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Messages - Kathryn Rose

Pages: [1]
Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Search help?
« on: April 15, 2014, 01:45:59 AM »

Thanks, though.

Site Suggestions & Support / Search help?
« on: April 15, 2014, 12:13:48 AM »
I'm trying to find a topic post I made right after Cold Days came out.  I'm failing at the search function, even after reading the help doc.  Can you tell me if it's possible to find all posts I've made?  I think the title was something like 'Family moments we'll never see.' 

Thanks for the help.

edit - I found the place to view posts I've made (by clicking on my user name), but the topic isn't there.  Is it possible old posts were cleared out?  Thanks again.

DF Spoilers / Re: This is a SPOILERS OKAY zone
« on: December 28, 2013, 03:56:42 AM »
Are you talking about speculation or about stuff from the sample chapters / public statements by Jim ahead of release?

I figure sample chapters are fair game if they're labeled.  I read everything as soon as I know about it.  But, for example, after I posted the question, I was reading a thread about what characters we'd like to see again.  There's no spoilers in the original post, but there are in comments, and someone called the person on it, but all they did was apologize and leave it there.  I think people take for granted that everyone knows the leaked stuff, and there's no concern about people who don't want to know it. 
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  I wish I didn't know that, but apparently it leaked long enough ago that people don't even think about it being a spoiler.

I hate to pester the moderators with a lot of notifications. Thanks for the reply.

DF Spoilers / Re: This is a SPOILERS OKAY zone
« on: December 27, 2013, 07:41:36 PM »
On the same note, please do not put spoilers in the subject line...the main board shows the most recent topic title, so there's a possibility you could accidently spoil someone with the topic title, even though you're posting on the spoiler board.

What's the process for when people do this?  Right now there are a couple of posts on the first page that have spoilery titles.
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I enjoy reading the board, but I start to worry when people start posting about a book that isn't out yet.  I don't like to hear anything about what's in a book until i get to read it and take the ride.  I get that other people like to talk about leaked and hinted info. I just don't trust that info is always labeled. (I got spoiled for something in Cold Days before the book was released. I read it the day it came out.)

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« on: December 01, 2012, 11:27:05 PM »
Yeah, there's WAY too much of the somebody equal somebody else that goes on around here.  To the point, where you really have a hard time not to dimiss all of it.


I can't say I'm entirely faultless, since I'm starting to lean towards the notion that Harry = Merlin the original, but it isn't a firm belief either.

I think Harry is probably a descendant of Merlin and there will be some kind of family-coded magic message at some point, which would be another good reason for the RC to try to kill all of Harry's family. (Esp if Merlin is still alive somewhere, like inside Demonreach, for example.)

I voted no, but now that I've read all this, I can see the argument.

And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks of American Idol when I see Simon=Cowl. :)   

I'll do the Geek's Guide to the Galaxy phone interview.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: October 18, 2012, 12:59:40 AM »

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: October 18, 2012, 12:49:45 AM »
Thomas has a pentacle just like Harry's.  They got theirs from their mom. 

Harry has mentioned a few times that Elaine has  a pentacle like his.  Where did hers come from?  Did she get it to match his, or is there a hint in there?  Or is it just "like his" in that it is a silver pentacle on a necklace?

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: October 11, 2012, 06:13:36 AM »
Tonight I was watching an old episode of Leverage, and there was a guest star  I caught a glimpse of, and thought, "He would make a good Harry."  Then I had to laugh because I realized it was the guy who played Harry in the television show.   D'oh!   :)

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: October 08, 2012, 11:14:27 PM »
How did James Marsters not make this list?

DF Books / Re: dresden trivia
« on: October 08, 2012, 05:28:09 PM »
Do we know what Harry's eye color is?  I was discussing this with someone the other day, as they thought he had green eyes (like Harry Potter) while I had the impression that they were brown or blue.  Then I realized that I didn't really know for sure, and started to wonder if it had even been mentioned.

I'm new to the board and not sure how to do this. The following spoiler is from Ghost Story.
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