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Topics - Kaldra

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Evocation at Thaumaturgy speed?
« on: November 21, 2010, 01:08:36 AM »
i was explaining what you could and couldn't do to a person with thaumaturgy and they asked "so if i had a picture of some vampire, a recent picture, as my symbol and enough time, why couldn't i make a ball of fire fall out of the sky and kill them?" to which i had no real reply. with thaumaturgy you can do pretty much anything although the only examples of offensive thaumaturgy are curses why couldn't one do evocation at thaumaturgy speed?

which sparked up a debate over what would the specializations look like and how would you classify the bonuses for that type of casting? another way to think about might possibly be what Theme would it fall under? entropomancy? Siege magic? ritual (fire evocation)?

so the questions are: can you do evocation at Thaumaturgy speeds and what would it look like, what would the bonuses be, and do you think this the system/world?

DFRPG / Wards and Thresholds
« on: November 05, 2010, 09:34:03 AM »
we know that a threshold is needed for a ward but does a better threshold make for a better ward? would using a great +4 reduce the complexity by 4? could i tag the threshold? or is it just a pre-req?

DFRPG / They Went off The Deep End... and might come back
« on: November 03, 2010, 09:56:49 AM »
had a intense session today/night, it opened up with the party going toe to toe with Two Nickel heads, they managed to down one of them and the other ran off after two people taking serious consequences, they picked up the nickle and then put it into a vault untill they could drop it off at the church, while nursing their wounds they proceeded to make calls pound the pavement and try to track down where the other Nickel head went. They proceeded to track it down to the mayors house where they found out it was the mayor who held the other coin who had the players house raided while the two mobile had tracked him down. the only players who were not captured were a pure mortal based off of eliot from leverage and a true beliver who went to the church and prayed while the Greg, the pure mortal went to the vault took up the coin and went off the deep end to save his friends ( he acepted 5 compels his HC Portlands cop in the know, his trouble: death knocks my friends doors, and 3 of his other aspects ) and saved the day, i hadnt intended for the situation to seem dire enough to warant that but well it happened and then near the end of the session the true beliver made the move to redeem him. now the true beliver is going to get a sword in 1 refresh, and this seems like a great opportunity to have the true beliver really shine, but at the same time it feels like the player who went off the deepend should have to roll up a new character.... any thoughts i am torn as what to do.

DFRPG / [Proposal] New Child Board: DFRPG Resources
« on: October 28, 2010, 08:11:39 PM »
now that i figured out how to post a poll  :-[ here it is.

Would you like to see a new board set up to house stickies and threads about resources people can use while playing and running dresden games?

some example stickies would be: writeable/saveable character sheet, PC creator, generic NPC's, Hombrew stunt master list and others.

this new board would give two primary benefits, it keeps the base board for general questions and stickies. and second it allows posts that would other wise just fall away to stay on the first few pages longer.

DFRPG / [Proposal] New Child Board : DFRPG Resources.
« on: October 25, 2010, 02:32:33 AM »
The community has been busy generating lots of content here on the main DFRPG board and i think it is time to make a new board to house the content that has to do with game aids and resources for players and story tellers alike.

this board would contain such items as: homebrew stunt master list, DFRPG character generator, NPC manager and other tidbits that the community comes up with.

thoughts? ideas? i love feed back.

DFRPG / Selling magic items?
« on: August 28, 2010, 06:52:25 AM »
so i have a player who wants to sell enchanted items and potions, this sounds fine to me but then i started thinking about the items being bound and maintained by who ever made them. so once my player sells an item it feels like he should no longer be responsible for maintaining it aka it should no longer take up a slot; which seems fine nine times out of ten. but now a fellow player wants to buy some items to use on a more regular basis instead of them being loaned to him. the player buying an item should have to expend Something, a few things i have been considering are requiring fate points to be spent to use the item every time or perhaps one fate point per session per item to represent them empowering or the upkeep of the items. another idea i had would let people take a form of refinement for nothing but item slots.

any ideas? input?

DFRPG / "Law Breaker" the mortal version
« on: August 26, 2010, 03:07:21 AM »
during a discussion of the first law several people asked why wasn't there a consequence for a mortal who kills another mortal ( refresh wise )? no matter how you get there the taking of a life is a big deal.

starting with the base LawBreaker power seems like a solid place.

after the first life you take and every X after that you gain a plus 1 on the act and loose another point of refresh. more or less like the slippery slope part of Lawbreaker.

any one else have ideas or input on the matter?

DFRPG / Stating out Soulfire
« on: August 26, 2010, 02:50:43 AM »
i have been reading through the book and one of the sections i was most interested in was sponsored magic and Soulfire but when i read the entry i was let down with what they give from a stats point of view. soul fire is the magical rebar it reinforces and strengthens magical effects. it even costs one more point of refresh. but what does it actually do beyond reducing toughnesses and catches?

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