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Messages - Serack

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Whew!  Glad you reminded me... I was puzzling how to look tough and deadly to Rampires while carrying a I don't have to...nanny nanny boo boo Rampires. 

Of course, I could go as Susan wearing a Red Riding Hood outfit.....nah...that's just too weird for words.

If I were going for this I'd wear a tactical harness with the various anti vampire implements hanging from it.

The general army issue A.L.I.C.E. Pistol belt with suspenders shouldn't set you back too much at an army surplus store if you have one nearby.

Here's a full set with ammo pouches included for ~$16 on ebay to show you what I mean

Got it.  A basket of Rampire killing goodies it is.  And, if I get hungry, thirsty or need a prayer I'm covered  ;)  Thanks, Serak! ;D

The basket itself was a part of her Little Red Riding Hood costume

Thanks, this stuff (garlic, holy water, etc.) is good for Rampires as well as Blampires?  One place I read says sunlight is good for half Rampires fighting the Red side---but Rampires go about in the light, right...or only when they've got their human skins on?

Thanks for the help!

Susan had a basket full of goodies that turned out effective in Grave Peril.  It was mostly Holy Water, Garlic, and a cross or something.

Someone in Changes said that
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DF Spoilers / Re: This is a SPOILERS OKAY zone
« on: December 08, 2010, 01:56:04 PM »
Before SJ I tried to spoiler cover anything that was from the short stories that wasn't directly mentioned in the title because they were so non readily available.  I still do the same thing with Even Hand: 
(click to show/hide)

There are written guidelines that suggest that anything that's been in print for over a year is fair game, but if you feel that somoene reading your post might not have already read the info you are sharing, and it's not covered in the title, it won't hurt to cover it up.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: More Suspect Members
« on: December 08, 2010, 01:09:14 PM »
Yeah, already reported taht one.

Do you sleep bro?

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Accept donations
« on: December 05, 2010, 08:17:19 PM »
well...thats like stealing from me but mailing the check to my exwife.

Where are you located? Can a private person ship the books to you?
Have you tried itunes?

me being penguin I take it?

It makes sense that he would associate the books with JB rather than Penguin, and this is the only avenue he can find to attempt to rectify what he sees as doing JB a wrong.

I read last week about people in the UK on Amazon who bought Side Jobs in bulk to save on shipping and then sold the extra copies on ebay to others in the UK so that they can get it without having to pay so much to have it shipped across the pond.  Hopefully this person can find something similar.  Otherwise there are your other suggestions.

But yah, this site is actually run by one of Jim Butcher's personal friends, and any proceeds it generated wouldn't exactly go to Penguin.

DFRPG / Re: Oberon and the Courts of Fall and Spring
« on: December 05, 2010, 08:01:29 PM »
Don't worry. WoJ simply stands for the Word of Jim. There is a labor of love to collect and document everyone of Jim's interviews, both written and verbal, internet and live. They are used as references to establish the "canon" for the Dresdenverse.

They can be found,43.0.html and are lovingly tended by Serack, keeper of the WoJ.

lol, officially, I think Myyrdn Eopia deserves that title as the WoJ mod.  I prefer "Self proclaimed WoJ Guru."

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Display Case Contenders
« on: December 03, 2010, 07:45:40 PM »
Folks, the Display Case isn't for single moments of hilarity.  It's for whole threads that are so insightful or clever or funny that folks feel purging them would represent a loss to the forum.

I'm unsure if this thread is monumental enough, but I've found it quite insiteful, and have actually quoted it in a few responses where people asked about mister, so I was hoping it could be placed in the display case.  It's already been thread locked so it's in danger of getting purged.,19545.msg864164.html#msg864164

Also, this post has a lot of comments from Iago that I've used similarly wrt inquiries about the DFRPG.  It hasn't been autolocked yet but it's been dormant for almost 6 months.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Guests?
« on: December 03, 2010, 02:26:01 AM »
I don't get why some of aine's posts are listed as guest, and other times, she has a profile.

I'm guessing she somehow/somewhy reset her account but I'm not sure.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim and Shannon at TusCon in Tucson, AZ
« on: November 28, 2010, 03:05:25 AM »
I dunno, I don't put much on my laptop, it's pretty much designated for writing and schoolwork.

I'm sure it's not hard to do it, I just need to find something to do it and learn how. Once I finish my Alera Fic, it's going to be my first prority.

[emote]Looks at Enjorous significantly[/emote]

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Stars over avatar...
« on: November 28, 2010, 01:24:40 AM »
I was thinking bureaucracy inaction ;)


Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: November 28, 2010, 01:22:28 AM »

Florida is a big state and many of those who live here read.  It is true.  Some of us read LOTS... and some of the "lots" are books featuring Mr. Dresden. 

PLEASE come to Florida!!

I'm living in VA now, and I'm totally stoked about getting to see JB at marscon, but having been born and raised in nFL I wana add to this comment. 

Not only is FL a big and populous (jeeze I hope I spelled that right) state, but for my folks in the south/central Florida area, it takes over 3 hours to leave the state on a beeline for GA.  Getting to Atlanta takes much longer than that and outside FL that's the closest metro area that JB has visited that I know of.  And Miami is another 2.5 hours south of where they live.

A trip to Orlando would put JB within  about a 3 hour drive of several pretty big areas (Miami, the Palm Beaches, Tampa, Jacksonville, Boca, Tallahassee (a little farther), Orlando itself, and everything in between).  And for many of these areas, getting outside the state is a much much longer drive. 

If I do one of these, should I leave out the "uh"s?

Edit: I will take these two
2010 Brief Side Jobs interview from his Publisher
2009 Turn Coat Release Party Interview

I always do.  I frequently even leave out parts where he starts saying one thing for 1 or 2 words, and then rephrases it in a way that sounds much better.  I think of it as the backspace key...

I won't be able to get it done right away, but I'm setting my sights on 2010 The Walking Eye Interview about the DFRPG with Fred Hicks (Iago) and Jim podcast audio

There is a WoJ in there somewhere about there being a similar power vacume after the stokerlipse that I want to include in the compilation.

Site Suggestions & Support / Stars over avatar...
« on: November 23, 2010, 05:05:49 PM »
What exactly is the significance of the # of stars/their color?  I just noticed that Myyrdn's stars are green in the forums he has mod priv's in but yellow in the others.

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