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Messages - Blaze

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Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Quote button?
« on: April 03, 2007, 12:46:22 AM »
Yeah, I used to have to do the HTML for a web site I maintained, but I needed to keep a notebook to remember all that stuff.  And the Hex for the colors.

Fortran anyone?  LOL

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Quote button?
« on: April 03, 2007, 12:34:56 AM »
You young whipper snappers who can write your own code!  8 D  If I wrote code it would be Aramaic I'm so out of date.  LOL

I'm not married to the new use of the Quote button.  I can delete with the best of them. 

I love being able to highlight and click, though... so don''t take that away!

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Quote button?
« on: April 02, 2007, 07:52:10 PM »
See, and I feel the opposite way.  You can alter a quote when you quote, so I found it is better to go to the original post when quoting quotes. 

It has also saved me a lot of deleting when I want to respond to the person's comment and not need the quote they cited.

In a debate, you do not need to believe in what you are saying, you simply take a point of view and do your darnedest to bring everyone over to the side/opinion you have chosen to promulgate.

In a discussion, you voice your opinions, and you listen to the opinions of others.  There does not need to be defense or attack in discussion as there is in a debate.

In a debate, one does not have to honor or respect the opposing position, or the proponent of that postion/opinion.

In discussion, everyone must be considered equal, and the validation of ideas is not so stringient.  There is no proof required in discussion, "that's my opinion" is sufficient justification for saying something.

You can, on a debate board set out rules:

All facts must be documented.
No obscene language.
The opinions stated do not have to be your actual opinions.
You may not say anything personal about the others engaged in the debate.
The debate must stay on topic. 

In a discussion, people can stray.  Discussions are organic.  They evolve.  In a discussion it is impolite to make personal comments, but there is no preclusion to the odd:  "Boy you're dumb."

How can you enforce a debate?  Simple, the moderator allows for three warnings of infraction of whatever rules are set out, and on the third infraction the person in violation is erased.  I can think of no more humiliating a fate on a discussion board than to have your name up there with a big blank space, or where the moderator wrote:  Violator. 

(Of course if the person redresses error and infractions they would get set back to zero.)

Debates could even have points or allow other users to vote on who wins.

In a Conversation, usually everyone wins.  We all have a nice time, a few laughs and go away satisfied.

Anyway, that is my opinion.  Thank you for asking.

DFRPG / Re: RPG group areas
« on: March 18, 2007, 01:46:06 AM »
I feel so blessed here in Kingston, NY where we have had a gaming group since 1979.  People come and go, but the group has held fast.

May I suggest some things to help you with founding your gaming group?

You can find RPGists a number of ways, your local book or hobby store.  Post a notice there stating that you would like to start a game up.

Your school/college might have an RPG club under any of many names, or you can try posting at your loca library (some have a community room where you caneven play until you know the group members better.)

Or you can ask two (or more) friends to try it out with you, and learn together as you go.

The trick is to find a Game Master/Story Teller who knows better than to play against the party.   That is the way to darkness...

DFRPG / Re: What was your biggest screw-up as a GM?
« on: March 09, 2007, 02:28:10 PM »
ROTFLMAO -- I like that one!  Thanks for sharing Corbin!

DFRPG / Re: What was your biggest screw-up as a GM?
« on: March 07, 2007, 08:05:37 PM »
Singling it down to one biggest screw up... 

Allowing people who are really siblings to play siblings, when they brought all their baggage along from real life.

That just about put an end to the game group for some odd reason...  Oh, yeah, the sibs were married to two other gamers and expected the whole party to pull into sides.  I ended up not needing villains, they were already in the party.

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