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Messages - monster ma x 3

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: March 03, 2007, 04:27:26 PM »
I've also answered this under a different topic, so apologies for the repeat.  My husband noticed during the 3rd episode that the show was based on "the novels of Jim Butcher,"  so I checked the library on my next visit...and totally messed up!  I picked up what I now know to be the 8th book, and read it first.  The copy was missing the page with the book list, so...  Anyway I've read # 1, and decided I couldn't wait for the other really slow people to finish # 2 and picked it up last night.  My husband is laughing pretty hard, for now.  But he is somewhat concerned about what's going to happen once I've read them all and am forced to wait for the next.  Apparently, I don't handle suspense well over extended periods of time.  Anyway, all of that was to say that I have really enjoyed what I've read so far, and have recommended the series to a few friends.  Not quite sure how I feel about not being "cool" anymore, but I guess it's relative.  I'm strong, I'll overcome!

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