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Messages - KevinEvans

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
Author Craft / Re: What is your best advice for a Fan to Author panel?
« on: February 20, 2016, 09:06:10 PM »
Be presentable, make your answers short but complete, and don't let yourself monopolize the time.

With luck you will have a good moderator, that will keep the panel moving and the fans interested.

Lastly if you have a book to promote, be positive and brief, having a card with a link to you site helps also.


Author Craft / NaNoing again 2015 version
« on: November 02, 2015, 08:34:10 PM »
Tossing all the projects on deck to the winds, I am going to write something new to clear out the cobwebs in my head.


As I said the rifle is new technology introduced in to the 1632 story cycle. It has the advantage of being reloadable in the prone position, this changes 17th century warfare dramatically.

One of our rules is that tech for the "New time line" has to work, there were question raised, so we made one. Grin.

This was not the first thing made, in the past we have hand made an aviation propeller, a two pound to the HP wooden block steam engine (bolt on iron cylinders), and a lead screw for a lathe starting with a drawn rod and wire.

Back to our writing (my wife and I), we just received the contract for "Murder and Chocolate" that comes out in Grantville Gazette vol. 55 Sept 1.

The work was actually written three years ago, publishing lead times are fun!


Oh, that's a lovely piece of hardware you're working on there.  Never big on blackpowder myself, but I respect and appreciate the craftsmanship there.  Gorgeous work.

I have been stalling, The six part braided short story collection for the GG is calling. 95% finished)

How ever I have been making this,

It is all handmade except the barrel, .50 cal, cut rifling, sixty two inches over all, and can be reloaded in the prone position.

In my defense, it is from one of my co author's NYT best selling novel.

Back to making literary sparks,

Author Craft / Re: NaNoWriMo 2013
« on: November 28, 2013, 09:40:56 AM »
I made the word count goal and validated.... The actual story is only about sixty percent done, but the annual NaNo productivity boost, has again provided motivation for the rest of the year.

Now I need to get back to the edits I have been ducking, I wish I could be a one pass and perfect writer.


Progression note, we are taking our first big advance and cruising to the Bahamas next Monday. A step at a time, but we are getting somewhere.

Author Craft / Re: NaNoWriMo 2013
« on: November 02, 2013, 06:37:18 AM »
I am in, trying to get the core of the last book in the trilogy.


Author Craft / Re: Fictional Locales, Real World
« on: September 15, 2013, 07:18:00 AM »
Something that could help for city information, use Google Earth, with the street view option. This lets you see the location like you are standing there, doesn’t help with the feel and emotion of the place, but you can see what it looks like.



Our novella "Fire on the Rio Grande" is scheduled for "Ring of Fire IV" from Baen in 2014.

History, Idea pitched in 2011 at DragonCon, story turned in March 2013, approved last week.

This publishing thing grinds along slowly.....


Well it is finally out, Eric Flint has announced "Ring of Fire Press".

It is a venue for novellas from the magazine, mostly stories that are too long for the "best of" yearly anthologies, and too short for their own book.

More specifically to my wife and I, is the release of our novella "No ship for Tranquebar"

It is a first for Karen and I.


We spent last week on Colorado Springs, had lunch with our publisher, had a story (22,000 words) moved up to the next anthology. (11 months out)

Sold another story, and finalized reprint contracts for past serialized novellas.

Was a great week.



We had a writing milestone last week. We received our first TV option pay out.... Not quite enough for a cup of coffee, but a payout none the less.


Just a quick drop by...

The novella "Fire on the Rio Grande" Has been sent off to the anthropologists for a plausability check, and then it gets turned in. It ran to 23K (20K contracted) so the editor can have fun in the pre pub edit, Grin.

Nano this year is the last half of a Space Opera from last year. 16703 to date, slogging along nicely. Currently writing about Rock-crusher Bennet and his dagger, four feet around and a hundred thousand miles long....


Market info;


Good market tips here.


Sorry about the Hiatus,

Finished the engine (steam powered aviation one each) took it to world con,

We got back and finished "Fire on the Rio Grande" and got it to a beta reader, good comments back, looks like one or two more passes before we can turn it in.

Received a request to assemble all the short stories about one of our character sets in to a short novel, plus some new content, to go in to a new publishing venue, that means about 12 K of new writing to be done. Fortunately it is all ready plotted and outlined. We just need to get it done and edited before Nov....

Back to the salt mines,

Author Craft / Re: Those of you who are published, how did you get started?
« on: September 18, 2012, 11:48:13 AM »
Getting here a bit late,

I write with my wife. We got started when I was ambushed at a World Con room party in Anaheim, I didn't escape until we were committed to two articles and a short story.

In the intervening years we have ended up as SFWA members, lots and lots of paid work, and a number of novels on the "submission go round".

Writers write, everything else if frosting on the cupcake.
Formal training is nice, however many successful authors never spent a day in class, for writing...

So write, then write some more, and then (you got it) get it written down. (Grin)


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