

But also, I expect Harry to be reaching out to the local Paranet, the Better Future Society, and other low/mid level practitioners and clued-in folk, forging those alliances, too.

Harry's SOP was "Big Damn Hero (with some friends);" he had the low-levels hunker down.  Well, the Battle of Chicago showed that there is no hunkering down, not in the new magical world:  Pure mortals had to show up & fight, too.

So, "Harry, living his new life in the new Chicago" will be a theme.

 - Jim, who has experienced a lot of pain & trauma of late, "writing what he knows:"  showing depressed-Harry, traumatized-Harry, grieving-Harry.

Grieving for Murphy, of course:  that's the big one.  But in the Christmas Eve short, we know that Harry has shouldered a big chunk of grief for Chicago-at-large, all the deaths & injuries &c from the Battle (yeah, that's not rational... but feelings often aren't; Harry spent over a decade trying to protect mortals from the Supernatural World, and the Battle of Chicago likely felt to him (at some level) like a massive personal failure.  Plus, we know "shouldering extra guilt" is one of Harry's specialties!).  And you know there are dead parents among his Bannermen, leaving orphans and spouses, and Harry feels very directly responsible for leading them to their deaths.  I think that will be an element, maybe even a substantial theme.

Lots of meditation, and who knows where that might lead Harry.  I suspect he'll discover some about his links to Demonreach, possibly other stuff.

I suspect we'll be seeing Agent Tilly, again.  Likely he's been recruited by the Library of Congress' Special Collections, tho maybe the FBI has their own Black Cats / SI now.  But the Fed has *got* to respond to this... even if only to report it as a terrorist EMP device & hallucinatory nerve agent (but that's only the Official Story, and this coverup can't be hidden by a small cadre like the Chicago PD did with BC/SI:  the higher-ups will have proof now, so they will be launching plans & investigations &c; and that will involve Harry).
Lara:  once Lara gets over her surprise, she's going to realize that obviously Mab Has An Agenda, and it's nothing as simple as a marriage (not even a not-at-all-simple "Marriage of State" between Winter & White courts).  So she wants to know what that agenda is.

I don't think she's going to be too terribly devoted to trying to seduce Harry:  WoJ says the WK-mantle and Whampires' respective sex-mojo's combine in more-than-additive ways, and I'm certain the White Court has decent records and likely there's some Raith family-lore, too... Whamp's & Winterfae have been co-Supernatural'ing for thousands of years, after all!

At the same time, I think Lara's got a bit of a crush on Harry:  her control keeps "slipping" around him.  She just cannot seem to help but poke that particular tiger, but we can be fairly sure she's actually got a lot of self-control (in general).  So I expect ongoing, low-grade "ooops" events.

And, on the gripping hand, Harry just sorcerously-imprisoned her only brother after "tricking" Lara into thinking Thomas would be enjoying relative liberty (and she could visit him) on Demonreach Island, and she is furious about that.  I wonder if that resentment (and desire to get inside Demonreach to extract her brother) will be the leverage Nemesis needs to take Lara...?

Which brings us 'round to Mab's agenda again (or should I say agendas:  I expect there are several!).  One is further training her Knight to conduct socio-political battles, as well as physical ones:  how to extract himself from the engagement without provoking a White-Court / Winter war.  I guess Mab also has got "Major Crush On Harry" Molly being intimately involved in planning Lara&Harry dates (?), which tells us that Mab has a substantive agenda here for Molly, too.

But my WAG as to the most-overt of Mab's agendas is that she has assigned Harry to hunt Outsiders among the Whampires:
  • Papa Raith showed up with major Outsider-fueled magic protection -- the Blackstaff was repeatedly unable to nail him.
  • Vito showed up with a major Outsider-fueled psychic assault, taking down multiple high-level opponents at once.
  • Justine showed up with a Nemfection, while working very-closely with Lara Raith
“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”  I think Mab thinks there's a problem in the White Court (I think she's right).

Also:  Raith Père is supposed to have an amazing library concerning the whole Starborn Cycle (he was trying to educate himself into becoming a power-player for this cycle).  I think Mab wants Harry to have access to that library (I suspect the collection is more than "just books," and includes a Nemvector).
The Blackstaff:  I doubt Ebenezer will just let things go.  He still wants to save Harry from himself; he still wants to get to know little Maggie better; he still has his anti-Whamp attitudes (which, to be fair, are largely justified).  So I'm expecting family drama there (with the added complication that the White Council's Black Ops guy is Grandpa, and the WC's highly-suspicious Enfant Terrible is Dad... and then there's Maggie's "little" sister Bonea ... ).
The MarriageTwelve Months is the time leading up to the wedding.  Mab granted that when it was pointed out as inappropriate for the groom not to have a reasonable time to grieve for his fallen love.  So the title of the book is right there.  At the end of the book, there will be a wedding.

