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Messages - doh573

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Re: Future books speculation.
« on: October 17, 2017, 06:59:23 PM »
Wait what?! The forums are closing??? What happened?

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: (Off Topic) I have to ask...
« on: December 26, 2013, 05:35:27 PM »
A mod would never remove a thread title completely. They might remove a sensitive word or phrase, but they would always leave something.

No but considering a lot of the threads are by the same person I figured the mods might have told him a few times. If he got fed up he might have deleted all this thread names? It was the only thing I could come up with for what might have happened?

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: (Off Topic) I have to ask...
« on: December 26, 2013, 04:59:24 PM »
The mods are also super picky about avoiding spoilers in thread titles even though this is the spoilers section which might be why some of the thread titles got removed

Ok lets do this!  >:(

Harry is going to take Murphy as his plus one. And he's going to make a joke about how she said she'd follow him to Hell and back and now she'll have the chance.

They're going to cross the river styx to get into Hades and Harry is going to piss off Charon (the ferryman)

Half way through the book the boss fight is going to be Cerberus. After Harry gets past him he's going to make a joke about how that never would have happened to Mouse.

They're going to some variation of Pans labyrinth and they're going to be stealing Pandoras box.

For my final wild shot in the dark guess, one of two things are going to happen. Harry is going to try and see Maggie but Michael not understanding that Harry was forced to work with and eventually betray the Nickleheads will refuse to allow him to see her as it would put her in danger.

Or Michael will try and fight Harry on the grounds that back (I think in White Night) when Harry first told Michael he had picked up the coin Michael made Harry a promise, that if Harry ever fell, ever became a monster he would be there to end him. And Michael seems like the kind of person who takes that seriously. I think if he see's Harry working with the Nickleheads he's going to assume Harry has picked up the coin and become one of them. He's trying to steal something that could be used to kill people and Michael is going to try and live up to his promise and bring Harry down as he said he wanted him to.

Bonus wild guess: In the Greek myth Orpheus loses his loved one and goes into Hades to get her back. Hades agrees he can have her back on the condition that he never look back to see if she is following him until he reach the surface. At the very end he caves and looks back and she's lost because of it. The same thing is going to happen to Harry and Murphy. The only difference is Harry won't look back and when they get to the surface she'll be there and he'll say something corny about how he trusted her and knew that she'd be there and I will get all chocked up and blame emo onions.

Guess I know will be accurate: I'm going to enjoy this book

anyone know if we have to sign up in advance for this or if we just show up?

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