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Messages - KOFFEYKID

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DFRPG / Re: Succubus
« on: September 01, 2012, 11:28:53 AM »
This is my basic full on succubi package. They are tough broads.

-1 Incite Emotion (Lust)
-1 -At Range
-1 -Lasting Emotion
-1 -Potent Emotion
-1 Emotional Vampire
+1 Human Form
-3 -Spiritual Form
-2 --Poltergeist
-1 -Wings
-1 -Claws
+1 -Feeding Dependency
-2 --Inhuman Strength
-2 --Inhuman Speed
+2 --The Catch (Holy Stuff)
-2 ---Inhuman Toughness
-2 ---Inhuman Recovery

DFRPG / Re: Dhampir Catch - A Solid +3?
« on: August 16, 2012, 03:27:22 AM »
For those who are curious, here is the template I've come up with:

-1 Blood Drinker
-1 Claws/Fangs
+1 Human Form
+1 -Involuntary Change (Strong Negative Emotions: Anguish, Rage Etc)
-2 --Upgrades Inhuman Strength to Supernatural Strength
-1 --Berserker (Fists) (Completely Involuntary, Activates on Shift)
+1 Feeding Dependency
-2 -Inhuman Strength
-2 -Inhuman Speed
+3 --The Catch (Holy Stuff, Sunlight)
-2 ---Inhuman Toughness
-2 ---Inhuman Recovery

For those of you who have read the Dorina Basarab books, you'll see how I modeled this off of her abilities.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden files chat
« on: August 16, 2012, 01:26:59 AM »
Its not available since the forum upgraded, there is an unofficial IRC chat channel on the Darkmyst server, #DresdenFilesRPG. It doesn't see much use however.

DFRPG / Dhampir Catch - A Solid +3?
« on: August 15, 2012, 11:26:41 PM »
Any ideas for a catch on a Dhampir's Toughness/Recovery powers that would work at +3? I'm trying to create a template with 7 refresh to spend and its tough to fit it all in there.

The problem is I dont want to stray far from general vampire or dhampir lore so it needs to make sense. So far I'm just using the Ghoul's catch at +2 (Holy Stuff).

DFRPG / Re: What do you wish you'd known when you started?
« on: August 13, 2012, 11:23:39 AM »
Crafting can break the game into tiny little pieces. If anybody in your group decides to make a character whose only powers are Ritual (Crafting) and Refinement (Lots of Enchanted Item Slots), be very careful.

DFRPG / Re: How to bring a group together...
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:59:24 PM »
I actually think the best way to get them together would be to have a murder involving somebody they all know and respect.

Create an NPC who's only job is to be the thing that they all have in common. This figure would be somewhat of a rallying point for supernatural creatures in the area (depending on how supernatural your group is).

I mean, think about it like this.

Harry dies, everybody who has ever been helped by Harry would have an interest in solving his murder.

You need to create a Harry for your group and then off him in such a way that the supernatural public is shocked and mystified by.

DFRPG / Re: Damage Over Time Spells ($*&% Obius)
« on: August 10, 2012, 12:19:49 AM »
I had an idea while reading on how to fix spells like these.

Lets say somebody does a Damage over Time spell on a 4 stress track guy.

In round 1 he does 1 stress, marking XOOO on the track.
In round 2 he does 1 stress, and doesn't mark anything down on the track yet.
In round 3 he does 1 stress, marking XXOO on the track.
In round 4 he does 1 stress, and in round 5 he does 1 stress and in round 6 he does 1 more stress.

Finally he marks down XXXO on the track.

This change (that dot spells dont effect stress until it has filled that box's capacity) would make it much more reasonable. You'd need a relatively powerful Dot with a long duration to do anything more than hold somebody still.

DFRPG / Stationary Foci
« on: August 06, 2012, 07:41:00 PM »
Im just wondering what type of bonuses one might get for making their focus a stationary object. Something that cant reasonably be moved from one spot to another.

Little Chicago would be an example.
A silver binding circle would be another.

(Im not looking for a bonus so much as looking for a good reason to fulfill the trope of a Scrying Pool for a Divination specialist I'm working on. I'm just not seeing much purpose to these types of things when a mobile version seems just as good.)