My WAG is that Harry -- after all his & Molly's & Lara's twisting and turning to try escaping from the marriage -- is getting into his Tux (or whatever the Winter Knight wedding-regalia is) and about to marry Lara.  He pauses for one last look-over in a mirror to make sure everything is OK, and his reflected image reaches out from the mirror & grabs him.

And that's the last scene of Twelve Months.
Then we just wait for Mirror, Mirror

And at the end of Mirror Mirror, he comes back to his own world having stood-up Lara at the altar (which for a very-proud Succubus Queen is... well, the phrase "mortal insult" comes to mind) AND simultaneously dishonored Mab's sworn word (which is... well, "suicidal" comes to mind).

Then we wait for next-book.

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months - What our you expecting from it?
« on: May 15, 2024, 06:27:20 PM »
... She’s on record saying she doesn’t think Molly could handle her job.

Which would be why she's looking to Lara as a Molly-replacement.

But I don't think that's significant -- Mab is always looking ten steps ahead.  Her backup plans have backups, and contingencies, and emergency-exits.

It wouldn't surprise me -- at all! -- if Mab had a dozen or more potential Winter-Lady replacements being groomed, at any given time.

DF Spoilers / Re: Pyrofuego
« on: May 13, 2024, 08:22:23 PM »
yoooi seriously, stip repeating exactly whf I just said likewise just didn't day it... 

Except she wasn't just "repeating" it.

For one thing, you used a specific jargon term, "aspect" (his aspect of happy light fire) which (depending on who is reading, and how much they know of the "extended canon") might be taken specifically as a reference to game-mechanics from the Dresden Files Roleplaying Game, where "aspects" are a Really Big Deal, and only change at "milestone" events.

For another, she was explicitly disagreeing with you (more to do with his own emotional state... than any floodgates he opened).

DF Spoilers / Re: Pyrofuego
« on: May 09, 2024, 01:49:53 AM »
Thank you! I figured someone on here would have kept a weather eye out!
The Paranet... isn't what it used to be.   :(  Time was -- years ago -- that passionate volunteers were writing transcripts of the audio, whenever Jim would do interviews and Q&A sessions.

Activity has dropped way off; I was very pleased (but rather surprised) to get the answer above so readily!

I'd love to figure out how to get things picking up again.  The series is still popular, I know!  So I'm  kinda puzzled... could it actually be that @iago's DFRPG was the tail wagging the entire Paranet dog?  And when EH abandoned the main DF rulebooks for the simplified DFA volume, the fanbase shrank too??!?

Where is the largest amount of insightful DF inquiry/speculation/WAG/etc these days... reddit?  And is <wherever that is> also filled with low-effort memery, naive & ignorant questions, and other chaff to be winnowed-through?

Cheeky G33k! Although I would point out the onus of proof is on the claimant  :P
Indeed the onus is!  I was pointing that out, myself:  without a cite (now provided... TYVM @kel0700!) the OP claim was every bit as unproven as my own claim  (I... uh... I'll have to go looking for the cite proving that claim!  ;D  )

Knowing his luck (and Jim's humour) Harry would be stuck on a shetland pony. 
At that point, he might as well ride Mouse...

So all, what do we think about this new information? Thoughts? Theories?
I think we don't have enough info, as yet.
Did that spell tap into Harry's "Starborn" powers?
Is a "Destroyer" just a "Sith" Starborn, fallen to the Dark Side... with this spell a more-sith-y sort of Starborn magic?

Honestly, I'm inclined to think not:  I think being Starborn is an Outsider-specific thing (and possibly a general ability to (eventually) overcome any/all mental domination)... but not a universal/overall powerup (I think   all.  that.  power.   is just Harry the Brute).  But the Rampires AFAIK never showed any Outsider-ish resistance to other WC wizards' magic (though that whole "Lords of Outer Night" is certainly evocative of some sort of relation to "Outsiders"), so I wouldn't expect the Starborn thing to give them any advantage.

Did he invest some "soulfire" into his pyrofuego -- even before Uriel's nudge & without conscious control -- making it (as we've been told) more of what it was, more of who Harry was (in that moment, Harry was a creature of desperation & rage) ... ?

Or was it some other (as-yet-unseen) feature of the Dresdenverse?  Jim kinda-sorta implies that, in his answer (but Jim loves to lead us astray sometimes; so).

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