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DFRPG / Please statting the Edward Elric
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:48:33 PM »
What do u thing about his stats (without Philosopher stone)?

DFRPG / Big bad wolf
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:24:38 PM »
So, I want to create elder werewolf (NOT Loup-garou). He must tottaly control himself and his poweres, but he must be also stronger than Alphas. If you let use example from comics... if Billy is Hawkeye, so, my werewolf must be Midnighter.
Any ideas?

DFRPG / Silly question
« on: October 23, 2013, 04:34:48 PM »
 Guys, I know, it sounds silly, but I must clarify rolles about armor for game, and I can't find it in book. Can somebody give the page number or chapter at least?

DFRPG / Werewolves reboot
« on: June 07, 2013, 08:28:38 PM »
This is complete version of my houserules for "werewolves' superpower" in DF-verse. I used some ideas of Mersy-verse, nWoD, Codex Alera and some my own rules (they will be marked *). If someone find it usefull, I would be glad) And of couse, I want to thank Deadmanwalking, who explained rules and give the character example.
Let's start.
  • flaws is common for any werewolf)
Werewolf by default:
Supernatural Constitution (Long Life) [–0]
Echoes of the Beast [–1]
Pack Mentality [–3]* (In addition to the RAW-effects of Pack Instinkt they can feel rough condition and location of all members of the pack. Any social and mental attaks, which use supernatural abilities is always faul, exept of some epic enimies at the discretion of DM).
Supernatural Sense [–1] (they "smell" magic, but can't recognize it - they can "smell" that someone have mgic powers, but won't know, is it Sponsored or True Magic)
Human Form [+2] (Cuz changing of form takes about 10 minutes and make them pain) affects:
Beast Change [–1]
Claws [–1]
Cloak of Shadows [–1]
Involuntary Change (Full moon) [+1] Werewolves can shapeshift when they want, but one night per month they must shapeshift.
Inhuman Toughness [–2]
The Catch [+3]: silver. Silver weapon ingnoring Armor, and effects Fast Recovery and Shrug It Off (not Total Recovery).
Feeding Dependency (Meat) [+1] affects:
Inhuman Speed [–2]
Inhuman Strength [–2]
Inhuman Recovery [–2]
Total Refresh Cost: – 9.

As the "basic" but
Supernatural Strength [-4] and Toughness [-4]
Bless of Fenris [-2] (my development):
Once per chapter werewolf can use this  ability and change a roll-results of any roll, which is used for damage to the enemy (from  throwing stones to firing) for the rest of scene ("-"-marked would be counted as "blanked" dice. For example roll-results +-+0 would be counted as +0+0).

As the "basic" but
Supernatural Speed and Recovery
Bless of Trickster [-2]*:
Once per chapter werewolf can use this  ability and change a rollresults of any roll the deceit of their enemy  for the rest of scene ("-"-marked would be counted as "blanked" dice. For example roll-results +-+0 would be counted as +0+0).

As the "basic" but
One Supernatural [-2] physical power by gamer's choise, Worldwalker[-2]
Some Magic School [-3]
(Werewolves need some original and charismatic magical ability, but I 'm not sure what it must be. May be something like Mysticism or Shamanismof RuneQuest). May be usual Evocation or Thaumaturgy.

In addition to basic forms and abilityie, she can use Loup-Gauru-like forms with template:
Echoes of the Beast [–1]
Pack Mentality [–3]
Supernatural Sense [–1]
Human Form [+2] affects:
Beast Change [–1]
Claws [–1]
Supernatural Toughness [–4]
Feeding Dependency (Meat) [+1] affects:
Supernatural Speed [–4]
Supernatural Strength [–4]
Supernatural Recovery [–4]
Also, Predator's charm [-2]* (any social roll has 0-instead-"-").
Organisation issues:
Basic unit of society wolf's society is a pack. It's not juat a gung or bunch of friends, but the second (for some wolves - first) family, which sealed by mystical bonds. It's not easy relations, with hierarchy and problems, but they wery strong.
In usual packs (15-40 "basic" werewolves) there is a warriors (5-6 Scouts and Enforcers), 1-2 Shamans and Alpha, and all of them obey to Packmasters (who gowern some middle areas) with their Noble pack (10-20 really strong and experienced werewolves). At the top of the pyramid - Elders (from seweral ages to 1000+ yeras old), who governs all werewolves within the some big area (for example, American South or Middle West) and their Royal pack.

Population size:
Something about 1 werewolf/100000 mortals.
Also they have many allies and vassals (shapeshifters, Lycanthrops, spirits and others).

They are widely spread over the world, but prefer or megapolisyb or provincial towns and villages.

Social status:
Different, but they prefer something "agressive" - army, police, Secret Service or MES.
At the end, there is around 10-20 warriors per 60-80 "basic", 1 Packmaster control 5-6 usual pack, and 1 Royal pack control 3-4 Noble pack.
Also, I have some ideas about their background.
So, is their powerful enought to be the real rival for other kinds?

DFRPG / Other-setting's creatures
« on: January 09, 2013, 07:46:50 AM »
What do you think, is it possible (and correct) to use characters and beings of another setting in DF-verse?
 Becouse I wont "digitize" werewolves fron Mercyverse, but I'm afraid they would be strong too much for Dresden files.
I can describe them, if someone need.

DFRPG / Game for werewolves.
« on: April 15, 2012, 08:06:27 PM »
Hello! I would like to arrange a game of DF, with werewolves as main characters. The plot (possibly) be a supernatural criminal story. The struggle for power over the city, blackmail, torture, murder, treason and other mutual joy of life. But you need a more advanced society of werewolves, with its own hierarchy.
 Thus, the structure of the "enclave" werewolf:
1) Hunters - the usual werewolves like Alf, three packs of 10-15 individuals. They know how things (at Billy and his team), but in normal times is not mobilized.
2) Soldiers - well-trained fighters (usually with the experience of serving in the army, police and special forces). 4 packs of 3-4 fighter with weapons and special means. They form the first line of defense. Physically - on an equal fight svampirami Red Court.
3) Rangers - intelligence and covert operations. There are only five in the entire city. Well-trained specialists.
4) Shaman - two of them, provide magical support. Specialists in Tau, ordinary talents and communicating with spirits.
5) Councillors - professionals of legal and financial issues, hackers, etc. 6 people.
6) The master - the most powerful, clever and experienced werewolf, own a controlled form of Lou-Garou (though it can be destroyed not only in silver).
 Say what? Such a community could equally at odds with the city department of the Red Court of similar size? And anyway, it looks quite decent in terms of setting of Butcher?

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