DFRPG / Re: Keeping Wizard PCs from overshadowing non-Wizard PCs
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:27:56 PM »
Wizards will excel at any sort of combat with "one big bad dude". They get to unleash their awesome all at one target, repeatedly.

They will fall behind in multicombatant scenarios. When there are say, seven, eight or nine targets pinging at the group he wont necessarily have the resources to take them all down by himself. It becomes very dangerous since he will be exposed to multiple attacks per attack he does. This means he'll have to expend resources on keeping himself alive and fighting the enemies.

This is where non-wizards can really shine. They aren't necessarily limited by a resource mechanic in the same way that a wizard is, so they can rather carelessly attack while the wizard will have to pick and choose his targets. This gives everybody nice spotlight time. (IE: A Bunch of 3 refresh nasties, if you have four players at refresh 10, thats 40 refresh for a nice challenge. 13 Opponents is a nice sized bout.)

When you do have to introduce a "Big Hulking Bad Brute Thing" into the mix, try to give it some "Pee Wee" support. You will want to organize the playing field in such a way that they aren't all in the same zone. (IE: The Ick and some Red Court Infected/Vamps as support.)

Do not be shy about limiting downtime. A wizard will recoup his resources between every scene, so sometimes an extended scene should be called for, a protracted fight makes wizards very very nervous. (IE: Chase scenes, where the group is fleeing something bad.)

You can "pre-challenge" the wizard before a knock down drag out fight as well, and this is a nice way to give the wizard a "moment" while also limiting his impact in the combat encounter. A mystical roadblock that only he can nullify means he will come into the fight a little tired to begin with. (IE: Opening a way into the nevernever before getting to the battlefield.)

Arranging things so that the wizard will have to deal with a threat while the other players deal with the combatants is another great way to make sure that everybody gets to shine. Perhaps the wizard has to perform a ritual "under fire" while the rest of the group defends him. (IE: He has to dismantle a spell in progress while the caster's mooks are opening fire on him and his companions)

Creatures which have an effect on the mental stress track are *absolutely terrifying* opponents for wizards. Suddenly the wizard is Defending himself from physical attack, attacking, and getting mentally attack all at the same time. That's three types of resource drain at once. This can be dangerous though since other character types are usually less robust in the mental defense area.

Environmental Hazards can play a big part in limiting a wizard's effectiveness as well. If your wizard is constantly throwing about fireballs then peppering the scene with highly flammable materials is a great way to discourage him from being brash. It is completely fair that if the wizard Nukes something so hard core that there are 3 or more shifts of fallout that that remaining energy does *something* bad to the scene (like setting the aforementioned flammable objects ablaze).

Purely mundane human opponents can also give a wizard pause. Lawbreaking is a big deal and that will limit his options dramatically. Give those same humans otherworldly support and they can easily become a viable threat even without the lawbreaking limitations. (IE: A Fae sorcerer gave them very effective glamour armor and weapons, or someone like Cowl is doing a Regeneration spell on them like the Ghouls in the Deeps in White Knight).

DFRPG / Re: The Glass Jawed Wizard
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:27:20 PM »
Wizards will excel at any sort of combat with "one big bad dude". They get to unleash their awesome all at one target, repeatedly.

They will fall behind in multicombatant scenarios. When there are say, seven, eight or nine targets pinging at the group he wont necessarily have the resources to take them all down by himself. It becomes very dangerous since he will be exposed to multiple attacks per attack he does. This means he'll have to expend resources on keeping himself alive and fighting the enemies.

This is where non-wizards can really shine. They aren't necessarily limited by a resource mechanic in the same way that a wizard is, so they can rather carelessly attack while the wizard will have to pick and choose his targets. This gives everybody nice spotlight time. (IE: A Bunch of 3 refresh nasties, if you have four players at refresh 10, thats 40 refresh for a nice challenge. 13 Opponents is a nice sized bout.)

When you do have to introduce a "Big Hulking Bad Brute Thing" into the mix, try to give it some "Pee Wee" support. You will want to organize the playing field in such a way that they aren't all in the same zone. (IE: The Ick and some Red Court Infected/Vamps as support.)

