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Topics - Carl

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Something Amusing I Just Realised
« on: August 06, 2018, 08:36:37 PM »
Don't ask me what prompted this though because i have no idea, it was one of those random link together things.

I was thinking about our newest SPirit of Intellect, (does she have an official name yet or are we still using fan nicknames?), and it just sort of hit me. Bob the hedonistic spirit created by some ancient wizard of yore lives in what amounts to a palace. The spare skull that our new spirit is living in is a bargain basement model. In fact it;s pretty much the skull equivalent of Harry's old apartment, small dingy, cramped, but safely familiar. Given Where Harry, (and by extension Lash), lived and where Harry spent most of his time whilst she was developing that's really fitting, and funny.

DF Spoilers / Looking for a WoJ Regarding Cold Days
« on: August 04, 2018, 10:40:44 PM »
Been bingeing on tvtropes again and was going through the pages there, lot of stuff i allready knew and a few bit's i hadn't hard about, only one i really care about though that i haven't been able to track down any evidence of in the form of a WoJ.

Specifically that he considered killing Molly of instead of making ehr the new WL. Writing up some WAG's and i've had an idea crystalize that this would likely put a serious ding in. Besides i'm a big Molly fan and if that was a consideration it probably says bad things about her future level of presence in the books, (kinda allready implied with the whole WL thing but still).

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