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Messages - Darwinist

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How funny would it be if Dresden first came across Mortimer, who started talking down to him because he figured he was still a spirit... so Harry goes along with it pretending to talk to "ghosts" that Mort can't see until they're in mixed company and other people acknowledge his presence. Basically screwing with Mort's confidence in his ability lol

Summer and Winter must always be in balance, so if Harry is in motion then Fix must be as well. I suspect this will be much like that where Fix and Harry are cats paws working together. As a bit of a throw, I fully expect Maive will be a major ally, much like Lara was in Blood Rites.

a, Fix. Barely. I'm betting his apprentice will also be at the party as Lea's guest. Simply so that Lea can mindf-- her a little bit more.
b, show up with a glowing aura of soulfire as a means of flexing his muscle/first impression.
c, Bianca, who we'll find out has been kept alive this whole time as punishment (how cool would that be?)
d, Maggie would be the easy choice, but I somehow think Mort will be. It just seems so unlikely, the little bald man loses it as Harry validifies his abilities to talk to the dead as more than a simply parlor trick.

He's able to work with Frost spells much better, which would be obvious. Maybe a Frostfire spell that melts then cools an object.

It's gotta be Athame related. I'm guessing Mavra, who is now a pretty big bad with the Word of Kemmler. In terms of taking her down? It's gotta be harsh, bitter and unfeeling. I'm guessing he freezes her blood and watches her starve to death.

His choice is going to be breaking the Wizarding law by killing another human. Sure, he gets diplomatic immunity, but it tests his resolve of how far he'll go.

Fix is pretty selfless, much like Dresden was. I see him sacrificing himself in the end to defeat the big bad.

Bouncil is actually from another time, universe, or reality that is attempting to destablize ours to make it easier to take over.

We'll learn that Mavra isn't really Black Council. That she is actually at war with them as well. She uses the Kemmler book to wage war with them on an evil scale that Harry never would have been capable, evil versus evil with limitless potential.

Mab inherits Mister, who is bent to the other's will.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The top selling books in the Dresdenverse
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:44:58 AM »
Furies of Chicago by Waldo Butters
The Bombing of Dresden by Esmeralda Eeb

Kid's nightmare version:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Lean Sidnhe
Oh the place's you'll go! by Margaret Le Fay

DF Reference Collection / Re: The top selling books in the Dresdenverse
« on: August 31, 2012, 12:44:05 AM »
Surprised this hasn't come up yet...

The Hunger Games - Thomas Raith

DF Reference Collection / Re: The top selling books in the Dresdenverse
« on: August 30, 2012, 06:14:43 PM »
Knitting and Cross-Stitch Patterns by Erl King

DF Reference Collection / Re: The top selling books in the Dresdenverse
« on: August 30, 2012, 03:37:47 PM »
The Adventures of Huckleberry MacFinn by Mark Twain

DF Reference Collection / Re: The top selling books in the Dresdenverse
« on: August 30, 2012, 12:50:18 PM »
50 Shades of Grey by Eb McCoy

Author Craft / Re: How Do I Start As An Author?
« on: August 05, 2012, 01:09:16 PM »
Best advice I can give but always never seem to follow: Depending on the genre, if your character is in a jam that you can reasonably see a way out of from a mile away, go back and break his/her legs.®

/not really trademark
//slashies are fun

I think doing this edit is actually harder than writing the damn thing to begin with. Doesn't help that I am rolling on Dayquil and what feels like Small Pox - but trying to go back and edit sections of my tome while trying to remember what has and has not yet happened in the story as I go along. So I edit chapter three with quotes from Character A, only to realize they died in Chapter 1. Or adding in character's wielding MacGuffin A (prop) in chapter 1 and realize that its not even built until Chapter 10. That sort of thing.

Damn you, Small Pox. Damn you.

Author Craft / Re: Better Word Processor Options?
« on: May 28, 2012, 03:58:26 AM »
Trying out the beta of Scriveners. I'm a little uncomfortable with it right now. The walk-through wasn't very helpful and it was a bit more complex than I'd expected. It's not too terribly difficult but a bit more trouble than I, as a lazy drunk, have the time to invest in figuring out atm.

I'll give it another pass, possibly adding in another subplot I've been sitting on for a potential sequel. I dunno, what's really the target for novels these days? I wanna say I heard it was 80k once. I know Nanowrimo aims for 50k and that's only supposed to be a stop gap to something larger.

How can 168 pages only be 33.7k words. It just seems unfair. It should be so much higher dammit.

Anyway, third revision is done save for the final two chapters which I refuse to write until I get a working draft I like. At that size, is this still considered a novel or would it be a novella? So much time sunk into this story and it just feels so short...

Author Craft / Better Word Processor Options?
« on: May 14, 2012, 02:16:54 AM »
I find myself frustrated by the limitations of MS Word. Specifically, I want the ability to make tabs like you would with excel that I can make to indicate as chapters. I'm shocked that Word doesn't have this. Or maybe they do and I'm just a freaking idiot and can't figure it out.

Anyway, if someone knows how to do that on Word, let me know. If not, anyone have some better word processor options (preferably free)?

Author Craft / Re: Dead Names
« on: February 26, 2012, 05:48:13 AM »
Ran into the same problem with mine. It was a robotic spider. Tried Spiderbot, but that just felt cumbersome and tacky. Changed to Spibot. Then later Spot (SPiderbOT) out of sheer laziness. It seems to work, though. Fiddle around with some names in the text and see what feels comfortable.

What kind of tone are you setting with this character? Are people to be afraid of this dog or is it still the stereotypical loveable man's best friend. Is it a big dog or a little dog? I like to mess around with genre staples... I would have made it a chihuahua named Monster or Chomper. But I like to write dark comedy into my stuff, so that's just me. A frankenstein's monster like Chihuahua with the vocal chords of a doberman (deep growl/bark). That would be epic. This little stapled up dog runs up to you, it's body shivering like those little dogs do. You're all like "awwww how cute", and then it barks... deep, loud, and throaty... with just a hint of foamy saliva.

Heh, call him Ubu, and then have someone say "Sit Ubu, Sit. Good dog."

.... and it's time for my meds.

Author Craft / Re: Writing in an Existing Universe
« on: February 26, 2012, 05:42:00 AM »
Who's to say you can't use the same universe but make it your own? There is the downside that you can't write about Optimus, or whoever else is in those stories (not a fan). What you CAN do is write a story about transforming robots roaming about on this planet that have the ability to shift forms into other things. It might feel like you're ripping off the source material, and you are, but that's pretty much storytelling these days. You can't write anything these days without directly, or indirectly, being inspired or unknowingly lifting something already written. It's just not feasible.

Take what you like, mold it into something better and go from there. Granted, with a Transformer's based storyline it's going to be awfully difficult to really disassociate from the existing idea - which might make it very hard to sell. But hey, there's a market for everything.

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