
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: JGray on July 26, 2014, 01:45:51 AM

Title: Sample Combat Summary
Post by: JGray on July 26, 2014, 01:45:51 AM
As I mentioned in another thread, I ran a sample combat for my group to help them get used to the system. I'm posting a summary of it here, hoping that I can get a critique from more experienced GMs.


The Scenario: Two ghouls have been hired by Winter to steal Walt Disney's first ink brush. The team has been tasked by Summer to retrieve it. They've tracked the ghouls down to a graveyard. The ink brush rests on a stone coffin. One ghoul stands near the ink brush and the other is near the entrance. The graveyard is divided into two zones - zone #1 is the entrance to the graveyard. The characters and ghoul #1 are there. Zone #2 is the far side of the graveyard, where ghoul #2 and the ink brush are.

Initiative Order: Ghoul #1, Ghoul #2, Pippa Cavallo, Sophia Rodriguez, Lucia Marie Santos

First Exchange

Second Exchange

At this point it was late. We decided to break and called it there. The team had the brush. They got in the car and they drove away. Had this been part of an actual adventure I would have done a chase sequence.

So... how bad did I mess it up?
Title: Re: Sample Combat Summary
Post by: Taran on July 26, 2014, 02:37:40 AM
Looks good.  Here's what I noticed:

The Ghoul takes 2 stress from the attack result plus 2 stress for the revolver's Weapon rating. The Ghoul decides to take a Moderate Consequence (Big Hole in Chest) instead of the stress. Sophia passes the tag for the Consequence on to Lucia.

The ghoul can separate his stress.  So, if he took 4 stress, he can take a mild consequence (which soaks up 2 stress) and then fill his second stress box.  Stress boxes clear at the end of a conflict, so it's usually better to use those up before you use your consequences.  0X00

She has no problem getting to Disney's brush and picking it up. Because she didn't use it, her Tag on Ghoul #1's Moderate Consequence is lost.

There's nothing wrong with this.  I generally let the players decide when and who tags are available to.
I just let players announce, "If anyone wants to use that tag, go for it!"  Or I let them be as specific as they want to be.

Tags on consequences usually last the whole scene, so if they player gives permission, anyone can use it.  Of course, once someone tags it for free, the tag is gone and you need to pay FP's to invoke the consequence again.

•Ghoul #2, standing near the ink brush, sets up a Block. He'll intercept away anyone who comes near, preventing them from reaching the brush.
Her Stealth is +2. The final total is 9 (2 + 4 + 2 + 2 - 1). That more than beats Ghoul #2's Block of 5.
-regarding stealth:  It's a 'block' vs perception
You could adjudicate that, since the ghoul did not notice Lucia, she was not subject to the ghoul's block. 
I'd have made the ghoul make a perception check versus her stealth.  If he succeeded, she'd need to try to overcome the block, if he failed, she could just ignore it.

The way you did it works fine too and might be a bit more efficient.  But, when doing a block, make sure you mention what you are blocking against: movements/attacks/perception.

Just because the ghoul is blocking people from getting at the pen, it doesn't mean he's blocking people from slugging him in the face.
Title: Re: Sample Combat Summary
Post by: Jreafman on July 26, 2014, 02:46:57 AM
Looks good! Looks like a fun little mini scene!

Only thing I'd point out is
Because she didn't use it, her Tag on Ghoul #1's Moderate Consequence is lost.

While YS says that most tags have to be used almost immediately, I'd say that something like a Big Hole In Chest wouldn't be transitory enough for it to make a difference if that tag didn't get used right away. I'd have let that tag hang around for a while.

Otherwise, looks like happy good funtime! :D
Title: Re: Sample Combat Summary
Post by: bobjob on July 26, 2014, 04:17:14 AM
Looks good! Looks like a fun little mini scene!

Only thing I'd point out is
While YS says that most tags have to be used almost immediately, I'd say that something like a Big Hole In Chest wouldn't be transitory enough for it to make a difference if that tag didn't get used right away. I'd have let that tag hang around for a while.

Otherwise, looks like happy good funtime! :D

Yeah, normally I'd let it hang around for a while too. Although I think on a ghoul with supernatural recovery, it'd be gone next scene from healing.
Title: Re: Sample Combat Summary
Post by: Cadd on July 26, 2014, 09:13:04 AM
One thing I personally like to do when I'm throwing ghouls or other things with Supernatural Recovery at my players is to take Mild consequences but narrate and word it as damage normally taken as a Moderate. For instance instead of having the ghoul take "Bruised arm", early in the fight it'll take "Broken arm" and the PCs get to watch it reset before their eyes.