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Topics - Andinel

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Using Evocation to move people
« on: August 18, 2012, 07:37:56 PM »
I'd like a character of mine to have a spell that pushes everyone in the same zone as them back a zone. How many shifts would this be? It would probably be either a force or air evocation.

DFRPG / How can you predict the future?
« on: July 15, 2012, 02:58:35 PM »
I'm about to start running a regular game, and one of the NPCs in my city is able to predict the future. I was wondering how I would model this in the game, likely with thaumaturgy. Are there any ideas?

DFRPG / DFRPG Digital GM Screens/TiddlyWikis
« on: June 26, 2012, 03:57:34 PM »
I'm about to run a new Dresden game, and I wanted to use the TiddlyWiki that someone made for DFRPG like I did for the last game I ran. The one on my hard drive has stopped working for some unexplained reason, so I want to download the newest version, but the links for the original (at and the updated version (at both seem to be down. Does anyone else have a copy I could use?

DFRPG / Soundtracks for a DFRPG game
« on: July 16, 2010, 01:11:16 AM »
What kind of music would be good to use for background music in a DFRPG game? I have a lot in my collection for running various games, but most of it doesn't seem to work too well - it's typically more suited for high-fantasy or science-fiction, of which DF is neither.

« on: July 07, 2010, 11:39:50 PM »
In Our World, in some of the sidebars, what does the (NE) abbreviation mean? I haven't found a meaning for it yet, and I can only assume it means something like Not Encountered or the like.

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