Do not be shy about limiting downtime. A wizard will recoup his resources between every scene, so sometimes an extended scene should be called for, a protracted fight makes wizards very very nervous. (IE: Chase scenes, where the group is fleeing something bad.)

You can "pre-challenge" the wizard before a knock down drag out fight as well, and this is a nice way to give the wizard a "moment" while also limiting his impact in the combat encounter. A mystical roadblock that only he can nullify means he will come into the fight a little tired to begin with. (IE: Opening a way into the nevernever before getting to the battlefield.)

Arranging things so that the wizard will have to deal with a threat while the other players deal with the combatants is another great way to make sure that everybody gets to shine. Perhaps the wizard has to perform a ritual "under fire" while the rest of the group defends him. (IE: He has to dismantle a spell in progress while the caster's mooks are opening fire on him and his companions)

Creatures which have an effect on the mental stress track are *absolutely terrifying* opponents for wizards. Suddenly the wizard is Defending himself from physical attack, attacking, and getting mentally attack all at the same time. That's three types of resource drain at once. This can be dangerous though since other character types are usually less robust in the mental defense area.

Environmental Hazards can play a big part in limiting a wizard's effectiveness as well. If your wizard is constantly throwing about fireballs then peppering the scene with highly flammable materials is a great way to discourage him from being brash. It is completely fair that if the wizard Nukes something so hard core that there are 3 or more shifts of excess that that remaining energy does *something* bad to the scene (like setting the aforementioned flammable objects ablaze).

Purely mundane human opponents can also give a wizard pause. Lawbreaking is a big deal and that will limit his options dramatically. Give those same humans otherworldly support and they can easily become a viable threat even without the lawbreaking limitations. (IE: A Fae sorcerer gave them very effective glamour armor and weapons, or someone like Cowl is doing a Regeneration spell on them like the Ghouls in the Deeps in White Knight).

All hunger stress causes you to loose powers, hunger stress in excess of your stress track causes you to experience a "Hunger Take-Out," which would generally send you into a mindless feeding sort of headspace. That is the sort of situation that would likely force a White Court Virgin or a Red Court Infected to fall off the wagon and take the full template.

I didn't see this when I did a thread search. This is my attempt at Hunger based magic:

Hunger Magic [-1]
Description: You can channel the life force you've stolen to sate your hunger in order to bolster your spells.
Musts: Feeding Dependency, Some sort of Spellcasting
Skills Affected: None
Reach Into the Well. You may invoke one spellcasting related aspect for the cost of two hunger stress without paying a fate point.
Deeper Reserves. Since you've learned to use stolen life force for other purposes, you've also had to expand your capacity to store it. You gain one mild hunger consequence.

A Few Things, and Explanations

So the major concern with most Hunger Magic attempts we see on the boards is opening up a whole new track to evocation use, adding two to four extra evocations to a spellcaster's endurance. I've (at least I think so) cleverly avoided this by treating hunger based magic as a weaker type of sponsored magic. Treating your inner hunger as a sponsor allows you to "burn" feeds for extra oomph on your spells in the same way that you would get for taking a sponsor debt and invoking an aspect.

On the flip side taking hunger stress drops a like amount of Feeding Dependency attached powers, so I think that giving one "free" bit of extra oomph every so often isn't so bad, hence the extra mild consequence.

DFRPG / Re: Heavy Hitters of the Faerie Courts
« on: December 28, 2011, 07:16:44 PM »
I think at least Maeve would actually have inhuman strength. Remember, she was in the fight in the thunderdome with Harry and the Alphas. She was decked out in armor and riding a warhorse leading a bunch of knights in battle.

It is reasonable to assume that a Raith WCV feeds off lust, a Raith vampire who feeds off of despair is an exception not the rule.

See but your argument can be applied on a larger scale just as easily, see below:

A horde of vampires are charging you in their "average joe forms" (however the gain such a form is irrelevant), they do not have identical catches and you must identify which type of vampire they are (Black, White, Red or Jade) in order to determine their catch.

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