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Topics - marrer

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DFRPG / How would you describe the Dresdenverse?
« on: January 23, 2013, 05:18:44 AM »
I'm planning on starting a campaign, and am trying to get people interested in joining; however, most of the people I've talked to Don't really know what The Dresden Files (I know it is a crime against everything that matters) let alone what the world it takes place in is like.  Hence, I've been thinking about how to go about describing things to them: like how magic users can affect technology, the different vampire courts, what the White Council is, etc..  I'm curious to know how you all would explain it so that maybe I can draw from you to give those whom I talk to about this a better, clearer understanding.  Because I had a big long discussion with one guy who wanted to play a technomancer--no not the music  ;), but rather in the sense of technology.  I explained to him about the oil and water effect casters tend to have with technology, and redirected him with a few possible ways he might get an idea like what he's thinking through an alternative route, but that isn't really important heheh.  Interested to see how you guys respond.

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