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Messages - sscout

Pages: [1]
DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: April 15, 2010, 12:14:19 AM »
I have a question about the beta list, how can I join?

I don't want money or spoilers or to know something ahead of schedule, I just want to help get the books out faster. I proofed Brooke London's ( Pitch Dark in about 1 week and caught a bunch of mistakes / typos her editors missed (didn't get paid either :P). I'm pretty sure he hasn't heard of this but I offered the same to Patrick Rothfuss, who last I checked keeps rewriting parts of book 2 of The Kingkiller Chronicles .

I've been editing / proofing 'for fun' since I started reading Enid Blyton around age 10. I've been editing / proofing profesionally since around 1997-8, mostly in spanish but lately mostly in english. The only large samples of my work are mostly translations or I'd put some of it up on the web.

Other than including it on my writer's resume I don't even know how I could possibly profit from doing this, unless someone recommended me to a publisher for online work. But I love the Dresden Files and Codex Alera, so I'm volunteering. That's all :) <-- I'll be more than happy to answer any questions here.

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